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Everything posted by Villarocker

  1. Thanks Randy, you muppet!
  2. Knowing the clowns that run our club, they will sell him on the cheap because they don't read the right stats.
  3. There's been many times that I've sought medical attention for various reasons. But, despite my need for a doctor, I would never have considered Harold Shipman.
  4. The owner lacked hunger The board lacked hunger The managers lacked hunger The players lacked hunger The redundant staff don't!
  5. Maqroll, that is such a terrible thing to say! Surely, just because the man is a billionaire, he can be forgiven for thinking that because our game is also called "football" he assumed the rules were the same as in America - bottom place means no relegation!
  6. Maybe the protest guys could encourage the Villans in America to do something over there too? A bit of bad publicity a bit closer to home might encourage Lerner to get out of dodge a bit quicker! Does Lerner base himself in an office anywhere? Maybe a protest on the streets outside his office? Or, an advert in a newspaper?
  7. Gabby would be the easiest target ever for Negan. All Negan would have to say to him is: "Gabs mate, get down on your knees because Lucy's waiting for you".
  8. Appalling performance yesterday and was a non-trier for most of the goals. I do believe that he does not care at all about his performances or the club. Wouldn't surprise me if he retired after having his contract terminated by the club.
  9. Does anyone else think he should change his name to Flabby AndIDontScore?
  10. Bacuna woah oh Bacuna, woah oh oh. He wants the Champions League But got the Championship....
  11. Lerner will be there......as the invisible man!
  12. Why not any of ours? Wouldn't surprise me at all. A couple of them have physically disappeared without trace so wouldn't surprise me if the press, who probably have knowledge about players from bigger clubs, use our demise to exploit it all.
  13. Shiiiiiit, now I know why my missus always moans at me for not showing her enough concern!
  14. I have no idea where to say this so have thrown it in here as I guess it affects Lerner more than most considering he owns the club. My Mum is currently receiving palliative care at home. I'm staying there at the moment, for obvious reasons, and have got to know her carers. I was watching the news this morning and one of Mum's carers, who coincidentally is also a Muslim (not that it matters to us), mentioned that the news had been reporting that the third suspect in the Brussels bombings - the guy on the run - is said to have visited Birmingham last year and was believed to have taken photos of a football stadium here. Obviously, these are this carers words and not my own. Just wondering if anyone else had heard this too?
  15. This thread should be retitled The Reluctant Learner Thread.
  16. To be fair, statistically, Garde will be in the history books as Villa's worst ever manager. Whether people agree or not, facts are facts. If you want to question the hand he's been dealt, it would also only be fair to go back though history looking at the players and transfer dealings of every Villa manager before drawing a fair and final conclusion as to who was the worst manager. That pretty much doesn't happen and that's why people are judged by stats.
  17. With the current squad of players, any new manager has a difficult time already but, even if he was to oversee an end of season that saw us take 15 points and still go down, there would be people dismissing it as new manager bounce. I can't wait for next season to start.
  18. To win games and murder the opposition you need players that try and actually give a shit. Unfortunately for us, that's where we are failing. I'm surprised that people actually want this crop of players to stay, thinking they'll actually change their ability and attitude in the Championship. I wouldn't trust them at all and think, like many ex players, that this bunch will struggle if they stay on.
  19. For us, in our current situation, we would have been lucky to attract Ian Holloway. If Moyes wants the job, Lerner should fire Garde immediately and appoint Moyes within the hour. It would be like getting Guardiola, Mourinho or Simeone for us, given the mess we are right now.
  20. Fairly obvious what happened to Richards. He signed to play centre back. Sherwood left. Garde played him there, realised he wasn't good enough, moved him to right back, player attitude kicked in, didn't play as well there as he probably could have, Garde dropped him.
  21. I think that as long as Lerner is here any manager would love the managerial position. Poor performance guarantees a couple of million+ for less than a season's work. Win a couple of games and get a new four year deal and a pay increase. Win-win situation surely?
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