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Everything posted by Villarocker

  1. In terms of testing; son was showing symptoms so we requested a test via the govuk website as per GP instructions. It asked how many we want so I applied for my son, my girlfriend and myself. I applied for the tests on Thursday morning, got the kits Friday morning and have just had them collected at 9:30am on Saturday morning. All really easy and very straight forward although, there were a few pieces missing from the kits, such as bags and absorbent pads.
  2. We had a newsletter through telling us all the guidelines and how it will work etc but they did stipulate that they know parents are anxious and there is no pressure applied should we wish not to send our child to school. We replied saying our son was not going back. When the rich bastards send their offspring back we will then allow our son to go to school - IF we feel it is safe enough. We will get a good vibe of that because my son's classroom assistant is his aunt
  3. They simply have to turn up and really try to beat the likes of Arsenal, Chelsea and Man Utd. Those will be bonus points and make the task easier.
  4. The league is won now let me see; yesterday 423 died so would my club's fans and owners prefer me to risk playing the players who will defend the title next season or just throw the kids in? No way will they risk senior players, certainly not in every game any way.
  5. Funny you should say that. For the first time ever, I was just talking to the neighbour who lives in the house behind mine. We were talking about home-schooling our kids and the joys of it etc. He then said how he is OK right now because he works for a private health company who have 31 hospitals all currently leased out to the government right now. He said the govt have all their beds, ICU's and ventilators etc. He said that govt has extended it until the 31st of July yet they don't have a single person using their facilities. The neighbour also told me his wife works at a Birmingham hospital where there are 800 empty beds right now. He said that a colleague from another private Trust group said the government also has all their hospitals etc until the 31st of July. The guy went on to say that the government currently has around 35,000 beds at its disposal ready for Covid-19 patients. He said that the suspicion is that the govt is now preparing itself for the second wave.
  6. Following on from my post earlier today, regarding my son. I followed my doctors advice and went online - govuk - to book a Covid-19 test. I can't believe how easy and quick it was. Booked 3 tests for us as a family, went through pretty quick and got a message earlier to say they'll be here tomorrow. We have to book a collection which will happen in 24 hours and apparently we will know the results in around 48 hours after that. Hopefully, they will all be clear and then I'll go back to work next Tuesday.
  7. I asked to be furloughed at one stage because the inhaler, and its dosage, that I take entitled me to be shielded. However, a few days before I was due to go back to work after recovering from the virus the government changed the dosage and it removed my shielding. Anyway, when I thought I needed shielding I asked my director if he could furlough me for 12 weeks. He said he couldn't and could only do that if the government instructed the business to close. He said I would be on unpaid leave for 12 weeks. The rules changed and I went back to work, reluctantly and nervous because I have to take 4 buses per day to and from work. Last week, I found out that a bunch of office staff have been furloughed. Nice gaffer to have hey.
  8. Totally agree with what you've said there. To further your post, if you'll excuse me, I think that a lot of companies will suffer further down the line, due to Brexit, the virus or both. That could lead to redundancies and then the whole can of worms will open up again. My place has had all the warehouse based staff in working their full 7.5 hour day. The office staff have all either worked from home - doing only 5.5 hours per day - or been furloughed, which has gone down like a lead balloon with the warehouse folks. Imagine January comes and the business isn't doing so well, citing Brexit and the virus. If redundancies are in the pipeline guess who the warehouse guys will be pointing the fingers at? Could anyone blame them?
  9. Cheers mate. Ethan's fine this morning but has a sore throat and is sneezing so hopefully it's just a bit of a cold or something to do with pollen. Thing is, we just don't know so have to follow the guidelines. Thing is though, the doctor said the virus has some similar symptoms to meningitis so to be mindful of that. Hopefully it's nothing but got to be alert, as Boris says.
  10. So, last night my 6 year old son shouted out for his Mom at around 10:30. I went up to check on him and he was standing in his room and absolutely shaking all over. He said he was cold yet he was soaked in sweat and his pillow was soaked too. My son was also disorientated and complaining about his throat being sore and was also coughing. His Mom came upstairs to check what was going on. We asked him various questions and found that he was also feeling sick. We persuaded him to go the loo to ease pressure on his tummy. The sweat was pouring off him so we stripped him into a pair of boxers and washed him over with a cold flannel to cool him down and bring his temperature down. He calmed down after about 20 minutes. He downed a bottle and half of water. My son slept with us last night so we could keep check on him. We all had a very disrupted night where he kept coughing and sweating and needing a drink etc. I've called the doctor this morning and he said to book a Covid test as it could be that although, my son seems much better this morning and more like his normal self apart from a dry throat and slight cough. But, his Mom and I now have to self isolate from work which, for me, will be unpaid leave. I've managed to book today and tomorrow as holiday and the test kit will be delivered within 48 hours so hopefully it will be a negative result and my little fella is fine. I actually went to work this morning just to prove to my moaning bosses that I am OK and willing to work but explained the situation on arrival (no contact made with anyone) and was ordered to go straight home. I got a taxi to work with a regular local driver who has put a thick plastic sheet up in his cab to separate him from the passengers in the back, so I knew he would be safe. However, I couldnt book him for the return journey so, to protect others from me, I walked all the way home from work - 5 miles in the hot sun which has burnt my fat bald head.
