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Everything posted by Villarocker

  1. Worst defender I've seen in a Villa shirt. Ron Vlaar on one leg would have been a better option this season.
  2. "and also do my best to position Villa for the quickest possible return to its rightful place among England's elite". That was the final part of Lerner's statement. For me, if we do not get taken over, that's the most important part thing said in that statement. Apart from selling the club, I'd like to know exactly what he has in mind to get us back to its rightful place among England's elite. At what point in the close season does Lerner take stock and say "right, there's no buyer in place so I need a new footballing board, a new manager and then need to look at funding a rebuild of the playing squad"? This is the big concern for me. There's a hell of a lot of work to be done at the club and talks of a takeover are masking over the fact that we are in a total mess. At some point, Lerner needs to make a big decision. He will need to decide what action to take regarding the board, management of the team and, transfer deals. I hope he doesn't take his mind off the job in hand!
  3. If all Lerner wanted from the Villa was to be "romantically nourished" then why didn't he just bang one of the office girls and sneak off back to his missus? Following all the bullshit that was spouted by him and his team when he took over, I thought we would be reminiscing about trophies won and thrilling Champions League encounters after 10 years, not thinking back to an Ashley Young goal and having Acorns on our shirts, despite the fact it was a generous act at the time. He takes the blame for relegation but doesn't have the decency to apologise to the fans AND/OR the redundant staff - despicable! It made me chuckle (in a "I can't f**king believe he said that" kind of way) when I read that part about "How many seasons can one hold on and hope to slide through? That is not Aston Villa. That kind of existence is totally unacceptable." Well Mr Lerner, you made that happen with your ridiculous cock-ups both at board level and with funding of the playing side. Having a mass cull of better players and replacing them with "young and hungry" was only ever going to end up with failure. We were lucky to stay up season after season but you still persisted with not investing properly in order to ensure our Premier League status. You are a dimwit of the highest order. You didn't need to employ numerous high-earners to realise what was needed for the club to survive. There are numerous fan forums that could have advised you better - for the cost of an internet connection! It was blindingly obvious that you can't go from good, solid Premier League players to young kids from lower English leagues - to then throwing in over-experienced mercenaries looking for a final pay day - to young, foreign players with no experience of playing in England. It was a fail-fail-fail operation all the way. Why so many youngsters thrown in? Because you under-funded Lambert. Same reason for the over-paid mercenaries - they were old and past it but, they were cheap. The only reason £50m was spent last summer was because of our two best players. The net spend will show that you again under-funded. All you had to do was look at how clubs like Southampton, Wigan, Coventry, Birmingham etc all acted in the past. You cannot continually run a Premier League football club on a shoestring budget. In fact, it is unforgiveable to do so with home attendances of 30k+. Do one last good thing for Aston Villa Football Club and sell us to the RIGHT PEOPLE at the RIGHT PRICE and have no further involvement with the running of our club ever again. That way, maybe we can start to rebuild this mess you will have left us with!
  4. Randy, I have some news for you! The reason you are struggling to sell Aston Villa Football Club is because you have screwed up so badly for several years now that the club is a total wreck. It's not like you bought a luxury car and took it for occasional drives in the summer and kept its service history updated so to keep its value. No, you took that luxury car and treated it like a joyrider would, without ever being bothered to get it serviced.
  5. I dunno MykeyB, it all depends how you interpret "For how he's messed up my club, that septic tank needs to get that tattoo laser-removed from his leg otherwise I am going to get a cheese grater and remove it myself".
  6. You're suspicion is right, it's his alter-ego - that man has a tattoo and a deep love for Aston Villa. It's just a shame he hasn't been seen since Martin O'Neil left the club!
  7. KSV may have some valid points there. It would not surprise me if our clueless owner has chance to sell the club but his stubborn pride is telling him not to do it because he can't leave us unless we are back in the Premier League. If Monty Python did football club owner sketches..... .
  8. ....A picture of Gabby smoking the ashes of the hallowed Villa Park turf through his shisha pipe!
  9. Maybe he's a paranoid megalomaniac who claims to have lost interest in the club as a whole but is totally interested in anything that is said about him.
