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Everything posted by Villarocker

  1. Ignore this He posted about the coach 3 hours ago. It was announced 4 hours ago so he could've got it from that. To be fair, he's only saying what was already reported, that Man City had booked a medical. It doesn't mean Jack is going there to undertake that medical. Let's keep our
  2. So how much have you bet on Grealish to Man City with the bookies and at what odds?
  3. That guy will be finished if Jack and Harry both stay at their clubs
  4. John McGinn's reaction when asked what he would think of Jack Grealish if he leaves Villa.
  5. I like a flutter. It's a shame the bookies don't give odds on how many Villa fans are going to suffer anxiety attacks before the start of the season.
  6. Isn't he just happy because he's DJing again after 18 months? That's how I read it.
  7. The odds prove to me that nobody actually knows what is going to happen. In fact, it'd be no surprise if right now Jack doesn't even know what he's going to do. I think this will really all come down to when he sits down with Smith, Edens and Lange and hears what their plans are. The good thing is that we've signed two real quality players at the top end of the pitch. That takes a lot of pressure off him and adds goals to the team. We need a solid bench too. Players that can add quality when they get on the pitch.
  8. I was only kidding mate. That twitter account is convinced Jack is staying and releasing lots of cryptic stuff about Villa. All whilst seemingly coming from a person whose first language isn't English. He actually reminds me of a Villa mad Romanian I worked with last Christmas.
  9. Good luck mate. The weather looks good for it. Let's hope Villa don't ruin it for you.
  10. What we don't effing want is a cryptic where everyone gets excited it is Jack only for it to be Leon Bailey and then Jack leaves later today. I'd actually feel sorry for Bailey if they did that as it would so undermine his arrival.
  11. I reckon there was a release clause in Jack's last contract. I wouldn't be surprised if he sat there and told them that he loves Villa and wants to stay here forever but also wants to win something before he finishes playing so wants to always have that clause in case Villa's ambitions don't match his. He was sold the plan last year and we've shown on the pitch that we've improved. It'll all be about the signings this year and whether Jack thinks they add enough quality to the team to take us top 6. We're probably a solid back-up striker, back-up centre back and, a starting defensive midfielder short of becoming that team, for me. But, is it enough for Jack? Ashley Young's return might be the swinger. He's come back to welcoming arms at the age of 35. He left and won trophies then returned to a club he loved playing for. Jack may be thinking he can leave for 4 years then come back before he's 30 and still have a final 5 years playing for the club he loves with trophies in the bag. He knows we'd welcome him back if we can do it for Young. I think that Man City knew about the release clause and it got met, which gets them to put an offer to Jack. I think Jack will probably now be hoping that when he sits down with Smith, Edens and Lange, they can give him enough confidence to stay by telling him who they're looking to bring in.
  12. Can't recall where I saw it but he was definitely also linked with AC Milan.
  13. Look who I found on tweeter... If that tweet isn't enough to make you smile, maybe this one will (albeit it was posted in May) If there's one guy to believe in Twitter world surely it must be someone with this name?
  14. I really want this to happen. He'd be right at home with four other South Americans at the club. He looks a real quality player too.
  15. Me too! Leverkusen fans can facken zee offen.
  16. To be fair, Jesus was a centre forward. Everyone kept telling him to be Jesus but then he played against the Villa and a centre back named God scared the bejesus out of him
  17. It drives me crazy when I see Villa fans saying they won't blame him for going as it gives him chance to win trophies. If a bloke moves in a 3 bed detached house down the road and he's better looking than you with a better job, car and bank balance etc, would you wish your missus well and understand if she left you to go live with him?
  18. It is the manner of it that's hurting me. If he goes in the middle of next week how the hell do we go into that first game? No Traore, Jack or Trez on the wings, just El Ghazi. I guess we could out Ollie out wide and Wesley down the middle? The timing really messes us up and anyone we go for is going to have an extra 10% minimum added to the price tag due to the selling team knowing we just pocketed £100m. If he was ever going to go, it should've all been hush-hush with us being able to do our business first so we don't get mugged. We've also got to develop a new style of playing. Jack is the outlet. All the time, he is the man to give it to. Does anyone else fear that the push to the top may have been out on hold behind the scenes? I'm not panicking, just asking the question based solely on the fact JT has gone, JG is looking likely to go and, the signings had dried up prior to all of this.
  19. We now know how you'd like to live out your fantasy with him but, how would you react to him leaving Villa?
  20. Seems to me like they got wind of a £100m release clause and had made various attempts at fulfilling it - deals with add-ons and players involved etc - but they weren't to Villa's liking. They've now made a £100m up front offer and Villa have no choice but to accept it as it is in a legally binding contract. That leaves Man Shitty free to approach Jack and put their offer of a contract in front of him. If that is where we're at it all now boils down to question of whether Jack takes their offer and goes there for what he believes is instant success or whether his love for Villa and being Captain etc is enough to keep him here. If he goes it is all about him wanting to win trophies and not waiting/trying to get that with Villa. For me, if he goes, I don't wish him well and I don't want him to succeed. I won't ever boo him but I'll never acknowledge him either. He will just be another player at another club.
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