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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Only a handful apparently but there were 700 Irish Fascists that formed a brigade of their own Cheers, fascinating, when I've got a bit of time I'm going to have a little research dabble into this area. I was in the Museum of London last weekend and they had an interesting little section around WWII. It included pamphlets from a group called the green shirts, I'd never even heard of them so they're on my research list. A couple of evenings ago there was a tv programme about the secret deals done between nazi Germany and Welsh nationalists. The presumption on the part of Hitler being that they were willing to be a fifth column in return for the promise of independence after the invasion. Turned out it was all a set up and they were double agents finding out what Germany planned and how many other contacts they had in the UK. I think I'm supposed to be in the history thread......
  2. So we should control people's ideas? If you're disturbed by Sharia law being used in the UK, how do you feel about beth din courts in the UK? We stop murder, we stop violence and we try to stop discrimination and prejudice. We really shouldn't be controlling ideas and selecting which religions can have their own law and which can't. For clarity, that's not me being in favour of sharia.
  3. I don't follow? Have 'we' just lost something? In which case: 'yeah you cheating belgian bastard, you're not even really belgian, you're from Didcot'.
  4. Yeah I know about the Daily Mail, royalty and Moseley and all that lot of perverts and mental defectives, I was more meaning there must have been people that would have travelled and actively fought and killed for the fascists. Blood on their hands not just on their cheque books and dinner party napkins. Just trying to get a little bit of historical perspective and not just panic because the newspaper headline says to panic.
  5. Rugby is a bit like buses. Apparently there are different types of buses, but most people haven't noticed. All buses, regardless of the number of seats or the location of the bus station are a little bit shit. Most people given a choice would rather go to the football. By car.
  6. It's 0.00074% of the population of the UK that have been motivated for whatever reason to do this, be it idle curiosity, genuine belief, mental illness etc.. Whatever the reason I'm not sure we'd ever get 0.00074 down to absolute zero. Just as there are UK heroes that fought over in Spain, in reality there must have been UK citizens that supported the fascists. Why would anybody support fascism? What these kids that have travelled to Syria have today that is different from the past is the means to get to Syria, the telecommunications to tell us they are in Syria and a willing public and media that have the hots for sensational stories. Other than that, I'm not seeing any worrying significant new trends. I'm not expecting Luton to declare blood thirsty independence any time soon.
  7. Not especially Thought not. Now you'll never know what it was... it's good though, having Base and VA back after they'd both been away
  8. my first, Motorola Pebl it was tiny and you could make calls and text people but the selling point was that it was tiny then it was the Razr then it was 3 or 4 iterations of the unbeatable Blackberry now I've got some **** baby blue **** apple **** iphone **** thing
  9. chrisp65


    test http://s1115.photobucket.com/user/tampitup/media/pXBlUR3hd_zpsc1e5a569.gif http://s1115.photobucket.com/user/tampitup/media/pXBlUR3hd_zpsc1e5a569.gif
  10. Yet strangely the Germans, Italians, Austrians and Swiss appear to manage ok with driving them up and down the occasional Alp. Mine* only ever came to a halt once, stuck behind a timid line of FWD drivers that didn't know what to do when we had a freakish 2 cm's of fluffy snow on half of the road. But it is good fun, getting it all out of sorts on snow and ice and getting a feel for what happens and how to fix it. Every car driver should head for the nearest rugby field or golf course as soon as it snows and get a proper feel of how their car reacts. Then go and get the proper tyres or snow socks (mine cost £30 and have lasted 4 years so far) so they can drive home safely. * I say 'mine' like I've got an E Class estate too, no mine's an old C class estate, rear wheel drive and automatic - surely the worst ever car on snow? No, it's fine. It would probably fit inside Tegis' car if he ever had to rescue one!
  11. Sounds like you're enjoying the book though, so not all bad.
  12. yep, that's what we need to protect our freedom, more little rules and restrictions on everyone you would have to ask who we need to be watching most closely, 500 deluded UK citizens in Syria, or 'government' well I know who's had the most impact in South Wales this week as we're in the middle of a three week security clamp down for a 48 hour visit by NATO in September to help protect our freedoms
  13. have a week off from watching propaganda and war porn and you'll be fine We've lived under genuine everyday threat in the past, real threat of bombs and rockets and invasion. We were months away from being a German colony, the Russians infiltrated the highest decision making places in the land, we've had nuclear weapons flown over our heads by people that thought nothing of killing a million of their own people and we've had terrorists bombing our capital and bombing our pubs. Guess what? Yma o hyd. We're still here. **** the terrorists.
  14. Villa Chippy Villa Special Tray of chips, fish, fishcake, mushy peas, ridiculous amounts of salt n vinegar.
  15. They were doing that around the Bullring last Thursday. But it was part of that whole Japanese teenage girl knee socks and sailor suits and pony tail vibe so I guessed it was more of a fashion thing than a health scare. I must have followed them for about 4 hours.
  16. well that's changed the mood! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRe2l2STyoo a nod to Mr Xann for the tip off, this is now on loop until the rest of the album comes out
  17. niche! I shall acquire a copy, cheers.
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeLUp3Xra6I
  19. lovely piece of kit always important to have the raised bonnet badge!
  20. chrisp65


    I know one person that dabbles with Special K and to be frank, you can tell. Shot to bits and on a downward trajectory. Messes up you liver or your kidneys? It's basically horse tranq isn't it? Why give drugs to a horse? Why drag them into it? Drug pushers for you. looking for drug mules I guess
  21. chrisp65


    I know one person that dabbles with Special K and to be frank, you can tell. Shot to bits and on a downward trajectory. Messes up you liver or your kidneys? It's basically horse tranq isn't it?
  22. chrisp65


    The most impressive thing I ever took was valium. I took it and felt it had no effect whatsoever. I was chatting over the fact that it had not worked with the doctor and nurse, whilst they carried out the vasectomy.
  23. Best to do Scotland now ahead of the referendum, before it becomes one of these rogue jihaggisd states.
  24. Trainers, jeans and polo shirt. It's about a 10 mile ride out with a pizza in a cafe in the park at the midway point. If ever I'm selected for the Milk Race I would consider a loose fitting round neck tee shirt and football shorts.
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