  10. Maybe that Chinese fella is interested in buying the club and underhanded dealings between him and Messrs Bernstein and King were going on behind Lerner's back? Perhaps Hollis caught them in Lerner's own office at Villa Park? I can just imagine tomorrow's Sun front page headline.......... VILLA CHAIRMAN CAUGHT BERNSTEIN WANG KING IN RANDY OFFICE
  11. To compare Harry Kane to Gabby Agbonlahor is like comparing a bottle of Tesco Prosecco to a vintage Dom Perignon. Agbonlahor has been a leech on the club for far too long. It's not his fault that the idiot decision makers thought he deserved new contracts on big money but, it is his fault for not trying and keeping himself in the right condition - mentally as well as physically - to do his job. For him to moan about what fans say to him and Lescott is laughable and shows how unreal his world is. I bet there are people in Customer Service Supervisory roles who get moaned at daily by their customers, staff below them and, their manager. But, they have a mortgage to pay and mouths to feed so have to get on with it for less than half a year of what Agbonlahor earns in a week. I pity you Gabby, it must be really difficult being unliked.
  12. I bet Nikki Keye keeps her job. Who else can answer General Krulak's queries?
  13. The full extent of the protesting needs to happen before next season starts otherwise we'll be looking at another season of discontent and disruption like this one. All the anger needs to be released ASAP on Lerner because he's the only one who can make a difference between us coming back into the Premier League or, at best, staying in the Championship. I say "at best" because we are such a shambles right now - on and off the pitch - that I can seriously envisage us keeping the rotten core of playing staff, who so obviously don't give a toss about the club or us fans, and being relegated in to League One.
  14. Get King Billy to bring back the hangman just for American businessmen who screw with our esteemed football clubs. That's a fair request!
  15. Need an insane manager? Surely has to be Gollum himself - Ian Holloway?
  16. The anger against the players is not relevant for the remainder of the season because their actions have relegated us. Surely all wrath of protest should be aimed at one person - Randolph Lerner? Banners all saying "In Randolph Lerner WE DO NOT TRUST!" Or something like that. Only way this man will be forced out is to attract his family name bad press in the USA. To do that from here, drastic actions need to take place. Burning his effigy or hanging a doll dressed like him with his face on, from the upper Holte End, that might get some coverage stateside. Other than something that nasty I'm not sure what would get the US press's attention.
  17. It's OK Lerner lowering the asking price to £75m but what about any debt that a potential buyer may also have to take on? If that's say £100m on top, it's still a lot of money to ask for what is currently a big bag of shit. PS: Lerner, you are a despicable fool of the highest order and I hope you end up penniless.
  18. If not my earlier point, perhaps Lerner wants to keep what we have because of the pay-off required to feck em all off and King and Bernstein aren't in agreement. If so, that makes me think of only one man capable of coming in and kicking players arses - Nigel Pearson. That would pretty much go against a lot of professional opinion out there at the moment. Not appointing Pearson, the keeping of the shit that relegated us.
  19. My guess would be the opposite of a lot of others. I reckon Lerner will spend more than we should from a business perspective and the likes of King and Bernstein think that we shouldn't because of our financial situation. Not sure if I want to be proved right or wrong as the club mystifies the crap out of me these days.
  20. Ticket prices for next season should be interesting. I recall asking Charles Krulak about them when we were struggling under Houllier. Krulak said that he believed the season tickets would remain the same due to there being extra games in the Championship. If so, attendances will be fun (not) to see next season.
  21. Richard, I think some just see the glass half full more than others. To be fair, it's pointless anyone making judgement on what will happen next season until the season begins and our new management and playing staff are in position. Look at last summer for example. Loads on here were thinking it was going to be a much better season based on records of our signings on Fifa. It was only those who hadn't got a clue about our new signings who were wondering if they were all that. Same for Remi Garde too!
  22. Lerner is so shit at everything to do with Villa that I'm convinced he will actually manage to sell us to a worse owner than he's been. There will be some folks who might suggest he would do that on purpose just to make himself look better but, I doubt he is that fooking clever!
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