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Everything posted by Villarocker

  1. We all have to remember that our main front four last season were: Traore---------Barkley-----------Grealish ------------------Watkins----------------------- Yesterday, we started with: El Ghazi-----------Buendia-----------Young --------------------------Ings------------------------- Completely different attack that clearly needs time to gel. My biggest problem with our lineup yesterday was seeing El Ghazi wide right. That position is one that El Ghazi has never played well in. He always performs better when wide left. Buendia in the middle is going to mean we have 2.5 midgets there and far too lightweight in terms of strength. Yesterday, he was simply brushed aside. If they are serious about not buying anyone else Buendia and Bailey will have to play out wide. We will probably have to play Ings behind Watkins to add a bit of steel into the centre.
  2. Europe has to be the aim otherwise we will just keep losing the better players to the clubs at the top. That's obvious, surely?
  3. I half agree with you. Half because that's what they've shown so far. The other half sits in hope that they'll spend £70-80m on new players before the end of the window.
  4. Our of interest, who do you suggest as the middle two?
  5. But, we played those two with various number 8's against better teams last season and did better. Is it a case of us missing Grealish? I know, we don't want to go there but, what if his holding the ball up meant we could build our attacks better? Who held the ball up today? I'll tell you, nobody did. We need to learn that side of the game really quick.
  6. Buendia should not play behind a striker. He's too lightweight, as shown today. He plays wide left or right or not at all.
  7. We signed players from relegated teams in our past. We're in a new era where simply buying the best teams from the relegated/promoted teams isn't good enough. We need to up our game if we're to challenge top 7.
  8. Fitness is exactly what we lacked today. But, why Ramsey for Targett? Exaplin that? Why start El Ghazi wide right when we ALL know he's no good there? Where was Buendia meant to be playing in that second half? I saw him more than once playing in the same position as the first half. Ramsey was directly behind him. Who was wide left when Young went to left back? So many answers needed. Tell you one thing, those doubting McGinn's quality need to shut up. He's been asked to play deeper than his quality befits. For me, as seen when he plays for his country, he should be playing behind the striker. Maybe our starting lineup. When all fully fit, should be: ----------------------Martinez---------------------- Cash--------Konsa-------Mings-------Targett -------------New DM-----Luiz--------------------- Bailey------------McGinn--------------Buendia ----------------------Watkins--------------------------
  9. NO! We've reached a level where we need to look bigger than lower end Premier League and top end Championship. If we want to progress up the league it is time for Lange to step up and start finding gems ready for that level.
  10. El Ghazi has been just as expected. Young has been disappointing and of erring zero cover to Targett against Sarr. Buendia's corners have been poor and he's hardly done anything when he's had the ball. McGinn looks slow. Targett is diving in. Konsa going forward in open play and leaving us exposed at the back. Nakamba passing to them on more than one occasion and leaving us wide open to the counter. We look disjointed. atford could win this easily if they're brave enough. We need to see what Dean is made of now. Two down means no messing about waiting until the hour mark to make changes. He needs to get Bailey and Traore on at half time. *Remember Dean, there are now "concussion subs" so make sure the lads are aware to have a bang on the head towards the end of all your subs are used and you need to make changes!
  11. We have Bailey, Watkins and Traore to fill in but, on days like this, I see your point OBE. I am expecting nothing from El-Ghazi today as he's never really produced from that side of attack. Hope to be proved wrong though. I think Young has his chance today to prove he will be more than back up this season.
  12. This past week, McGinn, Martinez, Tuanzebe and Konsa have given interviews where they've said that this season is all about getting into Europe. I think that Grealish leaving may have alarmed the owners to the fact that the best players at the club won't wait around forever to play at the highest level and they've since emphasised to the players the importance of finishing in the European places otherwise there may have to be further player changes required to try to get to where they want us to be. Hopefully, this will be the season where we reach Europe and attract even better quality players next summer.
  13. Imagine having to report to Mile Jedinak after a game to explain why you were shit?
  14. It's a fact that ROK and JT were very active and vocal during games. Maybe the owners want Dean to be more of a presence on the touchline and act more like a manager than a head coach? To see if he's truly up to the task? After all, this is his third season in the Premier League.
  15. Imagine being as good as Emi is and having to need a sports psychologist to help him through the dark times he was feeling because nobody else was believing in him. So glad that Dean and the coaching staff saw Emi's qualities and gave him the chance he deserves. Hopefully, Emil will be here until he decides to hang up his boots.
  16. Can I just state on record that I agree with everything you said there, especially about Fraudlish
  17. I liked what he's said about players having to perform otherwise they will be shown the door. We need that way of thinking at the club now in order to progress to where we aim to be.
  18. He also said he has no plans to move Watkins out to play wide on the wings. Good to see!
  19. That stuck out like a sore thumb from that interview. Dean saying that we are probably 18 months away from Champions League football is very interesting. Makes you wonder what he thinks this group is capable of. He must surely be hoping to break top 7 or 8 this season before kicking on into the Champions League places.
  20. The one thing we clearly lacked last season and seasons before was attacking creativity. Whenever Grealish was out we struggled. We've added four players who can attack - Ings, Bailey, Buendia and Young. After that, we've lacked a defensive midfielder who can stop the opposition. That's the last piece of the jigsaw for this squad to fill and I think they'll do it before this window closes.
  21. The website and phonelines are dire. Am I right in thinking that to basically get tickets now (if not a season ticket holder) you pretty much have to pay an extra £40 per season for this membership and then hope to get one?
  22. Oh man, we can't break Arsenal hearts for a third time!
  23. Which makes me wonder; was our boy Jack actually out for so long because his legs were not well enough or was there a bit of self-preservation going on? Back on topic, I think that Purslow said it out loud that Buendia, Bailey and Ings were the ingredients that were needed because of losing Grealish. I think we will buy a DM and that's it.
  24. Regarding the spend, haven't we got £100m for Greedlish (Purslow's saying, not mine) and spent that amount on Buendia (40m), Ings (30m) and Bailey (30m)? Take those 4 deals out of the equation, surely we would have spent anyway this summer? I'd have expected a spend of around 70 to 80 million. Not saying we'll do that now but I'd expect us to spend up to half of that if we still feel we can improve the team/squad. One thing I've noticed is this; we bought players in positions we thought we would. Needed a left back to cover Targett and got in Young. Needed a centre back to replace Engels and we got in Tuanzebe. Needed the three elements the coaching staff we needed to replace by losing Greedlish and we got in Buendia, Bailey and Ings. There are two positions that stand out. We were linked early in the window with a new keeper to cover Emi and a new defensive midfielder with the first linked being Sander Berge. If they use Sinisalo as third choice, they may think Steer deserves chance to be the back-up to Emi. That leaves us needing the first target we set our sights on, a defensive midfielder. Luiz was left out at times last season and replaced by Nakamba. If Nakamba is injured or suspended who would play there if they felt they needed steel for that game? I think they'll still buy someone to fill that position. Question is, do they go all in and spend a packet on one that will then start from the beginning?
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