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Everything posted by Villarocker

  1. That should ensure you get your "budget" bonus, Steve!
  2. I bet even the players currently at the club were hoping for new players to come in and try to help them stay up. The least we should have done is buy players that could be at home in the Championship next season. **** clueless owner who is going to take our club to the lowest depths they've ever known. He's showing a complete lack of care for us now and I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't care where we end up. He can't sell us as a Premier League club so who knows how far he's willing to let us sink.
  3. Garde will resign. I've no doubts about it. I remember his press conference when he joined and the reporters were practically laughing at him when he said he would be signing players. Now, after a window where we're bottom of the league, we do nothing. If he's got any thoughts of having a decent future he should resign and save himself from the shit ahead of them.
  4. Tonight (this window) is the owner sounding The Last Post!
  5. Terrible for the last two goals. No effort or sign of caring whatsoever.
  6. When Garde arrived at the club he said that he would be signing the players he wants. Fox said at the AGM that the manager was struggling to find players with the value needed to help us. I don't know if that means he can pick his own players or not. Maybe he can but with a specified budget which is too low for him to get the value (quality?) he feels we need. Who knows? I would not be surprised if Garde walks out on the club before the start of next season. His career is young in management and surely he would want to protect himself from damaging it before it's really even got going?
  7. If (I mean when but trying not to look like thrown the towel in) we go down, what will your reaction be towards the players? Obviously, this question is aimed more at those poor folks who will witness our relegation in person. If it's confirmed on a match day and you are there, will you react towards the players, the board, both or, neither? The same question is aimed at our game that follows afterwards.
  8. Duck, no offence but, why trust a single word these words removed say? I recall the sales of Barry, Milner and Young prompting fans concerns about our league placing, to which our non-executive director replied that we were aiming to finish top five the next season. Their aim for this season was to climb the league to try and get a place in Europe again, wasn't it? Unless a miracle of biblical proportions takes place, they will have dramatically failed with that target. Their aim next season might be for us to come straight back up but, with these clowns in charge, there's as much likelihood of starting the following season as a League One club.
  9. I don't understand why people think our owner will give Garde the necessary funding to try to bring us straight back up. For 4 years we've been asking for more money to guarantee top flight football and he's failed to do that! If anything, I think there will be another clear out of all our sellable assets and they will be replaced on the cheap, ala this season.
  10. First choices now would be Andre Gray from Burnley. Scored 14 in 22 this season and he's from Wolverhampton so might prefer a move back to the area. Other would be Matty Phillips from QPR. Creates loads of chances.
  11. We are not going to stay up!! Anyone thinking we will is just setting themselves up for disappointment. I think that we will see our best football and results after relegation is confirmed. I believe that a mixture of relief (no real pressure left on them), wanting to sell themselves to potential buyers and, wanting to stay at the club will be the reason for aforementioned better football and results. If we are thinking of buying anyone now we should be looking at the better players from the Championship. Afobe should have been the first one in.
  12. I think the board are preparing for life in the Championship. By that I mean, they aren't buying any players now and will simply look to sell our most valuable assets in the summer before replacing them with players from the lower leagues around Europe. One thing they need to remember, Aston Villa will be seen as the biggest club in that league and clubs will add a few more quid on to the asking price of any players we chase after.
  13. I had this weird vision that we went 1 up early and they had a player sent off soon after. Last man brings down Ayew in the box. We got 2 up from the spot then knick a third before half time. Second half, Pulis goes for it and we hit them on the break early to go 4 up. The Baggies give up and a rampant Villa tear them apart to win 6-0. Now I'll take my meds
  14. Fox said "At our level we must develop players". That's the level these clowns have dragged us down to. "Recruitment in summer did not deliver bad outcome". Really? So bottom of the league and relegation was the plan in the summer then? "I'll take blame for mistakes I've made. Managers I've hired on my watch". Hasn't he only hired two managers? In which case, he's surely saying that both are mistakes? Does that give Garde grounds to do a Martin O'Neil and claim constructive dismissal? Lerner is a complete imbecile. It seems that his management decisions just get worse and worse. F**k knows where this club is heading with these utter fools running us. God might be right, the Championship may not be where we bottom out!
  15. Head of an accountancy company employed to keep the books tight. Says exactly where our future lies as a club.
  16. Huth fuchs Mahrez? That's what I call a tight group of players!
  17. Lerner is so error prone he will probably sell us to Carson Yeung
  18. If he's still here next season he will still be playing above his level.
  19. Before our goal Richards fell asleep and their guy ran through. Okore got across and got a foot on the attempted cross, which almost certainly would have resulted in a goal. I don't have a problem with him.
  20. He needs to **** off ASAP. We are dying under his control. If he was Captain of the Titanic, everyone would have died! His ownership is full of negligence. Smothered in it. Like a Dad whose kids are hungry but instead of cooking them something nice and healthy he just takes them for yet another McDonald's.
  21. It's not Garde's fault that he's not up to this challenge. Fox and Co are trying to do a poundland version of Newcastle, who tried to do a Home Bargains version of Arsenal.
  22. Garde lost the plot. Ayew for Gestede and Veretout for Bacuna were glaringly obvious. What's he on?
  23. Seriously, is Bacuna playing today? Casper the ghost would have more presence than him.
  24. Lower your asking price and **** off! PLEASE
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