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Everything posted by CVByrne

  1. How could a video official be bad in a situation like the Hull match? Ref says check thats a hand ball please. Video ref checks and says nope, goal kick. Simple and faster than the farce that actually happened. Confidence in refs would go up as people know that the big decisions will be checked.
  2. I can't agree with that. It would turn the game into a farce. I think only in big decisions the ref has made ie. Penalty or Red Card then a video official can assist as the game has been stopped and a match changing decision is being made. That and goal line technology is all that is needed. Missing that stone wall penalty isn't as bad as giving a penalty for an excellent tackle or a blatant dive.
  3. Well it's better than the ref giving a wrong decision resulting in a penalty. The game can be restarted somehow that's not that important. The important thing is bad penalty decisions like the Hull match could be avoided most of the time. As for inconclusive, the ref has given a penalty. The video official only has to tell him if there is any reason he can't give the penalty. So if video evidence is inconclusive the penalty is awarded. Find the fault with that?
  4. No I'm saying the ref sees a foul in the box and give a penalty. So the game is stopped he then gets a video ref to confirm the decision before giving the spot kick. This can eliminate wrongly giving a penalty but it can't help with penalties not given. Wrongly having a penalty decision against you is worse than not getting a penalty.
  5. Ian explain where in my opinions on technology would the game be slowed down in any way?
  6. Also in the penalty decisions the ref can ask the video official is there any reason why I can't give a penalty. So if the official is undecided he can let the ref give it.
  7. You could chip the ball to see if it goes over the line. As for penalty descisions. If a ref gives a decision shouldn't he be allowed to confirm it with Video evidence since the game has stopped. Like a ref thinks it's a penalty but gets confirmation. That doesn't slow the game. Also two extra officials behind the goals is another great idea.
  8. He does a thankless job. He is excellent at spreading the ball, great at tackling and breaking up play and is more consistent than any other player bar L. Young and Laursen. He has be exceptional and is our best player this season if you ask me. Not once has he made a mistake that lead to a goal unluck Reo-Coker playing the same role last season.
  9. This thread is a joke. No Petrov in the voting. Pointless poll so it is.
  10. The difference between Guinness and Guinness extra cold is in the delivery pipes I believe so apart from temperature no you can't tell the difference. It's quite hard (nay impossible) to GET Guinness Extra Cold in Ireland because it's for wimpy furreners. I haven't had Guinness Red but I have had some of the special brews and I quite like them. Always go back to the basics in the end though. If I was to tie myself to the gates they probably wouldn't let me swin in the vat and I don't wanna ruin a good thing. I loved Toucan. Wish it came back, the other brews were ok. Also aren't you exiled in bogger land and nowhere near St James Gate?
  11. I work for a bank that employes about 20,000 people.
  12. Brian the English will never forgive him. I can completely understand why, but they have to agree he was the best footballer of the modern era. Probably the best ever.
  13. Wasn't he on Coke in 94 not performance enhancers?
  14. He is the best footballer that ever lived AND he scored those goals against England. The dude is a hero. Mainly for his footballing skills I'd love to shake his hand.
  15. And how exactly would you give them the years back that they served? I couldn't, the system fails but there are people who've had their convictions overturned and they are freed. They aty least get to live the rest of their life. It's better than executing them. I cannot agree with the death penalty on those grounds.
  16. I don't think paedophiles think about the sentence and i don't think a more brutal punishment as you have proposed would act as a deterrent. They probably can't help themselves and hold a life sentence with the same degree of fear, as they would a lifetime of torture I agree, we should always take the moral highground. Prison is there to keep them off the streets. Eating just bread and water would be kiling them.
  17. I'd rather have and pay for 1000 guilty people locked away in jail than sentence any innocent person to death. They system fails and some innocent people do get convicted for crimes they didn't commit. To kill them would be irreversable.
  18. Only 3 movies have ever won the big 5 Oscars (Origional Sceenplay, Director, Actor, Actress and Feature Film)
  19. CVByrne


    I have never had a Girlfriend for any extended period of time, I bore too easily and like to do my own thing. So it's a tricky one, as I'd be seeing a girl for three months and I'm sure she thinks we were going out but I wouldn't, so I wouldn't call it cheating if I scored some other girl. I do suppose it would be different if I actually met a Girl I really liked and didn't get bored of. But I doubt I'd ever cheat on a long term Girlfriend, if/when I have one.
  20. Ah it was a stunning German girl on a trip to Strasbourg. I remember it well.
  21. Obviously not Brian but in Series 3 when people are doing suicide bomb attacks against the Cylon occupation of New Caprica, they are portrayed as the good guys as they're the humans. Very powerful justifying what "must be done" to get rid of the occupiers. The Cylons react with imprisonment of anyone suspected of involvement. You won't have thought provoking stuff like that in the keep me hooked tripe of Lost or the considerably worse Prison Break.
  22. First of all Lost is rubbish. It's television heroin, all the do is keep you hooked on shit. Battlestar Galactica is the best TV series of all time. The topics it deals with, and how dark it is. Exceptional. Truly exceptional.
  23. Because of Friedel is this years defence. But without him Mellberg and Bouma any day of they week.
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