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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. interesting take on the whole Five Guys thing that's trying to launch here I know some on here love it, I know Stef thinks they're great, so this is just my opinion and no more valid than anybody else's and not a criticism of people's personal preferences....... But ... I stood outside the franchise in Hammersmith a couple of days ago and actually considered buying a burger as I was super hungry and in a rush. Then I noticed the prices. That's one hell of a business model, convince people your takeaway fast food burger, standard fries and a standard drink is worth nearly £15. Hell, if it's that good I might even cross the mall and buy a Krispy Kreme to finish off my twenty pound note.
  2. R, It's not that there aren't protests, it whether the British media chooses to run with them, whether they fit this week's story arc. Dogs haven't stopped biting kids, but they don't make the papers anymore. Similarly, I doubt protests have stopped in Rio, but that's an old story now. I walk up Whitehall once or twice a week at the moment, I can assure you that there are protests on Parliament Square or directly across from Downing Street every single day about all manner of conflicts and issues. There were thousands of Sri Lankans there a couple of weeks ago pleading for help that they are being ethnically cleansed by the majority demographic. It didn't make the papers needless to say as it didn't fit with the rest of the news.
  3. DHUTWU wearing nan's lipstick? that's a bit niche, but I guess we've all tried it just the once, right?
  4. all sounds very exciting, well done that man and enjoy it you might need to give her some vague idea of what the plan is in case she's the type that gets stressed about what to wear, don't want to end up in burgerland in your best clobber and probably wouldn't want to be in a 'proper' restaurant in anything too casual just a thought, doesn't apply to every lady, but for some that could be a really important detail
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEDaRFR2vKM
  6. any civilian casualties are regretted and not a deliberate act
  7. I didn't even realise it was related to my post! Is it something from an animated computer game? I've only ever played FIA Formula 1 2012 edition.
  8. Not entirely sure I'd call it a date, but yep. Hope she doesn't pull out* (ahem, pun not intended) *Edit: Hope she doesn't end up bringing someone else along either! God forbid... a day or two before the 'not a date' text to ask her if it's all still on as you still have one strawberry flavoured condom but the expiry date is getting really close
  9. sounds awesome! incidentally, for those of you that know shit...... the gig I was at Wednesday night (that caused me to, er, work from home yesterday) had that awkward setting up time between support and main bands absolutely nailed with some generic very heavy very slow lugubrious dub I think it's poor gig etiquette to ask the guy what he's playing - but now I don't know what it was - should I have asked? if anybody has any suggestions for 10 minute dub loops........
  10. bloody immigrants coming over here wanting our cake but some of those immigrants brought sprinkles and there are some I'd be happy to give my icing
  11. such a simple explanation of the data on Radio 4 earlier: we now have the same size cake as we had back in 2008 it's just that there are two million more of us wanting a slice
  12. I can also promise that anything that got a like from me in a music thread was actually listened to, not just liked as an endorsement of somebody else liking what I already like. If that makes any sense. Conversely, not getting a like off me in the music thread probably means I looked at the shitty artwork, the bellend pretentious song title, the band that looks suspiciously modernly beardly and bespectacled* and decided to give it a swerve without listening to it. Eight Man Madras Fart being a good recent example. Didn't Even Listen * even though I am currently rocking the thick black framed glasses, floppy hat and full beard look (artist's impression)
  13. I'd happily have the likes deleted from my account. It's juvenile and I keep checking my score constantly to see if my views and opinions are endorsed by internet dwelling strangers.
  14. I'm one of the few on here who believes Israel has an absolute right to defend itself in the face of rocket attacks from Gaza. What I find revolting is the IDF's willingness to target known refugee centres with artillery, in the full knowledge they are packed with women and children. That puts them on a level with the Taliban, AQ, Shabab and all the other nasties out there in terms of sheer psychopathy. If they want to go after the launch sites then do it with infantry and accept the casualties on your side to save the lives of innocents on the other. Before you ask whether "we" would do that the answer is yes, hence coalition casualty rates in Afghan. You're a first world, democratic nation with professional armed forces. For **** sake, starting acting like it! A good post, but the opening line is bollocks. Feel free to name the majority that don't believe Israel has the right to defend itself. As I was watching the news last night and looking at the pictures of small snot and blood covered boys crying in the corridor of a hospital, I wondered if it would come as a surprise to Israel in 8 or 9 years time when those kids pick up where their fathers, uncles and brothers left off. By the same token, the disgusting interview far far away in a pleasant and secure safe house with the 'leader' of Hamas was stomach churning. I think he grinned through the whole interview whilst promising all his fighters were good boys obeying the rules.
  15. Presuming that's from the midlands? That might actually work, in that much of the traffic will be going in the opposite direction by noon on Sunday.
  16. Saddam's favourites were better off, yes. We don't know about the others, they disappeared or were gassed if they raised any grievances.
  17. going to Newquay on the weekend in the summer....... set out early
  18. courgette is just about one the easiest, you've just got to remember to pick them, onions might be even easier - we're almost self sufficient in onions and garlic cannot grow brocolli for some reason but yeah, sweetcorn we've gone industrial scale also done about 6 or 8 varieties of tomato this year, we had loads of variety last year by accident and donation and it was a revelation
  19. if there's a VT prize for biggest courgette I've got a contender, just been up the allotment for the first time in a little while and it was like invasion of the body snatchers, foot long fat courgettes so it looks like stir fry tomorrow but look what's starting.....
  20. a few other nations on a very quick random sample appear to think so The place I've been staying had French, Belgian and German families also staying there. They were enjoying the weather, the scenery, the quiet and also the incredible range of activities including coasteering and kayaking in spectacular water where nothing is going to eat you. You can get decent wine and decent coffee in the most far flung of places and the road system is easy and safe to navigate. Also, the sedantry lifestyle of many means that a beach that is a one mile walk including a little climbing is almost deserted all day. If you have the money, it's pretty good. If you don't have the money, there are a great many far worse places.
  21. I don't think I'd ever let the colour of the people in an area influence what I thought of them, no. I might look at the whole spectrum of crime, religion, first language, poverty, overcrowding, single mums etc.. But I wouldn't presume the colour of an area was a signifier of anything. If the area clearly had a strong culture that was not similar to mine, I'd count that as a big influence. For instance, if there were a lot of 4x4's, ponies and a golf club and a conservative club where the masons met, or if there were a lot of niqabs being worn and most signage wasn't in my first or second languages, or if everyone was clearly very very into KFC, and Burger King and Chicken Cottage and Pizza and kebabs. What was wrong with an area being 'white'?
  22. doubtless there's less stuff to thieve in racially inferior mail
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