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Everything posted by Villarocker

  1. Reminds me of a song by Air? Socksy boy
  2. We're 146 years old today. We're gonna win big!
  3. Seriously, I work with this bloody thing and have spent the last six weeks of my working life talking about nothing other than PS5 consoles and how the f**k we were going to get them in and out of the place where I work - 150,000 units of the shite! You wouldn't believe the relief this week when it all shipped out. I bought the original playstation but, through spending years working with them, and all the hassle they cause me, I'll never buy one again. I could have even bought one for £405 with staff discount but couldn't even be arsed to do that and make a profit.
  4. I told my missus the same but she was having none of it
  5. Isn't it nice when, instead of moaning about the player(s) performances, we are moaning about the vocabulary used in their post-match MOTM interview? That alone shows just how good things are with the Villa right now
  6. I heard that Jack also has a clause to be the club's Father Christmas this year, it's known as a Santa Claus
  7. I doubt he'd be able to do this if he had Covid...
  8. I am sure Dean Smith and his team would rather have the fans inside Villa Park right now to see this wonderful football the team is playing. I think that when we are eventually allowed back in, the scramble for tickets will be immense. If the team are still playing they are currently, imagine the reception they will get when they next walk out to a full Villa Park crowd. That will be spine-tingling.
  9. To help us to secure our place in the top four - Wes and Nas will be all over that one! I like your thinking TV.
  10. For me, Ross Barkley is the difference between this season's Villa team and last season's. We've swapped a goalie and right back but they haven't really made a huge difference. They're both good and I like them both but they're not the reason we're so good. Watkins scores goals and is an obvious improvement in his position but, for me, Barkley is the one. He's the one who links our attacking play so well and tonight just showed exactly that. Grealish is even better this season because of Barkley. I hope he stays fit and keeps us tonight's kind of performance.
  11. Absolutely spot on. He's got enough quality to get into any of the top sides in the world. Brilliant player and one of our own.
  12. Well done for getting the lads over their last two defeats and obliterating Arsenal on their home turf, Dean. Great performance from the Villa tonight.
  13. Imagine him swapping Trez for Elmohamady, Jack for El Ghazi and Barkley for Nakamba and Arsenal bringing it back to 3-2 or 3-3, you and loads of others would have pummelled him with criticism.
  14. Bloody tough that is. I could've understand you hating Garde, Sherwood, McLeish or even Bruce more but Atkinson...
  15. Can't the ref make the final decision? The rule says that a player seems to be blocking the sight of the keeper but the ref has the final decision to make whether he thinks the keeper would have saved it? That's common sense.
  16. How does Barkley even have time to get out of the way of that? It's past him within a millisecond. It's an absolutely ridiculous decision. Surely the refs should be allowed to use their own discretion in such circumstances?
  17. That'll be disallowed. Even if nobody was in his eye line there's no way he saves that and that's how **** stupid this rule is.
  18. Beat Newcastle and Brighton, draw with Arsenal and lose the other two.
  19. I agree with you on many things mate. I watched that game today and pretty much from the first attack you could see were were second best to the ball. Again, they attacked down our right side. Whether teams see Cash as a weakness or whether they want to keep it away from Grealish's side of the pitch who knows but it is a definite trait that's become apparent this season. McGinn was a passenger for most of the game and looked clueless to what was going on. Martinez did a couple of strange things today. There was one where both Cash and Trezeguet were free in our half for an easy pass out but he passed to Mings instead who was immediately put under pressure and he just hoofed it down the field to their player for them to have possession and go straight on the attack again. It seems to me like the defence set the tone for our performances. If they are "at it" from the start we seem to be better as a whole team but when they fanny about at the back we seem to get put under pressure and start to lose all our positional sense and get outplayed. I knew from the first 5 minutes today that we would not win that game. We were not at it from the start and you could sense what was going to happen.
  20. What we really need to do is avoid going on a losing streak.
  21. Did you see how they had 2 players to the right of our "wall"? Easiest pass ever to make but he backed his quality to shoot at goal and it paid off.
  22. Rubbish! You don't leave your shortest player to mark the biggest opponent. If that IS a tactic they all need sacking.
  23. Totally agree and that's why we should have purchased another centre back, which I wanted all summer.
  24. He was positive and went looking for the ball on the left because nobody passed to him. First time he got on the ball he won a free kick and their player was booked. Second time he got on it he took a shot from a central position and it deflected wide. Give him the wall out wide right and then let's talk about him.
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