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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Yeah, admittedly that doesn't look too clever, but as Glar says, if they would only concentrate on building tourist hotels they'd be fine.
  2. I'd give it to Vlaar all day before I gave it to Messi based on this tournament only.
  3. chrisp65


    1 night will make it a struggle to get value I reckon. Staying at a Disney Hotel is a good idea because then your park tickets get you in early - we used this last year and we got on every ride we wanted before the hoards of day trippers arrived. That was really worth while, peak season, two goes on space mountain without any queuing. As for Paris itself, excellent, clean, friendly and safe. A cheesey open top bus tour will show you all the sites in a short space of time if you're just check listing photo opportunities. I'd been a few times in the past and enjoyed it but had a few reservations about how co-operative or welcoming the locals were. This time there was a sea change, everybody everywhere was lovely. Came home working out when we could go back. One little tip - if you use anything like Tesco points or an AA renewal etc see if you can get discount on the tunnel. We used Tesco vouchers to get us through the tunnel for free and drove down in a couple of hours - again, French motorways were easy to navigate and a pleasure to drive on.
  4. And we think we have it bad There's no winners in this odious quartet to be fair. aaah, Gray, I was thinking Freddie Starr was the odd one out.
  5. plans for next 10 minutes: a quick pee n poop talk to the kids n missus offer a cup of tea or cold drink open large bag dry roasted peanuts explain what's about to happen adopt comfy position on sofa zone out
  6. establishment to lead inquiry into, er, the establishement With the accusation today that the Baroness leading the inquiry may have already previously covered up paedophile allegations against a Bishop, who could head such an inquiry? It would surely be almost impossible to find a figure beyond all possible suspicion that has the gravitas and nous to cut through establishment smoke and mirrors. Really not sure who it could be, almost needs to be a non-national, possibly somebody drafted in from truly 'outside'. By outside I mean the EU, or Interpol or the USA etc., but you can just imagine the shitstorm in some parts of the press if we had some johnny foreigner EU type looking through our grubbiest of files.
  7. Let's play pretend - what else do you think Israel needs to do in order to bring Hammas to stop seeing it as an entity which should be cleansed? Oh I think the tactic as it stands is pretty close to perfect.There is no way that the recent murder of 100 or so civilians (the exact number is, lets be honest, irrelevant as they are only statistics and human detritus) could possibly lead to new recruits for the murderers on the other side. Current Israeli policy of bombing the poor and the uneducated is brilliant and will, I'm sure, lead to a drop off in recruits looking for revenge. In fact, if only you could kill more of them, quicker, preferably quite young kids, doubtless that would cause the situation to be resolved even quicker. Then, once Israel have killed, say, 50,000 as a nice round number, then that number of killings will clearly cause the other side to switch to tourism infrastructure and leave poor innocent Israel alone. For the record, if you were from the other mad team, I'd pretty much be saying the same thing. On absolutely no account should both sides actually honestly talk to each other for a painful and extended period of time about actually inching towards resolving this situation, that's the last thing the gangsters and murderers and arms salesmen need.
  8. Are these arguments distributed and rehearsed? Or are they just absorbed by exposure to one sided propaganda? Glar, you are the third person I've heard or read in two days that has used this argument of Hammas could invest in hotels and attract tourism but instead they spent it digging tunnels. To the point that the wording is suspiciously similar. Was it some recent speech or article that people have been asked to distribute? To be fair, it's something I've often wondered about refugees all over the world. Why don't they stop moaning and get the tourists in. To be fair, it's brilliantly funny in the best tradition of the blackest humour. Another variation I've heard, Israel has invested their money in defence whereas Hammas has hidden it's money (or spent it on these tunnels), if Hammas had spent on defence their people wouldn't be killed so efficiently by Israel and the body count would be more equal. We really need some arab refugees on here to give their bull equal exposure to ridicule. Both sides have some how let murderers and gangsters be their advisors, spokesmen and leaders.
  9. On my life a true story: at the birth of my first the midwife had put the radio on some local FM radio show during the birth it was The Impressions, Keep On Pushing, immediately followed by the X Files Theme Tune absolutely genuine true story, I got told off by the midwife for laughing and not concentrating when I was offered the first hold of my new nipper anyway, a million congrats RV
  10. And you say that because of what? As I wrote - Gaza strip has no Israeli forces in it. None what so ever. No soldiers and no civilians. Still, the Hammas feel the urge to launch their rockets at Israeli cities. I wonder what brings you to your conclusion? If you were talking about the West Bank - you would have a point. But you're not. You're talking about Gaza. What more Israel needs to do in order not to be the "oppressor" in this case? I'm really really not interested in or persuaded by any apologist for either side. The cool logic of the Israeli excusers or the passion of the Palestinian freedom cause, trotted out with faux emotion and fake logic because they've all already practised the speeches. There is not a goody and a baddy, as lovely as it is to imagine white hats and black hats both sides have murdering psychotic shits that are getting away with slaughter in the name of fuzzy revenge for the revenge for the previous revenge? The difference being, the Palestinian nutters can control a poor largely uneducated populace and get willing numbers on their side whereas the Israeli nutters might have less numbers willing to die for a poorly thought out cause, but have greater access to more efficient shiny modern weaponry. There can be few things that show a population they are in the right than access to the USA's military toy shop. Neither side is right. Revenge killing will not put an end to this. Both sides have to accept that this is not the means to any useful end. But both sides already know this. Both sides accept that the occasional skirmish like this with a few hundred dead in a population of millions is fine if it keeps the various factions in charge of their piece of dusty earth. It really is a living breathing example of the futility of war. Those in charge on both sides must be getting one hell of a pervy kick out of it all at the moment.
