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Everything posted by CVByrne

  1. My opinion on Houllier was that I thought his teams weren't that good and basically he over achieved with the players he had at his disposal. That has to be down to his tactical skills, and his level of planning for matches. Basically he, on many occasions beat superior teams with better planning and tactical knowledge and decision making during matches.
  2. Lag fix will likely be fixed by the 2.2 update later this month. Basically look at all the apps that require root access and see if you'd use any of them. Point is if it ain't broke don't fix it, ie no need to root your phone just for the sake of it. If there is still lag after 2.2 then I'll throw on a custom rom. I'll wait until then before I root.
  3. Can people please keep this about Houllier and stop the petty remarks about our ex manager. Please. Houllier is gonna do well. I can feel it. He'll prove my reservations completely wrong.
  4. O'Neill left us in very good shape, not a shambles. Houllier will have a great base to work from and we can do well under him this season.
  5. Again black and white poll added. I'm glad we've got the best man available I've some reservations but am totally behind the manager and will give him my total support. He is part of our club now.
  6. Nope. I haven't and won't until I try out the new 2.2 update later this month. I'd highly recommend using launcher pro instead of touchwiz though. From what I know rooting is easy to do on the Galaxy S though.
  7. You've not met my missus then Connor. oh and it's Conor :winkold:
  8. Nobody does shopping in Jan and if you do you get ripped off. It'll be summer before he gets to work signing players.
  9. What he did to Ireland. Never will I forgive him for 5-2 to Cyprus.
  10. Look we can express our opinions about the man before he takes over but the minute he got the job he became part of this club and I support this club. Houllier has my support and I hope he makes me eat my words and signs some absolute gems.
  11. I think Gareth Southgate managed something similar at Middlesbrough too! True but he won **** all if you want to be pedantic. Was just pointing out that Houlliers Lyon played attractive football, scoring lots of goals. Queue French league comments zzzzzz Ah C'mon, Southgate is what 40? Houllier 63, can people stop with the won stuff crap. Mourinho had won nothing when he took over Porto does that make him a shit manager? No, they earn their stripes and then hopefully get the chance to manage a team with chances of winning something.
  12. Liverpool were worse or at the very best equal? Are you serious? Whatever anyone thinks of the selection of Houllier for Villa to say he didn't improve Liverpool or that he left them in any way equal or worse than when he found them isn't even a debatable point, its just wrong, totally wrong. I have to agree, Houllier took the Spice Boys joke and rebuilt the club. 7th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd that's the league positions he took the club to in his first 4 seasons. Yes he made a balls of it then in the Summer of 2002 signing Diouf and Diao while Heskey was becoming the modern Heskey. But there is no doubt he made Liverpool part of the "Big 4" as in 4 of his last 5 seasons they were in the top 4. The one time he came 5th they won the League Cup to save the blushes a bit.
  13. The negatives far outweighed the positives. We played football that while effective at times, was dire to watch, he wasted at least half of the large transfer and wages pot he was given, and then when he was asked to help put right some of his mistakes by lowering the wage bill, the rocket polisher dropped us in it 5 days before the season started. Hard to have any appreciation for a boss who fell out with a good portion of the playing squad, wasted a fortune, then flounced off like a yellow bellied coward before the new season. I honestly can't listen to this shit anymore. Can we just call it a day? It's circles and circles we're going in, never ending. We get it you want to rip on our ex manager. I want to defend him. Can we just get past this and talk about our new one. I won't mention MON but sure as **** will defend him if he's brought up. So please people will we just drop it? Please?
