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Everything posted by Villarocker

  1. If you're really that bad in isolation then I can understand why you needed to escape. Have you tried calling Samaritans and other charities that help with people in your situation?
  2. You know, that Cressida Dick should stand down or be gently pushed from her job. The leading Met Police Officer standing on that bridge and watching so many people break the lock down rules is shameful of her. The Scottish woman, who had something to do with their health system, stood down after being exposed for visiting her second home. Why should Cressida Dick keep her post? Isn't she supposed to lead by example?
  3. I'm not having a go here so please don't take it that way. We are all individuals and work/think in different ways - I get that. I just wanted to ask how your friend would feel if (touch wood it doesn't happen) he somehow had the virus, passed it on to you and you lost your life? Would he be glad you visited then? Same in the opposite way, if you gave it to him? I know the lock down is driving people, it's understandable in a liberated society. I mean, look at the "Land of the free". America was always going to struggle with these conditions. But, this disease is a real killer and when you have the symptoms you feel like there is something inside you trying all it can to get a grip of you, like a burglar inside your home trying to find you searching from room to room. That's how it feels. It's searching for your weakness to take hold of you. The need for people to distance themselves from others at this time is genuine. It's horrible but necessary.
  4. When these idiots get it, and a lot will, they will be doing this in order: praying, relieved (if survive), humbled, burning the placards and, going into social hiding.
  5. I've had it and gotten over it which, to be honest, is a total relief as I was bricking it at the thought of getting it and it getting a grip on my lungs as I'm quite sure it would have beat me. I have a crap immune system. I mean, I would have thought you'd have more chance of finding rocking horse shit than finding immunity in my body. But, I seem to have beaten it. Don't know about side effects. I'm really tired lately so maybe my body is still trying to adjust to three weeks without going out and doing much? What I will say is this; when I first became ill and had the fever and headaches, lethargy etc, I did a lot of reading up on the virus straight away. I read about the first Brit to get it. He is a school teacher in China and he did an article in a paper where he went through how his symptoms developed. I recall him saying that he had what I had over the first couple of days then he felt better. He said then he had this sort of fluid develop in him, a tacky substance, that eventually overwhelmed him and he felt like he was drowning in it and that caused the pneumonia because it got to his lungs. From what I've read, when it gets to your lungs that's when you are at most danger because the virus crystalises and becomes like glass attached to your lungs. When you cough, the viral droplets are torn away from your lung and it causes bleeding and I think that's when you are knackered. So, I made the decision to get my girlfriend to have someone bring anti-septic mouthwash to our house. I gargled and swilled it around my mouth morning, afternoon and night for about three days until that tacky, sticky saliva went from my mouth. I believe that helped me and stopped the build up of it and it getting into my lungs. That yacky stuff developed after about three days of experiencing the fever. I had no runny nose and no sneezing but I did have a sore, tender feeling develop in my nose around the same time as the yacky stuff developed so I think there's a connection. Seriously folks, I can highly recommend having anti-septic mouthwash in supply just in case the worst happens. I'm convinced that it would have gotten worse had I not used that mouthwash.
  6. Back then we clearly had quality players. Maybe our mistake was not going for a better, higher, quality manager?
  7. And with Westwood, Bannan, Herd & Holman in midfield. Has there ever been a worse midfield four to play for Villa in one game?
  8. On a more positive note; Kings College London, who are running a symptom tracker app, contacted me today to ask me to continue to update my symptoms (I was doing this whilst off work but stopped now that I seem OK) as they say it is important in their efforts to fight the pandemic. The email also says something like 2 million had said they were suffering the symptoms a couple of weeks ago and now it stands at less than 600k.
  9. I am sorry to read that and hope that your better half is OK and doesn't actually have the virus. If she does have it, I hope she can get through it without many problems. It's best to be safe than to be sorry and at least she will have the test done so will have that peace of mind either way. On the other hand, I am working in a non-essential company and people are coughing and have many symptoms etc but still showing up to work. One woman went home crying last Wednesday and had all kinds of signs as well as aching teeth and gums. She said she called her |G|P and he told her she needs to see a dentist but they're closed so she couldn't. Tuesday, she returned to work (same day as me) and said she is dosing up on pain-killers until she can be seen. I told her the symptoms that I suffered during my absence and illness with the virus and after 3 or 4 of them she said "I've been having that too" to which I replied "maybe you shouldn't be here". Today, she called in sick! That is why IMO the lockdown needed to be more widespread to prevent situations where non-essential workers could spread it around the colleagues within the workforce.