  11. and then what did you introduce her as? I just said her name, but that wasn't the right answer for her. She was kind of pushy and was trying too hard to rush things along. Very suffocating. I once bought a girlfriend a ring as a present. We'd joked that, you know, it's just a prezzy because you like it, it's not 'a thing', it is just a ring like it might have been earrings. **** me! Very next day my world went in to meltdown as apparently we were engaged. I was so stunned it actually took me another day or two before managing to tell her she was nuts and I was out of there. Silly silly error looking back.
  12. Sounds like maybe people accidentally went to a Paul Weller concert when they wanted to be at a From The Jam gig? I've seen Weller a few times, enough not to presume it'll be a rip roaring night of 70's and 80's memorabilia. I've drifted away from Weller MOR rock to a point its slightly put a dampner on listening to the Jam too often. I used to be in love with it all, back when it was important.
  13. already a great summer, lots of late walks, meals out in the garden and genuinely free weekend coming up for the first time in forever
  14. sometime it's just a really satisfying loud noise a proper thunderclap
  15. Farts smell because of poo dust, duh. If there's poo in your bum and you fart then the gas passes through the poo, collects poo dust and then releases it to the world. If your farts don't smell then there's no poo dust. I believe that is scientific fact. I believe some people on VT use a vacuum cleaner to keep the area dust free. A little bit of Mr Sheen up there can also work wonders.
  16. The word on the street of Tehran is that Rouhani is just Ahmadinejad without the dumb public statements ... But they hope to have better relations with the US ( and British for that matter ) The us embassy is still covered in slogans and anti American murals are around the place so maybe a tin of paint would be a good place to start The sanctions are hurting , in Tehran there is actually an illegal "stock market " operating out on the street , its obviously illegal but in full view of the police etc as without it Iran would be suffering even more , this market is a way of acquiring those banned goods But there isn't any animosity aimed at westerners , quite the opposite in fact , from school children to old ladies they just want to say hello , ask where you are from and when you tell them ask why our national football team is so bad Even the police I had to check in with at Esfahan railway station offered me donuts , I gave them a handful of foxes glacier fruits in return which went down well , it's seriously just such a warm and friendly place the last thing governments need is word getting out that people are just people and want a nice life for their kids and decent TV reception when the football is on seriously, the more we can all actually meet each other the better - it's just a shame that so often that meeting is too late and is basically a quick Christmas football kickabout before shelling starts again it'd be good if the americans didn't bring their personal guns to the big world people's meeting and it would be nice if the sunni's didn't turn up in a car bomb, but essentially the vast majority of people just want to get on, whether they are North Koreans, lesbians, mormons, Iranians whatever my very limited experience was in meeting Libyans over the course of a few years and all any of them wanted to do was show you family photos and go out for a meal instead of a formal meeting - admittedly at one point I did think they'd kidnapped my boss, but that was a cultural mis understanding as he was whisked away in an old Merc by men in mirror sunglasses
  17. Report genuine incidents when they happen. But frankly, the house has to be somewhere, you drew the short straw as it were, but after 5 years it's not a decision you're going to reverse so there is an element of suck it up or try and move. But be careful, if you start complaining about the neighbour's, you'll have to be honest and tell the people that want to buy your house if / when you get a sale. Would you feel different if you'd just found out it was a landlord that accepted shitty tenants? Halfways are necessary, they do actually reduce crime overall. Probs not much of a consolation to you personally, but they are proven to work overall for all of us.
  18. We'll gloss over that one. Get your new coat. Oil grab it and leave. Time to brush up on your puns It's not as easel as it looks you know. strippers!
  19. the smell of paint brings back mixed emulsions for me
  20. kinda snap I too have never had a KFC or set foot inside a KFC. I guess I've had 3 or 4 McDonalds or Burger Kings or Wimpys in my life. I do go to Pizza Express, Costa Coffee and Beefeater waaay too often. I currently have just over £20 saved up on my Costa loyalty card. oh, I've never had a Krispy Kreme donut either. No particular reason, I just don't rate donuts highly enough to pay £7 for one when they are 6 for a quid in Sainsburys.
  21. bad bad parenting this is the sort of thing I was trying to reference earlier, and now it's popped up 3 weeks away in the middle of the school year for a trip to Australia is not, in my half informed opinion, good decision making. Explaining to the school that stress and illness means us and the kids need a break so we are taking them and there schoolwork to a cottage for a week and please supply us some homework tasks - that should and probably would, be approved. All about communication.
  22. It's about now you remember you took a shit in the executive staff room microwave, shoved mackerel above the lift car ceiling and left a thumbs up picture of yourself nailed to the bosses dead cat.
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