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Everything posted by Villarocker

  1. Jack won't get a game tomorrow, I'm sure of it. Southgate wants to keep things tight and I can see him playing the same style as the last three games. Keep it tight and try to use pace at the top end of the pitch. Germany have a weak-looking attacking lineup so we should be looking to put more trust in our defence and try to exploit weaknesses in their defence more. I'd love to see Jack given a game where he gets lots of the ball. Then we'd see his true qualities.
  2. The two players he struggles to dislodge in the England side are Sterling and Foden. Both of them play at Citeh so why go there? He knows he's first name on the team sheet at Villa and if we win something within the next 8-10 years he will be lifting the trophy. If he goes I'll be disappointed. What would be funny is if he went and we spent the money wisely and got to a position in 4 years' time where he came back for free and took us to that trophy lol
  3. Two ballers battling it out whilst Southgate watches on in the background looking like he's waiting for a bus and checking for loose change. The team reflect the manager - boring.
  4. Also, he today said that it's a game for people to keep calm heads because of the rivalry. Jack can be hot-headed at times. I doubt he will even get on as a sub.
  5. This is a great move by the club. Young was brilliant for us when first here. Yes, he won't be the same player but what he will have lost in pace he will have made up for in nous, adaptability and, winning mentality. What a greatly experienced player to have on the books for the next season.
  6. I think you're right about Man City or bust but, if that is the case, Jack needs to ask himself if joining them would be a good career move for his international chances when he will have the two players keeping him out of the National team - Sterling and Foden - playing ahead of him at City. He's not going anywhere. Not now the Villa are on their way towards the top.
  7. Do you think he's going then? If they're offering 5/4 he stays, for a £100 flutter you would get £225 in return if he did stay. A nice profit of £125.
  8. I reckon that we've all got Southgate wrong and that he's a closet Villa fan, who loves Grealish and, doesn't want to play him on the big stage to attempt to make him not look good enough, to detract any potential suitors. It's either that or he really is a complete bellend.
  9. Mings is the one Villa defender that I have most fear of a mistake from. However, against Croatia, he was the best defender on the pitch and only behind Phillips as best English player, in my opinion. Sterling did nothing apart from his goal and even then he somehow managed to hit the keeper who, fortunately for us, didn't save it. Sterling ran around and tried to do stuff but all he did was run into people or lose the ball. Foden was the main outlet at the start but they stopped giving him the ball, for some strange reason. Southgate clearly has his favourites and I have no doubt that he would drop Mings for Mcguire is he gets to full fitness. But, if Mings plays like he did against Croatia he should definitely keep the shirt.
  10. What makes me sick about Southgate is, he plays Trippier - who is probably our third best right back - at left back yet he doesn't play Jack in any attacking position when he is our best attacking option. It is personal.
  11. Doing exhibition stuff for his teammates stood in awe of his skills whilst the England manager ponders yet another excuse he can muster not to play him. The other managers must be loving the fact Southgate manages England. The other managers must also wish they had Jack in their teams.
  12. I would absolutely agree with you if we had an England manager that wasn't a boring, drab, unimpressive Mr play-it-safe. I'm sure that Southgate will be playing five at the back so I expect to see a starting lineup that is something like this... -------------------Pickford----------------- ------Walker----Stones----Coady---- Trippier----Rice----Henderson---Chilwell --------------Foden-----Mount---------------- ---------------------Kane-------------------- When it really should be..... ----------------------Pickford------------------ Walker---Coady----Mings----Chilwell -----------------Rice--------Phillips----------- Foden-------------Mount---------Grealish -----------------------Kane--------------------
  13. We rate Chuckie highly so I can't see us spending £30m on someone else's 18 year old when we have our own breaking through. I think that's an agent trying to get his player a big deal. I think we need left back cover, centre back cover and a big starting defensive midfielder and a striker. No idea about the defenders and striker but I do fancy us to outbid the gooners again and bring in Sander Berge to play the DM role. I think we'll let Engels and Wesley go and, maybe one of Nakamba or Luiz.
  14. You can just imagine him asking Buendia if he's seriously interested in joining Arsenal and when he asks him why Martinez tells him how shite they are and that the best thing he ever did was join Villa. Then he tells him Villa want him and that he should start the South American revolution down at B6
  15. The Norwich fan in the video said he will beat two players and punch the ball in the net. If he'd said 6 players I'd be expecting Maradona!
  16. So, how big a deal do you think this will be, just out of interest? Do you think it'll be our biggest signing fee-wise this summer? Do you think he is a replacement for Jack? Where do you see us playing him? Personally, I think Jack has probably won his battle to play in the number 10 role and Buendia will be the man out wide left.
  17. It would have been crazy for us to face European competition next season with the squad as it is. So, with that in mind, I am more than happy with us finishing anywhere around 8th-12th. Finishing above Wolves and Albion was also a target for me. I think we've achieved that. Had we not lost Grealish and had the Covid outbreak we might have finished top 8 but that would have messed us up next season. I'm happy where we are and think it gives us a great platform to kick on again next season where, with another £100m spend we could easily finish top 8.
  18. I'd like to see him get a game in the position Barkley occupies. Less emphasis on defending then. He's got a great shot and can play a pass so might be worth a try there.
  19. It was always going to be difficult to hold on to a lead with 10 men. I'm not exaggerating, I could have done as much as Barkley has in this game. He is anonymous. I'd love to see a game where Traore plays where Barkley is playing, where he has less emphasis on chasing back and can play behind Watkins. Luiz makes stupid errors. He really does. I think his place is well up for grabs. He's admitted he hasn't been at it during the season and been left out from time to time. I think he may be one replaced in the starting lineup in the summer together with the Barkley position.
  20. That was a brilliant half of football from Villa. Pickford has had the best half of his life.
  21. To be honest, if Jack being out means we miss out on Europe, I can live with that. Playing midweek European games would have been beyond us as a club right now. We need much further depth to our squad before we go down that road.
  22. One does the salsa whilst the other does the can can?
  23. How can that pen be given when the ball was off the pitch at the point Kane goes down?
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