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Everything posted by CVByrne

  1. Swype is God. I cant fathom the potential speed I can text on this with a bit of practice. It, by magic I assume, knows exactly what you are trying to type, even if you are miles off. Proper Genius the person who developed this.
  2. I see the Evo 4G has a TFT screen, seems HTC are moving that way. Having had time to play around with my mates Desire one of the things I don't like about it is the screen, seems a bit dull.
  3. Lets be honest here, if they offer £30mil or £25mil + Ireland we'll have to accpet it. He's not worth that, so we'd have to take it.
  4. Basically the X10 and Desire have both got excellent reviews and when I tried them both out in the O2 store the X10 is the one that grabbed me. Haven't regretted my decision one bit in the month I've had it so I'm happy with that. I love android, really really can't see myself ever leaving it.
  5. I think the screen is lovely, really love it. Can't see why I'd be using my phone outside all the time. Indoors it looked better than the Desire. Also spent awhile reading reviews for both phones and the X10's screen is one of the strong points mentioned by all reviews. Techradar, who have the Desire as the best phone you can get point out that all the problems they have with the X10 is software related, something Sony can resolve. The 8.1mp camera is a huge plus for me, I always liked camera phones and ones with good cameras. So it was probably the decider for me. Android 1.6 wasn't that much of a problem for me as it is only temporary as an update to 2.1 will be out this year. The more memory in the Desire is a big plus for it, even if it is rarely used. I love high specs from my days building my own dream machine pc's over a decade ago. So it was a plus for the Desire. But then we have how it looks, the Nexus One is without doubt the ugliest thing I've ever seen, the Desire is far nicer but it's hardly a nice either. The X10 is by a distance the nicer phone to looks at. So the pro's and cons list came down to Desire has more memory and was running Android 2.1. X10 has a bigger screen, better camera, looks nicer. So accepting there will be 2.1 for X10 soon enough, we're left with bigger memory as the selling point for Desire, which can't outweight the Camera for me. If the X10 had a 5mp camera the Desire may well have been my choice. It's all about what your priorities are. Camera was the big one for me.
  6. Not at all. If I am considering two similarly specced phones but there is one without (the X10) and one with (Desire) then I'll be taking the one with the multi touch. 8.1mp Camera and bigger screen outweight software limitations. 2.1 will be out in a few months for X10 which will solve your multi touch problems. So it was the X10 that was going to win the battle between the two for me, signing up for 18 months contract hardware limitations are permanent software is not. Both are the standout Android phones on the market though imo, hence it was between the two for me.
  7. Thats exactly it, personal prefrence. I was between between the X10 and Desire, I felt my priorities were with the hardware of the X10, it has the biggest screen it has an 8.1mp camera and it looks nicer. The drawback was 1.6, which I could live with as software updates will be out this year.
  8. How on earth could multi touch be a deal breaker. What on earth is it for other than zooming? Dealbreaker??? Madness. Your smartphone priorities are crazy.
  9. The 2.1 os isn't that much of an advantage. Sony will be releasing 2.1 or 2.2 for the X10 soon enough. X10 is the bst phone because it has 8.1 mp camera and has the biggest screen, also looks nicer too, only drawback is software which will be fixed soon. Other than that it's the best out there imo, thats why I picked it over HTC.
  10. I got a Sony Experia X10 the day it came out last month. I love it, I love Android. People are complaining that you cant get paid apps yet in Ireland. I downloaded ever single app you can buy from bittorrent and put them all on my sd card. I no longer search the market for apps I search my phone. I hate Apple and never buy their products. They try to control you too much. I love Android and the idea of open source OS.
  11. Who gives a shit Liverpool ended 0-0. We're 6th
  12. I always split it into 5 portions, eat one the day i cook it, put another in the fridge for the next day and freeze the other 3. You can use the sauce as a base for anything, like fry some peppers and add the sauce to it near the end, or add some fried mince or a tin of tuna for protein.
  13. Ok, I'm back into Italian mode. Making pasta sauce like a mofo. I've got loads of different variations on a similar tomato sauce, taking not of what changes are good and what's excellent Ok my last batch was pretty damn tasty and here's the recipe. I'd love to try other peoples if they have some good ones. 4 Tins Plum Tomatos, crushed by hand or in a processor, or mashed through a sieve. 2 inch piece of Chorizo, diced 5/6 cloves of garlic, chopped 1 red onion, finely chopped 5-6 anchovies chopped Juice of half a lemon two table spoons of tomato puree/paste lots of fresh basil, say 1 cup, finely chopped. handful of Fresh oregano, or two spoons of dried will do fine. 2/3 fresh red chilli's finely chopped, (or 1 teaspoon of hot chilli powder) splash of dark balsamic vineger (could try a glass of red wine instead, which I will be doing tomorrow) Plenty of black pepper. Extra virgin olive oil -Start by sweating the red onion off in olive oil for ten minutes over a medium/low heat. -Next add the chopped chorizo, garlic, anchovies and chilli and stir for a couple of minutes until the anchovies disolve and the chorizo colours the oil. -Now add the tomatoes and bring to a simmer, -Then add 3/4rs of the basil, the oregano, tomato puree, lemon juice, pepper and balsamic, stir well and reduce the heat to low. -Now cook this for as long as possible (at least an hour and 2 or more if possible), -Adding some water if the sauce gets too thick and stirring regurlay to stop it sticking on the bottom. When your done stir in the last of the basil. -For best results, let it cool and put the sauce into containers and let it chill overnight in the fridge. It tastes amazing the next day. It's also perfect for freezing. So there you go, thought I'd share this recipe with you. It's lovely served with linguini and loads of freshly grated Grana Padano or Parmisan. A note, if you dont like anchovies dont worry you cannot taste them in the dish they melt into the sauce and without them the sauce is nowhere near as good. If you have only had them on pizza they are nothing like that, try them in the sauce they are the natural salt in the dish. Also it's important to get the best possible tomatoes, paying that bit extra for the name brand tinned tomatoes makes a difference.
  14. CVByrne


