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Everything posted by Villarocker

  1. Last season, it was quite obvious that most opposition attacks cane down our right - Cash's side. Loads agreed that it was probably because the opposition were scared to over-commit down our left in case they lost it and Grealish exploited the space. Maybe Grealish leaving has changed teams' thinking and they're now charging down our left?
  2. Saying that playing centrally isn't his strong point is fine but, for £40, I expect a player to be able to: 1) Control a ball from a throw-in 2) Be able to make a simple pass He looks like a child amongst men. He was terrible last night.
  3. Has Watkins' head dropped because he's found out that Ings came in on more money? Or feel his central role is threatened? I looked at our players run out onto the pitch tonight and I immediately turned to my Dad and said "they don't look up for this tonight". Arsenal then ran out with a spring in their step. I think our players probably felt wrong before they took to the pitch. If that's the case, they're not happy where they're playing. That's on the manager. Square pegs don't fit in round holes. Has anyone else noticed that our players were sweating buckets after 15 minutes whilst the gooners looked like they're on a jolly?
  4. Our defence had conceded 3 in 4 games, why expect any different? Are we missing Terry and O'Kelly coaching our defence? Does Deano think we'd be even worse playing a back four without having Grealish to carry us up the pitch and holding on to the ball? Why did Mings duck under the corner they scored from? Why did all 3 of Mings, McGinn and Watkins all make silly challenges after being booked? Why didn't Deano change it after 20 minutes where it looked inevitable that we would concede and were so desperately poor? How the **** was the pen given?
  5. Cash was formerly a winger so playing wing back should be natural to him. Targett also got forward well. I think that the midfield, especially the defensive side of it, was poor today. Ramsey wasn't great today and my frustration with Deano is the fact he didn't make a change at half time today - it needed it.
  6. Could you see them conceding 3 goals, 3 games in a row? Probably not, right? Villa will fancy their chances. Kane just isn't up for it and it's affecting their dressing room, you can see it. They'd have been better off selling him. But, with him in the doldrums we will hopefully play well and take advantage of some slack defending.
  7. THAT tackle, BOF! It was as good as a goal.
  8. I thought it was penalty wasn't bad. It looked a decent stop from Atibakfkrbdkaga.
  9. Wait! That'll make him Aston Manor!...... On the piss my Lord, on the piss......
  10. I'll take the bait. You do realise that the Chelsea forwards in that game cost more than our whole team? It's called a squad for a reason. If we'd gone and played all our best players and lost, like we did a couple of games ago, and then they were knackered for Saturday lunchtime, Smith would have been heavily criticised by more than just you. Please try to find more to be positive about because right now should be a very pleasing experience being a Villa fan. I'm loving it!
  11. I totally agree with you. Ollie won't have to run himself into the ground so much now as it's clear to see we're more of a team now.
  12. I'm wondering if anyone else is feeling a bit sorry for Ollie? Last season's top scorer, started the season injured and Ings took his chances well. System change seems to have taken the spotlight off Ollie a bit. I hope it doesn't affect his game/spirit and he starts firing the goals in again soon.
  13. He played some very good forward passes when he came on. I'd personally play him alongside McGinn and move Luiz further forward if he's gonna play. That was a lovely pass through to Cash for his goal.
  14. Really? I thought it was something absolutely different. I thought it meant more like... What Da F**k Absolute F**king C**ts Not even joking! Lol
  15. I like that Dean saw us as too predictable last season and wants to change it up. But, for me, we should only be going with that 3-5-2 when we play teams like Man Utd, Man City, Chelsea, Liverpool and want to keep it tight and counter attack them. When the opposition carry more of an attacking threat, basically. I think when we play all other teams we should be brave with the attacking players that we have and go at the opposition. By the way, that's not me being critical. Just making an observation. What a team/squad he has assembled!
  16. Not sure I'd have gone with the same system as last week. I think that is more a formation for when you play the big guns or, a decent side away from home. For this game, I'd rather have seen a normal back four - only up against Rondon and Gray - so we should have played the fast, tricky wide men to pin back their full backs.
  17. Cheers mate What you said about your daughter sounds so very similar to my son. Last year, he had all the symptoms I had but tested negative. Right now, he has the same symptoms as me, and a worse cough, yet tested negative. It makes no sense.
  18. Last Friday, I started coughing, developed a runny nose and a sore throat. My girlfriend and our son had exactly the same symptoms. We did Covid lft's at home and all were negative so we all went about our day as normal, son off to school and Mom and Dad off to work. Our symptoms are still the same now, today. However, I'm Asthmatic and my asthma wasn't great all weekend so I stayed home and did bugger all. On Monday morning I went to work. I told my boss that my asthma wasn't great and how I'd been etc so I would be unable to wear a mask as anything around my face when I'm feeling like that makes me worse. Now, I shouldn't have probably gone in if I'm being honest as I didn't feel well enough to but my bosses always have a go at me if I'm off and frown upon any time I spend away from my work. So, with that in mind, I went in. Tuesday morning, I got up as if to go to work and just before I left the house I had an asthma attack. Thankfully, my girlfriend was home at the time and she helped calm me down and get me breathing better. I was struggling so stayed home from work. Yesterday, I did the same. Got up, not feeling good with my breathing so stayed home but, when I coughed I noticed a sharp pain in my side. So, I took a covid test at home. It was positive. My girlfriend and son took one and theirs was negative. I took another two and they were positive. I booked a PCR test and did that yesterday. Today, they've text me to tell me I have Covid. I previously had Covid in March of 2020 and was really poorly. I've since been double-vaccinated and have to say that this time just seems like a bit of a bad cold. Symptoms are completely different to last time. The difference is remarkable really and for that reason I can strongly advise anyone who hasn't been vaccinated to do yourselves a favour and get it done as it clearly does work.
  19. I like this run of games. That'll mean we've gotten a lot of potentially tough away games pit of the way before Christmas. Personally, I think we will get at least 6 points and as many as 8.
  20. I agree with you Trent. I don't think anybody could argue that, on form since the start of last season, Konsa has been the best centre back for Villa. If it continues throughout this season, if Villa were to strengthen with a big player at centre back they would surely replace Tyrone.
  21. Really? He couldn't have just stood his ground and shown him down the line?
  22. Appalling refereeing today. The most biased in a while and that's saying something given what we endure as fans.
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