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Everything posted by Villarocker

  1. I personally thought Mings made the wrong decision sliding in on the player crossing it. It left two completely unmarked.
  2. Their defence is so shite even Davis might be able to get a chance tonight. Move Watkins wide left, put Davis on up front and put Barkley on for Sanson in the hope he can get on the end of a Davis knock-down/lay-off.
  3. But, let's be fair here, if the shite ref had given the penalty we would have most likely scored and gone on to win that game by 2 or 3. He bottled it. He bottled sending off McGoldrick too. The whole officiating team were terrible tonight. The players didn't make good in-game decisions tonight. However, there's no denying that Sheffield Utd fought like crazy for that win.
  4. Yet, a "game plan" was exactly how we won away at Leeds. Look, tonight was not pretty. For me, the reason we didn't take advantage when playing against 10 men is simple - we didn't stretch them. They were happy to jump and head clear cross after cross. We needed to get to the byline more and cut the ball back - make them face their own goal. We just kept doing the same thing over and over. Let's not, as fans, start showing ourselves up by being over-critical. This squad beat the champions 7-2. We've won our fair share for where we are as a club. Let's be respectful and hope they learn from this. Deano is one of us. He'll let them all know that was not good enough. Jack and Shaky will remind them it is not good enough. What these performances show is what we are short of - someone with guile, other than Jack. Rashica (sorry to bring up that ghost of summer past) was rumoured and, had he signed, may well have made that difference in games like tonight. That is what we need to be looking at in the summer. Another player who can do something different and make things happen. Tonight, other than getting to the byline, I thought we could have done other things such as: Make subs earlier. Put Trez on and play Traore where Ramsey was. Bring Luiz on for Nakamba - I don't think that was the kind of game for a newbie although, I'm not willing to write Sanson's ability off when he hasn't even started a game. Lessons to be learned by all and, hopefully, it'll make us stronger. Just please all remember that we are doing better than expected this season. Night's like this won't define us, they'll only make us stronger.
  5. Do you say the same to women if they don't orgasm after the first night? Jesus. He's not even started a game yet.
  6. Can we please not embarrass ourselves by being over-critical of the players. They have given us a fantastic season and let's not slag them off too much. We won't every game. If we did we'd win the league. Our lack of creativity stems from one thing - we are crossing in front of them. We need to get players overlapping to the byline and crossing into runners.
  7. Corner not given then McGoldrick throttles Konsa to the floor and the free kick goes to the man already on a yellow card and who minutes ago committed another foul. We should be playing 9 men by now.
  8. This commentary team on BT Sports is absolutely shite. The main commentator has no idea what he's talking about. He must usually commentate on Swimming or Polo because he knows fook all about football.
  9. The question is more; how did VAR not give that penalty?
  10. Songkran? I can see what your extra curricular activities involve. He won too, right?
  11. Denied a penalty. Denied a clear corner. Also, that passage of play where Watkins trapped the ball like a bag of wet cement and El Ghazi went down the line and crossed it near post, did their player use his arm to nudge it behind as his keeper went for it?
  12. He's a confidence player for sure and it won't do anything for that confidence if you score 5 goals then get dropped for someone as soon as he comes back from injury. He's had his chence and not only scored the winner but been the biggest goal threat. His subbing made sense because Targett was on a yellow and not shying a challenge so putting Trez on to help him was a good move. El Ghazi has to start the next game.
  13. Mate, I so wish for this. He clearly is a miles better player on that side. He is a confidence player and scored as many as Jack in a third of the games so clearly needs to play in that position. He's a huge threat when he's on his game. Today, first half, he had about 4 shots on target. Him, Grealish, Watkins and Traore seems a much bigger goal threat than any other front four combo we have.
  14. That is the most underestimated response to a performance I think I've ever seen. For me, he was brilliant. Before today's game it was being suggested he be replaced by a youngster who would be making his senior debut in the Premier League. Elmo was brilliant and never put a foot wrong. Ultimate professional and it's no surprise why Smith and Co would want to keep him at the club.
  15. To be fair, you'd be absolutely disgusted if Dean Smith changed his jacket next game. Only joking Totally agree. The stats don't lie. Marvellous plays and we win and keep clean sheets. He must start the next game. You've been critical of Barkley recently and I defended him after the Southampton win/goal but, overall, you were right - he's been poor. El Ghazi has scored as many goals as Grealish in probably a third of games played. He deserves to keep the shirt wide left.
  16. If he continues playing like this until the end of this season there's no way we should be spending money on him. Since he returned from injury he's been poor, apart from the winning goal vs Southampton. Other than that goal the only impact his presence has had is to have destroyed the confidence that El Ghazi had prior to Barkley's return.
  17. Barkley has done nothing in this game. Him and McGinn have been poor. If they start playing we might have a better chance.
  18. Barnes and Luiz had hold of each other then. Barnes pushes Luiz over and he falls and gets the free kick and Luiz gets booked. How?
  19. He was kicking him, not just a single kick. He was laying sneaky digs on him. Why doesn't VAR look at that?
  20. Great, brave finish by Traore but, why doesn't VAR look at Schmeichel kicking him whilst on the floor?
  21. Not Elmohamady's fault at all. Cash also plays narrow at right back all the time. Two players to blame. Watch when they win the ball in midfield. Barkley sees the danger of Maddison and makes a short burst but stops then jogs back. If he carried on sprinting he'd have gotten to Maddison to challenge him. However, when that doesn't happen, the nearest player to him has to make a challenge and that was Mings. He's directly in front of him and doesn't go out to make the challenge.
  22. After his first few games I thought he'd made a great start to his career with us but it was just because he was new and no way would he continue to be so good. But, he just gets better and better. Finding a good, solid, reliable goalkeeper is like striking oil in football. We've really hit the jackpot with Emi. Easily our best signing for many a long time.
  23. I'm actually convinced that Potter, being a Villa fan, gets the very best out of them when they play us because he wants to put himself in line to replace Deano when he leaves to become England manager in a few years time.
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