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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. it's still sunny and I'm about to open the red that nobody else wants to drink here I go....
  2. Pretty sure they're marked "return to sender". I did particularly enjoy the irony or bare faced cheek of the white australian woman in the latest phone footage 'scandal' giving an asian woman abuse and telling her to go back to her own country. Although to be fair to that woman, she may be mid breakdown. Anyway, that's off off topic.
  3. Am I the only one that noticed the rapid edit? Originally said: "HE was... well.. " Ajax and Guzan sittin' in a tree k. i. s. s. i. n. g.
  4. Buy them off? How much would be enough? I guess £15 would get them enough vodka to forget for a night. £1,000 and they could have a nice holiday and put it all behind them. I don't know if you missed it, he was still downloading the filth right up until he was arrested. What about the kids in those 2012 pictures? Chuck them a few quid and explain he's just a harmless old man? I guess whilst he's inside there's a lesser chance he'll continue downloading and creating demand for new images. Anyway, that's my lot. If you can't work out my views from that lot it ain't gonna happen.
  5. Nah, come on that's not fair, don't make that leap because it's not right. I would never want anyone anywhere physically harmed regardless of what they've done. But there are people inside with a warped sense of 'good' criminality and 'poor' criminality and people that want a slice of celebrity. These people may well be unlike anyone Harris has previously had to share his life with and unlike anyone he's ever previously had in the same room when he's trying to shower or have a shit and there is no door to close or lock. Don't turn that fact in to people wishing physical pain and revenge. Chemical castration, well now that's a whole different discussion......
  6. Who wants him hurt? and again, if you don't want the poor frail wife distraught, don't do the crime it really really is that simple
  7. correct, I strongly disagree if you don't want to spend time in prison for child molestation it's really simple, don't molest children it wasn't tax fraud or parking fines, he wrecked lives, he's scum whatever his last birthday was he was also still down loading child sex images in 2012 when they arrested him btw
  8. He'll be in a vulnerable prisoner wing so highly likely he won't come into any contact with the average prisoner. All the same, best he doesn't go anywhere near somebody with a boiling kettle and an empty sugar bag. Being in his 80's having had a fairly soft and priviledged life he's going to have to be that fast a learner. The sentence looks lenient because he has the 'good fortune' of having been convicted for crimes committed before the mid 80's. It was only around 1985 that courts and politicians began to take child rape and kiddy fiddling seriously. He can only be tried and convicted for the crimes of the day, with the punishments of the day. Sex with a minor back in the 70's could only be worth 2 years (out in 11 months), so the judge has wrapped up pretty much the maximum he could give hime without danger of an appeal. He'll serve 33 months by current tariffs, with the slight difference that as a sex offender he'll have to admit to his crime and get therapy to be considered for such an early release. 33 months inside for someone in their 80's, he might not come back out. Not least, as they are now considering further charges.
  9. bought today, off a busker in Ludlow bit of a result, it was £5, got it home and there were two 20p's in the plastic envelope - probs due to some scruffy throwing of coins by passers by so £4.60 for me!
  10. 1970's Debbie Harry did it for me every time, not the photo I wanted to post but y'know
  11. it's not where they live they have to worry about, it's where they're going I thought the ethnicity one was fascinating. I might have mentioned a while ago that my nipper brought the whole school photo home and it was virtually entirely white. Having just looked at the ethnicity chart, it shows this area as 98.4% white British. I wonder how many of that 98.4% are worried about all the foreigners.
  12. Ah yes, the old 88's; rated "Top Buy" in Aspirational Notebook User Monthly. needs an 'S' word to replace Monthly, but I'm struggling to think of one that still keeps it as a magazine / journal / periodical that might make it onto NTNOCN
  13. whole new level to being caught with a stiffy
  14. oh yes, small notebook beats the pants of attempting to use a smart phone - it's instant and recoverable all my stuff is in little notebooks I was so impressed with my A5 pad with black rubberised cover that I got from Sainsburys (£4.50), I went back and stocked up. I get through about one a quarter - but I like them to be consistent and not a higgle piggle bunch of mis matched books. So once I've found a good one, I stock up. I'll be good now until spring / summer 2015. decent pens too! currently rocking a few sets of Stabilo 88's with a fine 0.4 nib
  15. I think the difference is, if I got in my car this morning and there was an illiterate, scared, sweaty Palestinian kid in the back seat, I'd get back out and walk to work.
  16. Less of a hit than the 6 RH paintings of Malta my boss has stored away. I did half jokingly offer him half price for them when the news broke, but he decided to ride the wave.
  17. see, I'd have been tempted to shout something about infidels whilst trying to ignite my underpants for the lolz
  18. I thought Jesse was Lester Nygaard's kid? I mean, that could actually work as a spin off.... ...right up until Jesse's lawyer has to talk to the Bemidji Police Department, then it would all get a bit odd.
  19. She's hilarious. appears to be an american version of Katie Hopkins that's probably enough said from me
  20. '70's pub rock / psych / folk / MOR madness from the mountain people 2 consecutive days in Cardiff and I've gone all cymdeithas yr iaith Ludlow and Kings Heath tomorrow so I'l make sure I've got some ELO, Traffic and Musical Youth in the mix.
  21. no worry - concurrent / jumpy time frame
  22. and river and lake fishing, big pile of cack Sea fishing, that can be awesome, there is a small but real chance of death and the UK's largest shark was caught just off the coast about a week ago. So sea fishing yeah! Fishing in a little stream by a little tree for a little trout, that's for ghey tory pussies in their red blazers and jodhpurs.
  23. change the old bag, that's my advice
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