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Everything posted by Villarocker

  1. Bill Gates is funding vaccine development at big companies and he's got plenty of money to throw at it. He's even saying that he will be able to get the vaccine out first because he has the money readily available to put into the research. Get ready for the implants that say what your antibody status is and the Microsoft scanners to read it - all of you believe in Conspiracy theories of course. However, the part about Gates funding it is true.
  2. I wonder what the implications would be if football re-started and a player got infected, took it home and a wife or child caught it and died.
  3. For one, I'm in total agreement with you. I just do not see how a contact sport can be SAFELY played whilst adhering to any social distancing measures that are in place. I suppose there's the argument for everyone being tested pre-match at the stadium but to do that before every game played seems so unfair on the rest of society. Can I, or every other bugger that goes to work, be tested before we leave the house each day? Money before health, just like my employers.
  4. I agree with McGinn for Captain. Mings makes too many sloppy errors although he would be a great ambassador for the club. Grealish is not going to be here much longer so not worth talking about.
  5. I work on Holford Way, close to Villa Park. Every lunchtime for nearly 15 years a few of the guys used to go over to the Barn Social club to have a cob, a pint and a couple of games of snooker. We were regulars on Friday's after work too and obviously used it on match day's before and after the game. The snooker room was looked after by an old fella named Les. I remember talking to him one Saturday before a game. This is going back around 20 years and he was about 80+ then. He said he knew Pongo Waring and that he used to go in that club and have a drink and a game of snooker before Villa games. He said he would have his boots with him and the fans going to the game would walk to Villa Park with him on the way to play the match. He said he would then go back to the club after the game and again, walk with the fans. He would go back and have a few drinks and play more snooker. Imagine that happening ever again?
  6. Withe, Waring. With because of the goals in the Championship winning side that won the league for the first time in yonks plus his shin in our only European Cup win. Waring because he was a goal machine.
  7. Exactly! Finishing the last 9 or 10 games of this season is a problem so how on earth do they plan for the next season of 38 games? If there's no vaccine in place, who knows what will happen with this virus when we get to November/December time. That's why I wouldn't bother finishing this season and use a handicap system to go into the next full season.
  8. I should add that the same driver claimed to be a Villa fanatic and said he had dropped a couple of players off (wouldn't name them) at Bodymoor Heath recently and said that when he asked about the possibility of Grealish leaving they were both of the opinion it wouldn't be a bad thing because he's a see you next Tuesday. I found it a bit hard to believe that pro players wouldn't drive themselves to their training centre, assuming it's even open.
  9. A taxi driver said to me yesterday that the football season has to be completed because of the money involved. I asked how they do that and he said that all games should be behind closed doors with every single person involved tested before and after games and training etc. So, all involved in football get the life tested out of them. These fit, mostly well-off people can get tested so they can do their non-essential jobs whilst Joe Bloggs has a nasty cough, takes time off work on SSP and can't get a test done. Doesn't seem fair. I know the government are now opening up tests to everyone but if everyone coughing and showing signs of illness wanted a test they wouldn't have enough.
  10. What if the leak was planned to gauge reaction from fans/media/former players etc?
  11. Peter Kay is looking youthful these days. Must have enjoyed the long break!
  12. See, football was cancelled before kids were locked out of school. So, I have been of the belief that the kids would return to school before football starts back up. Now, do I believe that kids will be back in school by June 8th? I am not so sure of that, not all kids anyway.
  13. The French deciding to cancel their league season may just end up determining what everyone else does around the top leagues of Europe. If that's the case, bye Jack already
  14. No spitting makes absolute sense but they also need to ensure they stop blowing their noses all over the pitch too. Having said that, what about sweating? They can't stop that. What if a player gets injured and sheds blood onto the pitch? Will they have to stop the games whilst the groundstaff in PPE rush onto the pitch to replace the patch of grass? What about touching the ball with sweaty hands? Will all the players have to wear gloves? Can the defenders not pull shirts any longer? It's ridiculous to play a contact sport when the rest of society can't even hug their loved ones.
  15. Cancel last season and start the new, whenever that happens, with a handicap system. That way, the teams at the bottom will be at a disadvantage but still with hope of survival and those at the top will have an advantage but not home and dry etc etc.
  16. That's what happens when men f*ck horses!
  17. I read something a month or two back where an American scientist made a suggestion that aliens could be future, more advanced and developed, versions of mankind returning through time for things they need. I've seen many documentaries where it's been suggested that time travel already exists albeit clandestinely. The same people also said that it won't be too long in the future before time travel is widely known and broadcasted. Maybe, if alien life does exist, they are travelling through time or wormholes etc to get here.
  18. No! Never have and never will. Not my thing. I have had my own personal experiences of weird sightings when I was around 8, 37 and 44 - sober every time and with other people seeing what I saw.
  19. "flying saucers" and alike are seen in paintings from hundreds of years ago. Alien-like creatures are found painted/carved in ancient cave-dwellings all over the world. It's not a modern day phenomena.
  20. I'm sure that Stephen Hawking said that it's highly probable that life exists outside of our planet because of the mathematics involved.
  21. What if we do know about it by those seeing them but those in governments downplay it because they have ulterior motives? Also, why would an alien race want to destroy us? Not all races of life may be as destructive and evil as ours. I agree that all unexplained flying stuff is alien to our planet. Most of it is more than likely stuff that black ops projects have created.
  22. I've seen three things in my life that I could not rationalise so I hear where your at, if serious. I had others with me each time and nobody could identify what it was we were staring at. It leaves you wondering what you are seeing for a very long time. I guess that's why I am so open-minded to things like this.
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