  11. A Professor and former head (I think) of Public Health England, just said on TV that it would be a surprise if there was no second wave. If a second wave comes along like it did in 1918 we will be hitting that original expected death rate of 250,000. The amount of people that are now just thinking this is over with, just like in 1918, is plain stupid. The government will be totally accountable though as they know from history that the second wave is likely to happen and they've been saying it all along so why allow idiocy to take place? Money before lives.
  12. Think it is simply a case of sending the minions kids first for a couple of months to see how it affects them. If OK then they will send their darlings off to private school. If not OK, they will hold off until proven safe.
  13. Exactly! What did they expect? It was like saying to a kid that hadn't had sweets for a month that tomorrow were are going to the sweet shop. Always going to be chaos once off the leash.
  14. It could, or it could go the way of 1918 when they also thought the worst was over with and the second wave hit and millions died.
  15. If I was Troy Deeney, regardless of his wealth, I wouldn't go anywhere or do anything to jeopardise the health of my child. He is absolutely right to take the stance he is taking.
  16. "The real world" as you put it has people getting shot or stabbed every day. So, you won't bitch or moan about that if it happens to you - because it's "the real world"? Just because something appears as "the norm" it doesn't mean people should just accept it and not actively try to change it.
  17. I got a single-decker to work this morning. The distancing signs have all been removed now. People everywhere and coughing. Just noticed as I got off the bus that the seat behind the driver is taped off to protect him. Also, a woman sat in front of me had an NHS lanyard around her neck and blue nurses uniform on. No face masks or gloves worn by anyone, seemingly. Quite literally looks like the herd immunity programme is now in full force.
  18. I got the bus home from work today. I got on it and every seat had at least one person sat on it, despite the signs saying to sit at least two seats apart. I didn't fancy being that packed in so went upstairs thinking it would be better but it was just the same. I saw a guy I worked with a couple of years ago so sat by him because I at least knew him. Social distancing on that bus was non-existent and, made especially worse by the fact there were loads of people coughing.
  19. Makes you wonder if all private schools are closed until September. It wouldn't surprise me for the "peasants" to be the sacrificial lambs for this bunch of toffs in charge. In the company I work for, the warehouse staff have always felt like the poor cousin to those who work in the offices behind the swipe card protected doors. Obviously, the senior management from behind those doors have always played that down. However, during this whole lockdown thing the warehouse staff have all been on site working full hours - some of them doing overtime to cover for this people off sick. Meanwhile, the office staff are either furloughed at home of working from home. I hate elitism.
  20. Look at Williamson's voting history and he seems a real scumbag that thinks only about the rich. He certainly doesn't seem too bothered about the younger generation. F**king toerag.
  21. He's actually pretty confused, isn't he. "I am a FREE" "I am not MAN" "A NUMBER" He is a free what? He is not man. A number. I don't think he has to worry about catching the virus, it probably feels so sorry for him he will leave him to live out his life so his brain can be used for medical research.
  22. At today's daily briefing, Gavin Williamson - the Education Secretary - said this: "They have looked at Denmark, are creating a protective bubble, reducing the mixing - almost like a family in a classroom. By reducing contact, we dramatically reduce the risk." Shortly afterwards, Dr Jenny Harries - Government advisor - said this: "For children in this environment, we look at what heirarchies of control they can do. If you increase the level of interaction, it's contained. We expect children to run around and interact. If they were sitting directly opposite, that might be more of a risk. The interventions are designed to minimise this." Now, I read that as Williamson saying that reducing contact reduces the risk. Whereas Harries says that she expects children to run around and interact and if you increase the level of interaction it is contained. If I've read that right, how can both of them be right? Surely they are contradicting each other? I found this as confusing as Boris' "stay at home but go to work" speech. There was a graph the other day that showed 2-19 year olds (kids) as the those most tested positive. Why encourage them to interact? No wonder the teachers are bricking it.
  23. He will be a number, around 39.368 in a couple weeks time.
  24. The best "song" I heard on that was that Lordi tune with the Norwegian (I think) trolls. They rocked
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