  14. Because that applies to MON how..? You mentioned "try telling that to the people who continually slagged off a man who showed improved results, year on year". I was mentioning a side of O'Neill's criticism that I thought was justified. Maybe we have our wires crossed. But I think that criticising a manager who leaves your best rightback on the bench and plays an attacking partnership of Heskey and Carew is deserved. I was a MON fan, I always backed him and gave him the benefit of the doubt. But having blind faith in the man and ignoring any faults would have been pointless. I'm not saying that people should have had blind faith in him or indeed in anyone else. The fact is, they didn't appreciate what he did for the club. They focussed solely on the negatives and would flatly refuse to acknowledge his positive points which in reality, far outweighed his negative ones. FWIW MON rarely played Carew and Heskey together and leaving Luke Young on the bench did not have a significant effect on the season whatsoever as with Cuellar at RB we had the best defence in the country for a long portion of the season. Agreed, the reason we focus on his positives so much was to counteract all the negative talk. A large portion of this board suddenly turned on him and made out he was rubbish just because he left abruptly. All managers have their flaws, you have to take them with the positives and in all 4 seasons he was in charge not once did I ever feel like the season was anything other than progress in May. I know people prefer manager who won things. But for me he was the best manager this club had since Taylor mk1. All the others eventually turned bad to some degree before they were fired. I think Ron would have turned it around though. Anyway, it really grates me that people are so petty they turn on a manager that did many great things for this club. He has handed a talented squad over to Houllier and hopefully we can kick on under him.
  15. In all honesty I'd have lost the plot. His reputation was damaged by his terrible signings at the end of the liverpool reign, we had a squad in tatters after DOL and no way I'd have had confidence in Houllier to rebuild it even with Randys money. But taking over the squad we have now he'll do a fine job and hopefully do better in the transfer market this time round as there is no surgery required.
  16. Having a look at his transfer record in more detail. His cheap signings early on at liverpool were rather good. It's only in the latter years when they tried to kick on from 2nd in 2002 did he make an absolute balls of it by signing players based on world cup performances. At villa he won't have much to spend and we have a very decent squad assembled. He also is a counter attacking manager so his style matches Martins down to a T. The more I spend analyzing him and his record the less worried I am. Maybe the break from management will see him reinvigorated and let's hope he's learned from his mistakes at liverpool. As you don't learn much walking the french league with a team as dominant as Lyon were. I'm really hoping for instant results and less up and down unstable performances.
  17. Only 2 posts in and Martin O'Neill get's a dig. This thread will be enjoyable.
  18. It is clear that everyones thoughts are an opinion so stop being so anal. He would jump at the chance obviously means I believe he would jump at the chance. We don't have to go around starting every bloody post with in my opinion.
  19. Well I'm glad you have a hotline to his brain. I am of course expressing my opinion on Sven. He was the first to say he was interested. So I believe he would accept a short enough contract. Say a 2 year one that can be bought out for 1mil next June say. If he did a good job he could either get another year or leave with a payoff and an improved rep. Anyway, enough of this I've expressed my opinion on the matter of Sven.
  20. A 2 year contract is as good as a trial period in that we can sack him next summer if we simple have an average season as the payoff will be minimal. If a manager is on a longer expensive contract then it's harder to part ways. I think if it's a 2 year deal there is an element of that. While if he does a good job and we are doing well next season we can extend his contract.
  21. Nonsense. You have no way of knowing that regardless, but I disagree entirely anyway. I son't think there's anyway in the world he'd take that. I think you are letting your desire for Jol and dislike of Houllier cloud your judgement of how things actually are. Sounds about right, so many have made up their own stories to fit their arguements that Houllier is rubbish just because he isn't the cnadidate that they wanted. i think he will be a breath of fresh air to the club and I can see us moving forward again. Probably not top 4 but certainly consolidating 6th if not pushing 5th. What I can't stand on these forums is people making up things that others are supposed to have said. I have never said Houllier was rubbish, you are simply being lazy or outright lying. I've said he's a good manager and the best of the ones available but I have worries about his abilities in the transfer market. I've said for weeks we should get someone in who we can get rid of next summer if we can get a better manager. So my opinions on this have been consistent for weeks. Long before Houllier emerged as the fav.
  22. Nonsense. You have no way of knowing that regardless, but I disagree entirely anyway. I son't think there's anyway in the world he'd take that. I think you are letting your desire for Jol and dislike of Houllier cloud your judgement of how things actually are. My dislike for Houllier cloud my judgement? I've been saying we should get Sven for a year weeks ago. He'd jump at the chance to repair his rep in a season with us where if he did well he'd get an extension. He took over Ivory Coast for the World Cup. That was totally temporary. I think it's far from nonsense. I'm glad if Houllier is getting only 2 years. That means we can still go for a younger manager next summer without much pay off required to Houllier.
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