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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. If that's a response to my post then it's most definitely a south/south east (almost border) accent to be specific. They're from Pontypool and it looks like it's a **** holiday to cross the border. Of course it's a response to your post! Pontypool is a weird one, it's Welsh marches and to my ear, really does sound more like a west country / forest of dean yokel. You can hear that anglicised west country twang in 2 or 3 of the boys in Goldie Lookin' Chain. My accent switches dramatically between vaguely brummie, vaguely London, strongly Dave Coaches, depending on where I am and what I'm doing. Can't say I know too much about Pontypool, other than it's north of the M4 and therefore 'gog'.
  2. apologies if I left anyone out, Liverpool probably got missed, but it's close enough to brum to make no difference
  3. it pisses me off how everyone in england has the same accent can't tell 'em apart yam yam yam yam yam yam wae aye like guvnor shut it you slaaag awright moy luverlies zzzoiderrrr
  4. I don't understand the business model of free porn. Even twitter is full of it now, but how does it work? What's in it for the individual loading it all up there? I've decided it's either a loss leader in the hope you want something more specialist that you will migrate to a pay site for. Or, there are some blokes out there with a very unhealthy idea of what a full time hobby should be.
  5. somewhere up in the attic I have this as a double a side single (in an old wooden schweppes mixers box, perfect for storing singles). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVLdcxCNGcs then jumping forward a while, something I've posted before, but I'm biased because I was at this gig... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bTvwlLRlx4 guest appearance by Brother Culture mid gig was just different class
  6. As a kid I was of influencial age whilst the whole two tone / skin / suedehead thing was having it's revival. It got me into the music as the obvious entry point to the culture, but was quickly followed by devouring the easy reading pulp of Colin MacInnes. Books like City of Spades, Mr Love and Justice, Absolute Beginners. In a town that had real black and asian people, it was only through reading about and listening to black people from the previous generation I realised they might just be people and not 'other' as my local upbringing had suggested. From there I ended up in the same social circle as a local 'brown' girl in 8P's parlance. From there I met her genuine first generation immigrant dad and within minutes we'd arranged our own afternoon of musical top trumps. I took a pile of records over his place, I'd play one then he'd play one of his. Admittedly his taste was a bit more calypso than I'd been hoping, but it was an absolute delight. The fact that it mightily pissed off my parents was just a little side benefit. Perhaps this should have be in the 'Great' Britain thread not TTPYOTS.
  7. Policy dreamt up to attract voters that want their media fuelled prejudices catered for by a party that's happy to 'serve' them as long as that means staying in power. As we all know, staying in power or getting into power is the absolute number one priority of the large political parties. According to the BBC the government today said they had no idea how many people this would affect, which suggests that either they've not costed the policy and it could cost more to implement than it saves, or they are lying, or it was simply a cheap disposable stunt. Most likely, it was all three. Again, according to Radio 4, they believe the policy will affect significantly less than 10,000 people. Trouble is, the average Daily Mail type would rather know 9,000 dirty foreigners were deprived of 3 months of benefits regardless of their previous record or circumstances than do the thinking about why our politicians and civil servants can't even write legislation that makes Amazon and Google and all the others on that list pay their way. Lazy greasy self serving government. Can't wait for the next one.
  8. this is heading towards a confessions thread, and we all know what happens there nothing at all edgy in my confessions and I've got softer as I've got older, I was genuinely worried about second hand weed smoke on my clothing at last week's big night out
  9. back in the day we had one posh mate that lived in a big house out in the country anyway, we suggested he had a house party as his place was massive and miles from any neighbours, and love him to bits he came back to college the next day and repeated his mum's answer verbatim 'you are not having that lot back here, they'll steal all the cutlery or something' time went by and at the end of the college year she'd obviously decided we were not as rough as she'd originally thought and 'sweety' was allowed his house party we stole every single piece of cutlery we could find, stripped the place of knives, forks, spoons, salad tongs, tin openers, even the salt and pepper were liberated stuck up cow
  10. That's the worry / reality though isn't it. On the one hand you want them to 'be normal' and accidentally start fires and know for real how they rate in a fight and do risky life affirming stuff. But I'd rather not actually find out about it until we are reminiscing in 20 years time. I was in my 30's before I told my parents half the stuff I'd done - they genuinely had absolutely no idea (and I wasn't extreme either, probs the most vanilla guy in my local area and my group of friends). As for alcohol, there is some booze in the house, not much, they are welcome to help themselves and have some beer or wine in moderation, but they generally choose not to. For my part, I reckon they've seen me drunk twice in 15 years and they've never seen me smoke. Role model and all that. I tend to do my big party nights away from the house.
  11. I'm on old fashioned dial up today.....did you say penis oil?
  12. We are talking mid teens - I was sounded out for driving lessons and / or a scooter a year early so they could practise! But unlike Tony's run of the mill progeny, they are nice well mannered exceptionally talented and gifted kids that I can trust totally as they've proven to be very mature. Would it be a bad thing if I said I do occasionally stalk their twitter accounts and instagram and wotnot? That can be quite illuminating. Perhaps I'll hide in the attic, or hire a drone. Or turn up in disguise with a sports casual look, flicking my fingers and saying 'yoyo biatches' quite a lot.
  13. Hmmmm, it's the nipper's birthday on the weekend (well, Friday) and we've clearly just moved into the next phase because there's no request for a bouncy castle, no trip to Jolly Jim's Jungle (essentially a ball pit and slide in a converted church hall). No, this time the birthday request is that me and the missus buy them disposable BBQ's, sausages, burgers and then go out for the day and leave them to it. So I'd imagine most of Saturday I'll be filling in insurance forms and doing sound bites for the local news.
  14. second day running I've forgotten to take my lunch out of the fridge at home now, at 9:25am, I have nothing to eat I'm worried I'll become overly thin
  15. was this the last one?
  16. Had the latest e-mail round up from fave band Alabama 3 earlier and it had the heading 'Alabama 3 announce they are splitting up'. So I had a massive moody panic and opened the body of the mail, only for it to go on to say.... Not really, we're cockroaches, we'll be around for ever, here's our winter tour dates...
  17. ok, was it supposed to be butter? have I been conned here? glad I didn't eat it all now
  18. I guess the only problem with nuclear is that we would like it to be cheaper, 100% safe, forever. As a species we are very clever, but I'm not sure we are cheaper 100% safe forever clever. You just know we are currently value engineering nuclear power stations proposed by the Chinese and French. What could possibly go wrong with that plan! Once the Germans said it couldn't be done within the parameters UK govt set, we should have binned it or changed the parameters, not been happy the Chinese said they'd have a bash at it.
  19. we've got a choice: we can tear up the countryside / build estuary barriers / have solar farms / wind power / ground source heat pumps...... we can use less power we can rely on stable energy supply at sensible prices from our friend V Putin obviously at the moment the first two options are ridiculous
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