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Everything posted by Villarocker

  1. That's old stuff now. The "To the stars academy" is fronted by Tom De Longe from Blink 182. Turns out he's made some friends that are privy to information regarding the US government's investigations into strange aerial phenomena. There was a six-part show on TV not so long back where the guy who was heading AATIP for the Pentagon had joined the research group fronted by De Longe. The guy actually interviewed all of the pilots involved and further stuff came to light regarding other people that had witnessed this stuff and a load more that hasn't been officially released but they told their stories which were pretty intriguing. One US Navy radar guy told how they went on manoeuvres to the gulf and a "fleet" of UAP's (they call them Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon now) followed them all the way to the gulf. I am a believer that there is something other-worldly out there but also that the black ops programs are responsible for the bulk of mysterious stuff that is spotted.
  2. I hope it was Domestos as that's the only product that kills all germs dead!
  3. Has anyone on here had the virus and struggling with their memory of things?
  4. I think that anyone and everyone that has ever had flu and, has now suffered the Coronavirus, will agree that they are nowhere near the same. If all the elderly went about their business as normal and there was no restrictions in place we would be facing hundreds of thousands of deaths. I for one never feared dying from having the flu.
  5. Spot on mate, testing is the key. Why is it the key? I called my GP last week having shown further signs of the virus that I was apparently recovered from. GP said it was fine to take 4 buses per day and go to work amongst 40-50 people with social distancing being kept to loosely. If I still have the virus I could be spreading it around. If I was tested and positive I wouldn't be allowed out of the home and there would be no chance of spreading it. There could be tens of thousands of people in the same predicament as they are only testing medical people and those in hospitals. Your average Joe like me just has to go about his business hoping he's not going to spread anything or catch something that he can take home to his family.
  6. The elderly were high on the government’s list of people to protect as they were the first group of people (over 70s) to be advised to stay at home. So, with the above in mind, why didn't they set up some reporting procedure for the offices that register deaths to report all deaths that showed Coronavirus or Covid-19 anywhere on the death certificate and include a rule that the place of death - care home, nursing home, at home, etc - be included on the certificate to help them determine where the person died. All they needed was a specific hotline where each register office, say at 3pm each day, registers all such deaths since 3pm the previous day. The government could then have those figures collected for their daily briefings.
  7. My post wasn't to support that Cummings was at any said meetings, it was to point out that it should come as no surprise. I just wanted to make that clear. I have always disliked the Tories and never voted for them. The last election vote I gave was to Blair before he decided to join an illegal invasion of Iraq. I haven't been able to vote since as I cannot vote for any of them as they all seem corrupt and to follow whatever path is set out for them. However, it'll be interesting to see what Starmer offers as an opposition leader.
  8. I am not too sure why people are questioning why Dominic Cummings would be sat in on the SAGE meetings. I mean, last March, in his online blog, he questioned the work that was being undertaken in these testing labs and warned of a potential pandemic if those labs are not vetted more for safety and security. A year later and his country is in the middle of a pandemic. If I was Bojo and my main advisor was that clued up on potential viral threats I would want him sat in on those meetings too.
  9. I don't think that people are any less afraid of the virus I purely think that more people out and about is simply because we are sun-worshippers in this country because of our weather being so unpredictable. If it was pissing down or cold and bleak there would be a lot less people out on the streets.
  10. Yeah, something has happened and there seems a lot more poepl out and about. There are definitely more folks on the buses that I take to and from work.
  11. No way will be testing 100k per day in a week's time. If they say we are, they are lying! I spoke with my GP today and asked him about getting a test done. He said it won't happen anytime soon and the antibody test needs to be done within 5 days of having the virus. I asked about all these tests that aren't being taken up each day and his response was that if he called it in to request a test they would ask what my profession is and when he tells them they would refuse because I'm not in the health service. So, unless they plan to test 100k of health care workers or people sick in hospital with the virus each day they have no chance of reaching the target.
  12. What surprised me was why Brandon Lewis didn't ask where they got that statistic from? He accepted it as fact. Now, if I was a cabinet minister in a serving government and I was going live on TV to be interviewed by a person known for their straight-talking I would ensure I had every bit of information ready. If that interviewer had information that I didn't have, I would ask where and how he got it. The fact that Lewis didn't do that tells me that he knew the answer but was embarrassed to say how many.
