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Everything posted by Villarocker

  1. Breaking news: Jack Grealish may be available for a U-turn and swift return to Villa Park. Man City (Guardiola) insisted on a clause in his contract that he could be released prior to the end of this summer's transfer window IF Lionel Messi's contract at Barcelona wasn't signed and he became a free agent this summer. Breaking, breaking news: Villa owners, together with the backing of the coaching staff, players and all the fans at AVFC, have said that Villa Park hasn't got a reptile house so Jack "The Snake" Grealish can go f**k himself! PS: We've already spent your money!
  2. Wants to repay Martinez for completing his medal set by joining him at the club that gave him his chance to shine? I like it
  3. Imagine... Messi on a free on 400k wages per week for 2 years - paid for by Jack departing lol. Imagine... Pep sees Messi is now available and decides to pull the plug on the Grealish deal to afford Messi's wages lol.
  4. Interesting right? Daichi Kamada is reported as being chased by 4 clubs of which Spurs and Watford are supposedly two of them. Reported fee of around 25m euros. 25 year old attacking midfielder who is a 6 footer.
  5. Not sure where I saw it but someone mentioned a Japanese player named Kamada earlier. I just read on Twitter that our new set piece coach is fluent in Japanese
  6. No offence but, how could tou just pass by? You could have got your phone out and become a Twitter legend this evening!
  7. It bothers the plastics from Oil City not one bit. Why? Because he said it before most of their fans started following them!
  8. I can understand the doubt if you don't know my son. He's 7 and reading stage 16 books at school, does his Maths in a different class because he's 2 years ahead of schedule and he was on year 4 spellings before leaving year 2. He also just won the pupil of the year for his year 2 class. He also knows that Jack Grealish is a traitor!
  9. My 7 year old son asked me today if Jack Grealish is leaving Villa. I told him that it hasn't officially happened yet but, it is going to happen, probably either today or tomorrow. My said "But, Dad, why would he leave Villa if he supports them?". We then went on to have the following conversation... I said "Well, he starting supporting them as a little boy around your age. His Dad supports them too and so his Dad used to take him to the games, like we plan to do. He then joined Villa as a kid and Villa, over the years would've spent a lot of money on him and his family. He then got better and better and we made him Captain and the fans love him and pushed for him to be picked for England etc and now he's just got so famous that he probably now sees himself so good that he deserves to win trophies and so he's going to the team that were the Champions of England last season and were in the final to be Champions of Europe, like Villa were when I was a kid" My son said "Dad, I love Villa too even though I've never been to see them play yet. If I was in his place and Villa did all that for me and I was Captain and all the fans loved me like that, there's no way I would ever leave. I mean, NO WAY!". I said "But, what if the Champions came along offering you more money to play for them and you got say ten million pounds to sign for them and you were pretty much guaranteed to win lots of trophies?". My son replied "But, they aren't Aston Villa are they? If I love Villa what's the point winning trophies with someone else? If you win with them it means Villa haven't won. Surely if you're so good and you love Villa you would want to play for them to help them to win the trophies, right?". I said "And, what if Villa didn't win anything and you played for only them all your career?". My son replied "Dad, playing isn't just about winning. It's about having fun and enjoying yourself. How could I enjoy myself and have fun playing for another team and wearing different shirts? That wouldn't be fun for me. And I wouldn't need all that extra money either because Villa would be paying me enough. So I'd be happy as long as I played for them". My son then went on to sing this... Super (not), super (not) Jack. Super (not), super (not) Jack. Super (not), super (not) Jack. Super (not) Jackie Grealish. I don't know how other fans' kids have reacted but mine is super disappointed in Grealish for not staying loyal to the club. He's never been to a game and never watched us play on TV. He knows the players names and what we're about - from me - and even he can feel let down by this saga.
  10. Yep, looks like one big lie as he wanted hig big money move to make him plenty of £s. I knew he was a fraud. When he was out injured he was always pictured sat up in the stands with his feet up on the seats in front of him. I used to shout at the TV "Oi, Jack. If you love the club so much take your f**king feet off the seats, it's disrespectful".
  11. Welcome to the Villa, Danny. I hope you stay loyal to us and enjoy the love we bestow on you.
  12. I'm totally with you in this. I wish for the fans to all turn their backs on him when he next walks out in front of them and boo him each tough of the ball followed by this song - in the loudest voices possible - "You weren't fit to wear our shirt. You weren't fit to wear our shirt".
  13. I see this as Ings down the middle with Watkins wide left and Bailey wide right. Buendia behind Ings. Looks good to me.
  14. Spot on, TRO. We will no longer be a team where if you stop Grealish you stop Villa. Opponents will now have our front four to worry about instead. It must do the other players' heads in when Jack gets the plaudits all the time.
  15. To be fair to that Fair my In Boots fella, he may be on to something with what he said about money lats summer. Remember when Jack first broke onto the scene and Villa offered him a new deal? Just at that point I was in my local and we played the baggies. I was talking about him to a fella who wasn't particularly a Villa fan but knew Jack from when he was a baby. He was a family friend for a long time. He told me what Jack was being offered and the stalling part was that Jack's dad couldn't look after him anymore because of the amount of money involved and told him to get an agent. The same guy also told me that Jack would change allegiance from Ireland to England because he will get more exposure playing for England and will make more money that way. Then Jack went and declared himself available for England. If money is his real motivation, he clearly will go to Oil City.
  16. Yeah, I'm pretty much at this point now. Just get as much money out of the blood-sucking bastards as we can and spend it on players who do want to play for us. We need quality though because Jack is quality. Hopefully, Villa will bring in 3 or 4 players more and we don't suffer too much interference by this whole saga. I have a sneaky feeling that the other players will be glad when he's gone. It must be crap working your asses off and only one player gets all the glory. Time to move on as a club and not be Jack Grealish's Aston Villa any longer.
  17. To which Jack replies.. Now I don't know where I'm going, but I sure know where I've been.
  18. So, with you so certain that the deal is agreed and Jack is going ill ask again, how much have you bet on him joining Man City and what odds did you get? I mean, with such information that is free money to be made, right?
  19. Fact of the matter is, if Jack goes and we replace him with say Jonathan David and he scored more than 10 goals in the season and the likes of Bailey and Buendia chip in with 10+ because we are no longer a one man band, would we miss Jack? He doesn't score lots of goals so if he goes and replace him with goals he'll hardly be missed, right?
  20. TRO, if he does leave, I so hope that Villa break the top 4 and win a trophy - FA Cup or Europa League etc - in the first few years he's gone so he feels the pain of missing out on that. Sorry but, I cannot wish him well if he walks out on us after just 2 years back in the Premier League.
  21. I'm 5ft 5ins so not sure that qualifies me as a grown adult anyway lol.
  22. The only sense I can see in Jack training with us is so that we can have time to bring in players prior to him leaving as that would mean us being fleeced on fees. That would fit in with neither side confirming a deal and why were parading him around as if he's still one of ours. This is pretty much what that Whispers guy is hinting at - that we're putting bids in and it doesn't look good for him staying. People would think that dangerous for Man City in case he gets injured but, if it's none-contact stuff going on he's unlikely to get hurt. You have to say that, if he had decided to go, no way Villa would allow it until we've spent money on replacements. Not only would we need them from a playing point of view but, they will need some in to appease the disappointment of the fans.
  23. He also mentioned a new contract to a keeper at Villa and a Chelsea player close to incoming. Also says we're talking to Manure.
  24. He appears to be a teenage bullshitter whose native tongue isn't English and his studying of it has reached year 2 level - I'm hoping that's the case.
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