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Everything posted by Villarocker

  1. Can blame him for many things but, not today. Forwards have missed sitters and Mings and Martinez have absolutely gifted Mount his only two league goals this season. Only criticism was taking off Bailey for Buendia. That seemed odd when we were two down.
  2. I want Villa to win but, can we honestly see us even scoring against a team that just played home and away against AC Milan without conceding? I can't help but feel we will lose this by at least two goals. But, what a win it would be if we could somehow get our act together. During the last week at work, a guy I work with told me that a friend of his works at the Villa. This friend apparently told people through social media that Smith would be gone if they didn't get a result v Southampton last season. We all know what happened then. Apparently, this same guy has told my workmate that Gerrard will be gone if we don't get anything out of today's game. If we lose today let's hope history repeats itself.
  3. I'd seriously look at playing him wide left with Ings down the centre. He certainly brings more to the team than Coutinho so shouldn't be dropped before him.
  4. To be fair, as soon as you mention the name "Steve Bruce" your post becomes relevant to this thread!
  5. Steve Gerrard, Gerrard, Watching his team is hard. His sacking is on the cards, Steve Gerrard, Gerrard.
  6. Says it all really. How can anyone at the club higher than him think that what he is doing is good?
  7. Has no played well for ages but his game for Villa has declined heavily with the burden of captaincy. What on earth has happened to him? He looks like a doppelganger who hasn't played football since he was 5.
  8. His best season was behind closed doors when he and Grealish were brilliant down the left side. He's not had anyone out wide to interlink with ever since Grealish left and it's affecting his game. In fact, tonight, he looked better when he was moved out wide left. With Coutinho our only really option for that position I would move Watkins there and play Ings through the middle.
  9. I called this when we looked at signing him after getting Digne. The money those two are on, at their age, was crazy business. It was reminiscent of the crazy days at the end of Lerner's reign when we blew huge money on average players and got stuck with them. We need to be smarter than that.
  10. We're not improving at all. If we can't beat 10 men and then a team that's conceded for fun then what chance against the teams in the top half? For me, we've just drawn two relegation candidates and that puts us in the mix. He has to go.
  11. We are playing the worst team in the league so far this season and, for me, never looked like we would win it. Surely we have to be better than that if we want to not be in a relegation battle this season? Looking at the next 5 league games I cannot see us winning any of them. In fact, I think we're looking at a maximum of 3 points and that will surely put us at risk of being in the bottom three?
  12. Cash isnt exploiting the space down his wing nearly enough.
  13. Buendia falls over at the slightest touch. Coutinho just doesn't seem interested or able to read the game. Watkins isn't at the races either. The front three are toothless. I'd like to see Watkins switched wide left to help out Ash with Ings brought on up front.
  14. Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Ashley Ashley Ashley Young Ashley Young, Ashley Ashley Young.
  15. Absolutely disgusting defending from us. Literally anybody could have scored that. Completely free and just had to get a half decent contact.
  16. Bloooooooooody hell. That's it for us. I honestly cannot see us scoring.
  17. I fear for us if we concede first as we don't look much of a threat at the other end. I can see us losing by a couple if they score first and we start getting desperate.
  18. To be fair, I have a composure problem. I lost it when Stevie G signed on at the Villa.
  19. Surely, if we lose against Forest, a team with a long run of defeats and who've conceded something like 16 goals in their last 4 games, he has to go?
  20. And without Cash too, so even weaker than we were last season? I think Kamara has been great so far and that we will miss him as he gets through a lot of graft in that holding role. But, why do people seem to have forgotten all about Marv? He played well after Gerrard came in last season and I think that he deserves another chance back in that holding role.
  21. I don't think anybody would have watched the football we served up in that Southampton game and claim that we are entertaining or look like a good side. The football was tedious and the game itself was quite boring. I feel that we are serving up football that is as boring as when McLeish was manager. I see no system or how he will change it up to provide more entertaining football. Under our last manager I felt we were an entertaining team, even when Grealish didn't play. But, under Gerrard, I feel bored.
  22. I'm in a box tomorrow as a guest of a leading games publisher that brings a very popular sports game out at this time of year - every year . At least if we lose and it gets toxic the glass might drown out some of the abuse. Mind you, I guess I'll have to sneak up into the stand to vent my spleen if I feel that it is needed to aid the cause! Hopefully, that wont be needed and we put in a good performance and get a much needed 3 points.
  23. Your reference to Bertie being a luxury player is the reason I always felt that we played him in the wrong place. For me, he should have played behind Watkins (the striker) and have that free creative role as the man could pass, shoot and do the ridiculous. But, he wasn't great at tracking back and doing the hard yards and that's why I felt he couldn't cut it as a wide forward in the Premier League.
  24. Personally, I think they will sack him if we lose at home to Southampton on Friday night. I do not believe for one second that Villa Park will be anything other than toxic on Friday if he plays the same old faces, the team looks clueless and we lose. I can even see a cabbage making its way into the ground just in case it needs to be thrown. I'd do it myself but I'll be with the prawn sandwich brigade on the opposite side and my throwing arm isn't quite what it used to be.
  25. What has he done wrong to be frozen way out there? I mean, there's being loaned out but, to be banished from first team training and then removed from the website whilst still employed by us just seems way too extreme.
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