  10. I personally know the reason why central UK government doesn't use a signer for their daily briefings. It's because they have been told there's no point. The deaf may not be able to hear but they do have the powers to smell bullshit, even through a TV!
  11. Spot on Stevo! My Mum was 82 when she died. Let me tell you, the doctors that saw Mum at Good Hope Hospital were f**king heartless, callous and careless in their treatment of my Mum. It was as if they couldn't wait for her to die to free-up the bed. Me, my Dad and my Brother held a meeting with them after Mum's death to let them know just how dismayed we were at the way Mum was treated. I actually threatened the one doctor because he pissed me off with his cocky and abrupt attitude. He soon apologised for his behaviour when he realised just how angry we could be.
  12. I know the lock down is frustrating and disruptive to normal everyday life but, I hope the government doesn't relax the instruction too soon. What would be the point of going through the last month if we are allowed to go back to normal too soon and the virus spreads further.
  13. You mean what a bunch of Koontz? (author)
  14. About 5 weeks ago my girlfriend's sister and her fella went on a pre-booked holiday for 3 weeks. They spent a week in Dubai then went to Thailand for 2 weeks. They got checked at both airports going out and at Dubai coming back but not at Brum. Why on earth didn't the government look at Italy and shut down all non-essential commuting going in and out of the country? And, at the same time, checked everyone that returned to the country.
  15. Allowing the football and horse racing to go ahead was simply mental. To be honest, I cannot believe the Greyhound Racing is still on as well. I know it's not as popular as it used to be but there are still people gathering in a relatively small venue to race dogs. What is the point? To keep the massive gambling revenues coming in? It just goes to show that money is the root of all evil when you read/hear so-called experts and economists weighing up the loss of human life against the financials.
  16. I have a German friend who works in one of their big hospitals in the South of the country as an Anaesthetist. I asked how she is getting on and she said its busier than ever but the staff are working normal hours in her hospital, all with full PPE and, they are even being allowed to take holiday that was booked. She took last weekend off although she offered to cancel but the bosses said it was fine to have it as they had enough staff to cope. My friend cannot believe what's going on here in our health service. Her opinion is that the government has failed the people and massively failed the health service. She said the key is all about the testing. She has been tested three times in the last month. My friend's hubby, a part-time fireman in the village they live in, attended a car fire on the Friday and on the Monday is colleague who fought the fire with him was taken ill with Covid-19. My friend, and all those who live at home, was tested for the virus. She was tested again a week later after someone in her hospital that had it was anaesthetised by her and she then got another test from her GP after getting a cough. All tests proved negative but allowed her to carry on doing what she does which is vital. If only we had such testing here.
  17. Or because he wasn't told to wait until he's fighting for every breath before being left on a trolley in a corridor for many hours before actually being seen.
  18. At least you read the Lebanese part right - I read that as cucumbers for ladies who are sexually attracted to other ladies!
  19. There are no words to describe this
  20. If they play games before social distancing is over, does that mean the players will have to blow kisses to each other has been as they cannot touch each other?
  21. My concern is about letting my guard down. The doctor says I've had the virus but I've had no test done so he can't be 100% sure although I'm pretty certain I've had it. However, there are some horror stories like the 44 yera old Asthmatic woman who thought she was over it then ended up in hospital where she died. I'm coughing and it's leaving me short of breath so I'm taking it as easy as possible until I'm back to normal again - no chances taken. Also, there was some news yesterday about 51 South Koreans that had the virus, got over it, then were tested positive again. They reckon the virus sleeps in you then starts up again. Now that is scary!
  22. BMA apparently now telling doctors they will have to decide who to save and who to let die when the ventilators run out. My GP mentioned this to me last week. That's come around pretty quick.
  23. It's a very interesting read indeed. All I can think of now is: the night time, is the right time, to fight crime - I can't think of a rhyme...
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