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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Had no intention of buying it, it was playing in the shop when I got there, so it was another sale off a play for Spillers. Have to go back now and get volume 1 at some point. That Thai Funk & Psych you've just mentioned I'll have to give that a look up later - you put some crazy Thai 'guitar' stuff up quite a while ago and i was hooked. Sort of a travelling sound system with dancing girls and hand made electric guitars. Bloody awesome.
  2. In the office all day today and the general chatter and background noise is doing for me, so its earphones in and head down. Of these previously posted, I've got Sharon Jones on the laptop - so it's all about the Dap Kings on loop today for now. Might have to go out lunchtime and pick up something randomly new....
  3. How's that cure for AIDS and Hepatitis the Egyptian military invented coming along? Anybody remember that story? Totally credible and competent bunch the current Egyptian military dictatorship. wonder kebab Ah yes, as mentioned previously, keep a big pool of uneducated people, you never know when you might need 70,000 volunteers to try your anti aids medicinal kebab. Let's not talk about the Egyptian military as though they are anything other than the biggest bully with the most guns that happen to be running the state next door and have their own anti Hammas agenda (for the record, I'm not 'pro' anyone in this, they are all competing to be worse than each other).
  4. yep I was just thinking the same, but its coming back to me persuaded the missus to watch 20 minutes of it, she declared style over substance and wandered off to read a book she'll be sorry when I get my show commissioned and she doesn't know any of the references
  5. What's your agenda here Glar? I'm struggling to understand where this is going. As for the military dictatorship in Egypt not wanting to help an organisation with links to the Muslim Brotherhood - well that's a real shocker.
  6. currently watching Utopia acid coloured quirky loveliness
  7. If somebody pushed my family off its land, made them live in squalor with criminals for a generation and then bombed and killed them yesterday but declared a truce this morning....well I'm not sure I'd give much of a shit about their ceasefire on their terms. It's a false statement of fake intent. This has to be a much longer game than shouting 'cree' once you've racked up the number of bombings you'd agreed was sufficient in some meeting. This is going to be a bit harder to turn around than 3 hours of honouring a one sided ceasefire.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4F4qzPbcFiA&feature=kp
  9. Long weekend in a cottage at Barafundle Bay coming up!
  10. nipples cockjockey complete and utter Gove
  11. see, I'd have made the second name Re Lyantt
  12. chrisp65


    yeah in which case stick with your first idea, give 'em a quick respray and sell 'em off as radishes nobody every actually eats radishes so as long as they are red people will just stick them in the fridge for a week and then chuck 'em out
  13. chrisp65


    is it defo blight? is it possible you've planted two types, one is now ready and so the greenery has died off? pull some up and see if they look edible........
  14. Glar, But it is genuinely good to talk, so stick with it. Our only vaguely similar experience would have been 'the troubles' as they are so gently described. It's a lot easier to take a pacifist or political stance when it's not 'you'. All of us from all over the world on VT have to remember we are getting our news and 'facts' via other people's filters and so there is no one truth. We have to be grown up and understand there isn't one definitive truth that if the others would just be honest and accept then this would go away. So talking, any talking, any exposure to the views of others has to help a little bit. This is why keeping a massive pool of uneducated uninformed fodder in poverty currently suits both sides. they are so easily persuaded that one more sniper bullet or rocket might tip this to a win for the red team or blue team. The problem for us sat here all comfy in the UK, with no buses or pubs being blown up for quite some time now, is that both sides are so clearly wrong and lead by bad bloodthirsty people. It's difficult to understand how after all this time and after all this history both sides still cling to the hope that if they could just murder a few more enemy families then that might lead to a 'win'. It's horrific and it's pathetic and it's out of our control. I know one thing, when you see the shit that arab mums, dads and kids are having to put up with, can you begrudge them trying to get out and get to Italy or Malta. Could you turn back a moslem family trying to escape their shade of hell from their part of the map? Be it Israeli murder, faction murder, gang murder. It's all a bit of a hell hole and Israel isn't helping, it's joining in for its own profit and gain.
  15. I'm on another forum, discussing this topic and the Israeli on that site seems to be very aggressive in his defence of Israeli aggression. Do they all read of a script or something? I mentioned this a couple of days ago. Even the wording used is similar, it's really odd. If I was the paranoid type I'd think it was orchestrated, it can't be, there surely isn't any possible merit in planting people on football forums and the like. But without meaning any disrespect to Glar, you can predict when he's going to appear, and now it appears you can even predict what phrases are going to be used on what day of the 'campaign'. I did wonder if it was simply a case of hearing a catchy phrase on the TV or reading it in the paper and all individually chose to run with it. I'm pretty sure that's what it must be. It was the tosh about tourist hotels where it became really weird. Different forums or platforms suddenly all appeared to have one representative suggesting Hammas should invest in tourism. Then it went away again.
  16. If Israel waned to obliterate Gaza - Israel has the ability to do so. You know that as well as I know that. Israel has nothing to gain by killing civilians. I'm struggling to even write something civil. So I'm giving myself a time out.
  17. chrisp65


    you can only speak as you find I was walking through a quiet street just off the beaten track when two ladies offered me and my missus sex, they opened their coats and were nude. We'd have had to pay, but it was clearly a serious offer. Unfortunately, my missus gave a stern 'non' before I felt we'd fully considered the proposition. We ended up in a little shop buying lots of expensive artisan jam as presents for relatives. Not the afternoon I'd briefly imagined.
  18. retreads generally they're cheap and dangerous
  19. I've managed to get my kids a couple of tickets for the official launch and screening of the first episode, 7th August. Couldn't get any more tickets so I'm sending my kids along to a BBC celebfest without a chaperone. Some parents are just irresponsible I guess.
  20. I use mine like a keel so I don't tip over in the water, but it does mean I can't swim in water less than 12 inches deep.
  21. Yep, couldn't care less if Thorpe is gay or not, but like others have mentioned, I'd kind of presumed he was from his appearances in 2012 where he just sort of came over as sort of gay. Hopefully if he felt the need to 'come out' then he can now be more relaxed about himself if he'd previously felt any need to be guarded or secretive and all that nonsense, life is too short not to enjoy it whilst all your bits are working. Or whatever. No big deal either way, I'm already taken and don't like big feet.
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