  13. With regards to people with other ailments such as cancer and heart trouble who aren't getting their normal care in hospital; would it not be possible to move all Covid-19 patients, as well as those that are showing symptoms that are suspected cases, to the Nightingale hospitals and have dedicated staff there to deal with them so all virus patients and care staff are in smdedicated facilities. Then, leave the main hospital units to deal with the normal day to day stuff? I understand there are still risks at hospitals of patients going in but surely they could set up units outside each hospital that people go through and get tested before being allowed to go into the main building? Anyone tested positive could be dealt with separately. I mean, according to the daily figures, it seems like there is capacity to test 40k but only doing 22k per day. If there are 18k tests sitting around per day, they could make good use of them on site at the hospitals.
  14. I've had a strange 24 hours. I was totally knackered on Tuesday evening so took a day's holiday yesterday. I was lethargic for most of the day, until the evening time. I also had a bad headache when I woke in the morning and the pain behind the left eye returned. Finally, in the night, I woke up and was soaked all over in sweat. It was like I had some mini episode of my illness again. This morning, I've woken and feel fine.
  15. Disgraceful when you read about the NEC Nightingale not seeing a single patient.
  16. I personally think that Corbyn was a patsy used by Labour knowing that he would never win anything other than a game of cards. I think that they knew the Tories, in Cameron's desperation to win a second term, had screwed up massively in offering an EU referendum and didn't want to deal with their mess of seeing it through so kept Corbyn as leader knowing that the Tories would be left to deal with the whole Brexit saga. That would certainly explain why they kept on Corbyn so long and were offering nothing as an opposition. I think now the whole Brexit farce is over they have now elected a serious politician as leader and will now be more of an opposition. I think Keir Starmer is another Blair-like figure for Labour and will probably be the next Labour PM which, following the public enquiry that will inevitably follow the Covid-19 approach by the current government, might not be another full term away.
  17. Over the last few days I've become more and more tired. Yesterday, I fell asleep on the bus on my way home from work. I was knackered when I got off the bus and after dinner I fell asleep on the sofa before 9pm. I woke up at 1:40am and went to bed. This morning, when my alarm went off for work, I just hadn't got the energy to get up and ready for work. I had to text my boss to allow me a day's holiday, which I've spent mostly sleeping and doing nothing. I don't usually feel like that two weeks after getting over a cold.
  18. People suggesting the death rate for the first quarter of 2020 is about average for the time of year; if that's the case why is it that we don't have exhibition centres being converted to temporary hospitals and aircraft hangers to mortuaries year on year? Surely that would also be the norm?
  19. Sorry to hear you're not well mate. Hopefully, like you said, the symptoms 2ill be mild. Don't let your guards down though as this thing can turn on you just when you think things are looking rosy. Best wishes to you both and make sure you get plenty of fluids and vitamins.
  20. GMTV reporting that there are companies in the UK that have stockpiles of millions of pieces of PPE that they have offered to the government but had no interest shown so are shipping it out to Germany, France and Spain. Meanwhile, our order from Turkey is still in Turkey despite the promise it would be here by last Sunday. Day by day the heat is rising on this government. If we only had decent journalists to put real pressure on during the live briefings.
  21. You're not suggesting that there may be some back-handers taking place, are you? Whatever would give you such an idea? There's no doubt in my mind that something dodgy is going on when company after company say they contacted the government offering help but it isn't accepted when everybody else knows that it is needed.
  22. Same here. My missus moans at me for reading up on the virus so much but I want to know what is going on. My main curiosity is regarding the anti-body tests as I want it to be confirmed that I've had it and that I will be safe if getting it again. Also, I want to know more about the after-effects and what the effect on your body is after having the virus.
  23. Are any others, who have seemingly had Covid-19 and recovered, experiencing anything different about their bodies? I returned to work last week and have to take 4 buses per day - 2 each way - and on my second bus home I am finding myself falling asleep. I'm also lethargic throughout the day. Also, I've noticed I'm really cold. I have been having the heating on in the office and guys have complained about the heat whilst I'm freezing. I'm also struggling to remember things that would easily come to mind. Stuff such as Cheltenham Gold Cup winners. Previously I'd have been able to reel them off because of my knowledge of horse racing but I'm struggling to recall many. Just one instance of many. Anyone else experiencing things like that?
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