    Same here, I aint blaming them for my injuries, I'm certain my orthotics were at fault. Had full hour gait assesment with specialist physio and should have my new orthotics in about 10days. I will probably buy a new pair of Asics Gel in a few weeks. Ready for all the summer runs.
  15. CVByrne


    Lets be honest here, completeing your first 10k run is a great feeling. I took up running last year and was doing quite a few runs a week of varying distance. I have foot problems, fallen arches and suffer bad from shin splints, I got new orthotics last April but they haven't done the trick, I get blisters pretty regularly on my feet. I hadn't done much running over the winter due to the weather but kept relativly fit by playing 5 a side every week. When I got back from a holiday in Miami last month I decided to do the 10k run in Phoenix Park so started training but then got bad achilles tendonitis, pretty stubborn injury, takes lots of rest to heal. Anyway I decided to do the run as I'd signed up for it, it is a very tough course, the second half has loads of hill and the final one is about 8k in and is 500m on a pretty steep incline. Suffice to say my achilles took one hell of a pounding, but I still managed to sprint the finish, some feeling crossing the line. I'm totally hooked. I did it in a time of 46m20sec which I thought was rather good considering I was injured. Physio said I was rather stupid running and I'm gutted that I have to wait 4 weeks before running again. Stupid achilles. Anyway, I had to get new orthotics at a cost of €300 but hopefully the injuries are behind me. Physio also told me my hamstrings and calves were too tight and I must stretch them properly, daily for 3 weeks. Very important apparently. There is an 8k run in 2 weeks time that I'm hopefully fit for, it's a pretty flat course so hoping to do in 35mins. I just love running. Once you're in the zone you just feel like you can run forever.
  16. **** football, its a horrible painful agonising fcuking piece of shit. I'll save my children from this miserable thing
  17. **** football, all it delivers is pain all year and never stops.
  18. **** Warnock. Spurs score and now Tevez Penalty. Thats that.
  19. I dont think my nerves can take this. We need a break away goal to hopefully break their spirits.
  20. Get in, even if we end 6th again this season at least we ended it well. We add a couple of proper attacking players in the summer and we will tun alot of these draws into wins.
  22. I have a feeling that's that with that Heskey miss / Hart save.
  23. Our away support is amazing, an absolute credit to the club. It's the fair weather home fans that embarrass us.
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