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Everything posted by CVByrne

  1. Take it back and tell them you want a HTC Desire or a Samsung Galaxy S
  2. Sadly this is true. Though I do think Kildare will beat Meath.
  3. Very good list, glad to see I've seen all but 12 of them.
  4. One of my missions in life is to get everyone to see this film. Without doubt the best film ever made. I've rewatched it so many times and have analysed the many themes in it so many times over. I'll never get tired discussing this movie.
  5. It's like Live Nation merging with ticketmaster and now they are buying up venues around the world. So they own the acts music and touring rights, they also sell the tickets and own the venues. Thank god Barack Obama drew attention to this and an antitrust case will be taken against the company. It may be business but we should not stand for it. Microsoft were taking things too far with the mission to buy out any rival and they were stopped.
  6. You're right, there was no need for that. I'm sorry. I just got frustrated, I just really dislike what Apple do is all.
  7. Oh we all know Apple are amazing innovators and have really outdone themselves with the creation of the iPhone. But they outright refuse to make their world open. My worry is they sign up developers for exclusivity and so we end up seeing apps only for iPhone and iPad which is to the detriment of the smartphone community. It's fundamentally wrong what Apple do and it really is a huge problem for me how much total loyalty and dedication they seem to have from their customers. Apple while at first the innovator then spend the rest of their days holding the industry back and forcing people to eternally pay for the innovative product the brought to market.
  8. Sorry but it's one of the only ways to combat this fanatical loyalty Apple seem to have.
  9. I was about to say we're going in circles now. I can only hope Apples market share continues to decrease and that no developers sign up to an Apple world monopoly. Though the ever emerging "image" of the iPhone user as either a woman or naive and simplistic person is an important weapon in the fight against Apple.
  10. No you're missing the point. As long as Apple retain this much control they may sign developers up to exclusivity agreements thereby furthering their monopoly meaning we end up with an inferior product in the free from apple world. So by simply not buying apple products I am still under the influence they have over the whole smartphone industry. This is the problem, Apple have so much influence that it is hindering the free market the smarphones should enjoy by now.
  11. It's important to know why we dislike what Apple are doing. I'm no Android fanboi but it took until this year for phones good enough to give a viable alternative to the iPhone to appear and so I could finally get a smartphone that I control. The market needs competition and it ideally needs to see proper freedom given to phones. For that to happen people need to turn away from the iPhone and it's total control of it's users so that Apple has to turn it's back on it's control everything to maxamise revenue philosophy. For example, internal battery. Apple asks itself is there any reason to allow for a removable battery. Answer is no as when the battery slowly dies over time having an internal battery will mean people are more likely to buy a new phone. Similar allowing a removable sd card would mean content can't be policed through itunes. Similar full access to your phones hard drive could result in the same. Allowing flash would compromise games revenue and sales of video via itunes. While in the world of PC's you can buy any type of hardware, match an OS and buy any 3rd party software to put on it. You don't need permission from anyone what you do on your pc. You have the choice. So why should apple tell me what I'm allowed to do with a product? It's this that I'm against, I just want freedom to be present. Apple are clearly excellent innovators but rather than make the best product possible they are too concerned with maximising revenue and this is wrong and it must change. People need to see this and by turning their back on apple force them to address this fundamental problem with philosophy of the company. Competition is good for the consumer, we need total seperation from hardware and software as we enjoy in the PC world. Can you see my arguement? You don't have to agree with me I'm just trying to explain my views on Apple.
  12. I care because people keep buying apple products and so feed this controlling machine that is all about extracting money from their customers. It has a negative effect on the whole industry. We need more freedom and less control. Software makers will love apple because they can all extort users for money without much worry. This needs to change and the freedom of android must become the norm. Controlling apple needs to be beaten in order for it to change it's ways.
  13. The galaxy s is the best phone out there. Simple as.
  14. It's a good phone alright. But there if no reason for them to charge so much. The hardware is inferior so why can they charge so much for it?. Also the we way apple manages top extract money from people. The only reason to not alie flash for example is so people can't stream video so they'll have to buy it from itunes. It's things like that which turn me off apple. Trying to control what you do. It's why I'm baffled with the loyalty shown by their users.
  15. Saying that a friend of mine bought a Galaxy S instead of an iPhone 4 yesterday. He likes the styling of the iPhone so Samsungs idea to make the Galaxy S look like an iPhone was a good idea. It's also got a stonkingly good screen, best out there.
  16. What baffles Android users is that the Android phones are superior and cheaper, yet people stick to the over priced iPhone because it's an Apple product. You've got to admire Job's for this, they have made it a fason accessory aswell as a piece of technology.
  17. dirk you just made my day with that video. iPhone user in a nut shell right there. Gold.
  18. Stevo, return it and buy a HTC Desire
  19. Wow, 24 month contract and £203 that is expensive and a very very long contract. I can only imagine how much they're gonna charge over here, no wonder so many people are turning to the Android phones.
  20. Can I just ask how much an iPhone 4 costs compared to a HTC Desire on the same contract? There is no iPhone 4 out yet in Ireland for price comparison.
  21. Look, Vuvuzelas are not part of the English football game, if we don't want to fill in the corners of Villa park because it's not in the style of English grounds do you think we should bring in these things to replace singing??? Never, they must be banned, I love hearing Villa fans, particularly our away support out sing all.
  22. What is the point of this thread? Vuvuzelas are the most annoying things known to man, of course they should be banned. Imagine sme idiot sitting next to you blowing on one of those for the whole match, violence 80's style would return in a flash.
  23. Ok I'm using Swype version and I've a few tips to fix the sorcery levels In settings have Auto-Spacing, Auto-Capitalization and especially Word Prediction turned on. Also in Speed vs Accuracy I've moved it 2/3rds of the way towards error tolerance. You can also turn the Word Choice setting a bit further towards Never to decrease the number of times the word choice window pops up, that's a personal preference. Anyway all these things have really made a huge difference, I'm very happy with Swype again. Speed levels are back up to the levels they were on the previous version.
  24. The one on page 12 didn't work properly on the x10 so I went to swypes site and they had a link to swype there. that's the one I'm using and it's not as good as before
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