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Everything posted by Villarocker

  1. Even though I am not confident he would work here, I would not be against appointing Garde as manager. I'd rather we took a gamble on him that someone like Warburton or even worse, give the job to Poyet! Having worked with Houllier and Wenger, would we be seeing a lot more of the passing out from the back stuff that has frightened the life out of us previously? If so, we could see more of the mistakes that we saw Amavi and Lescott make as a result of the throw-outs from Guzan, unless he brings a goalie who can pass better.
  2. I will still be surprised if it is Garde. I think it will be Sean Dyke. I bet it wouldn't be long before he got ditched!
  3. The way our board works it wouldn't surprise me if they chose Pearson after all, he was in the same position last season and kept up Leicester.
  4. Maybe I've got Remi Garde all wrong but he doesn't seem to have much experience of management, certainly not enough to make me feel that he will succeed here. I think he looks like another gamble and we could do without another of those right now.
  5. Garde, to me, seems like a French version of Sherwood. He's not got much experience and I again envisage a tough time. Although, with so many French speaking players, it's not hard to see why such a link would be made. If he joins, I'll support him. But, for me, it seems like another Sherwood era ahead, albeit without the arrogant cockney attitude. I think we need someone who's been around the block a bit. Is it coincidence that the last 3-4 years have been some of the worst in our history, with some record breaking lows, with relatively young managers in charge? I think someone of the ilk of Allardyce or Pulis is what we need, even though it makes me sad to say that based on the knowledge of "football" their teams serve up. Maybe Moyes is the answer, him or someone else who's been there and done it.
  6. That second goal was terrible defending on his part. He put himself in no man's land and unable to do anything about stopping the cross getting to its target.
  7. Guzan has made mistakes recently but the likes of Amavi, Lescott and Richards have been Co-conspirators IMO.
  8. This was my first post in the Tim Sherwood thread just after he joined. My support for him has stopped. I said I'd give him up to 12 games but there's no point now, the damage is done and we need someone new in to lift the players and start injecting new ideas into the team. I wish I could have been proved wrong with that original first post though as I want every manager of succeed with Villa.
  9. I know it did, you know it did but, the manager didn't!
  10. I've won a beer. Had a bet with my mate that he wouldn't be gone by MOTD last night. I said it will be Monday morning and still think it will be.
  11. Lower your ransom and get out of dodge, Randy. Not many, if any, want you here.
  12. Am I the only one that thinks that Guzan's play has only suffered since the new goalkeeping coach came to the club? Tony Parkes spends more time advising Sherwood on match day than anybody else. Maybe he's doing the same on the training pitch and neglecting his real duties? Whoever was coaching Guzan and Co before Parkes, we need to bring him back!
  13. Didn't Richardson fill the space vacated by Lescott after he went out of the box to make a challenge that he failed to win? I actually thought that Richards was just as guilty for Leaving Hutton 3 v 1 at the back post.
  14. He's just too slow and gets caught out of position way too often. He cannot play at this level any more and should not be anywhere near the starting eleven from now on.
  15. Said it before and now again, unless he's facing crosses in front of goal he's absolutely useless. Either play two wingers that can cross in to him or drop him and play a centre forward who can work intricate moves.
  16. I questioned his ability to play centre back earlier in the season and got slaughtered for it. He's played well there since but was poor for that third goal. However, Lescott got done outside of the box and maybe he felt he needed to cover the middle of the box for that ball in?
  17. He was shit! He had numerous chances to cross a ball but he didn't find a Villa shirt, unless sat in the crowd. Defensively he was poor too. I don't blame him for the goal though, 1 v 3 is always going to end up bad.
  18. Given his ego he might just be one to resign and then say the job was impossible with what was going on behind the scenes. He might see that as a way to save some face and remain an attractive proposition for future Premier League chairmen to employ.
  19. We'll win today because, apparently, the Messiah said so!
  20. TRO, how far away are you from ending your support of Sherwood? It's not a loaded question mate, just wondering how much worse it has to get for the club before you turn against him.
  21. It's nothing personal against Westwood, I just don't think he's good enough. I'm hoping that Sherwood leaves him out against Swansea and, if playing his normal 4-3-3 formation, picks Gana and Sanchez with Gil to play the role behind the striker. If fit, I'd play this team today and for future games also, just to see if we can get some consistency from them: ----------------------Guzan------------------- Crespo----Richards--Clark---Amavi --------------Sanchez---Gana-------------- Traore--------------Gil---------------Ayew/Grealish ---------------------Gestede------------------
  22. He's either very clever and thinks that by telling the press we will win the players will do exactly that or, he's feeling the heat and thinks that by saying that, if we lose, the board will sack him. I can't help but feel we'll be seeing him on Goals on Sunday in the next few weeks moaning about everything from how he was promised this and that but it didn't happen and, that he didn't pick the players because they simply weren't good enough etc etc.
  23. About the language thing; does anyone think that we would be any better off if Sherwood played players who speak the same language in the same areas of the pitch? For instance, play 4-4-1-1 with Clark and Richards in front of Guzan (English), Amavi and Ayew down the left (French), Crespo and Traore down the right (Spanish) Sanchez (Spanish) and Gana (French) in the middle with Gil (Spanish) playing behind Gestede (French). Obviously there are similar combos amongst the squad. Does anyone think there could be anything gained from picking a starting line-up that contains even mixes of languages?
  24. Been abducted by the greys for his DNA. He's currently in an incubation chamber, with his neighbouring chambers being occupied by the likes of Phillip Senderos, Randy Lerner and Lord Lucan.
  25. I'm going to stick my neck out here and say that, unless we get mauled by Swansea, we should IMO give Sherwood three more league games. Here's why: The likes of Norwich, Bournemouth, Sunderland, Newcastle and Watford all either play others at the bottom so they either share points or someone gets zero or, they play teams that should (on paper) beat them. Meaning, even if we lose our next three, which a considerable amount of people think we will do, those other teams shouldn't get too far away from us to catch. I'm thinking that we play Spurs and you'd think that Sherwood would be right up for that game and MAY possibly be able to spark that performance out of the players that he and we are looking for. The following game is against Man City at home. You'd think that the atmosphere will be electric for that one, especially if a certain WORD REMOVED plays and again, might just work the magic out of the players. If Sherwood hasn't cracked it by then we can cut him loose because there's a two week break for the new man to come in and have time working with the players before the next game, which is Everton away. Imagine that for Moyes's first game in charge!
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