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Everything posted by CVByrne

  1. Forget it, the only way to understand is when you get using touchscreen smartphones fore a few months. Ok, One last attempt to explain. Yes you can get news by clicking on the app that has it, I get news I want without specifically going looking for it. Instead of going oh what is the score in the villa game and checking for it, my phone will alert me with the score without me opening an app because it is set up to. If I scroll to my news home screen it is filled with different news widgets I've set up, so instead of opening an app for each separate news widget I have it all there on one screen in a flash. I dunno I'm trying my best to explain. Maybe mykeyb will give you a better insight in a month or two, he wants a bit of customization so I'm sure he'll have loads of different home screens full of widgets and will be in a position to explain specific differences between the two.
  2. Yes, you can scroll, or if you pinch the screen you are on it lets you pick which screen to jump to. If you don't like the pinch, you can set it to double tap, ie customization. I have different home screens for different stuff, one for news, one for sport, one for media, one with shortcuts to apps I use a lot. The widget is very handy for music playing for example.
  3. In simplified terms yes. But it misses the point entirely. At a glance info is incredibly useful. Like wouldn't you like to find out news and info without looking for it? Wouldn't you prefer to have all the settings you change a lot in handy little toggle icons. It sounds simple but customization means a lot. I get bored with the look of my phone and layout, so I go change it up, get a new launcher move all the widgets I don't use much. It's hard too explain since you are new to smartphones and bought the biggest gateway phone, the iphone. It's not that important since you won't be getting an andros phone anytime soon. It'll become easier to understand when you are used too smartphones. So don't worry about it now. Suffice to say, Android phones start out exactly like an iphone, you got loads of icons and they are apps, but if you delve deeper you can customize to your hearts content.
  4. Basically I have multiple home screens, with various info displayed in tiles on them. With an iphone you press any icon it opens an app. My widgets display info on my home screens. I can have 9 home screens. So weather and twitter updates appear at a glance. Football rss feed. Anything you want. I can have my wallpaper be google maps that goes to my location if I turn gps on, which I can without going into settings because I have the power toolbar on a homescreen, I simply tap the icon and it toggles the gps. I've one for ring on off vibrate, one for turning auto rotation on off. I never go into my apps drawer. Hell if I like how the windows phones look but want android I can make everything look like windows ui. There are different launchers too, meaning what you see when your phone is on, that's the launcher. Anything you want to do you can. As it's open source, people can write any code to do anything they want.
  5. This shows how **** up and plain wrong this mess is. After the worst banking crisis ever the senior bond holders in banks have lost and will lose nothing. Not a cent. That is simply fundamentally wrong. It's plain wrong, they should have to take write downs. Why should tax payers make up the missing capital. This is certainly EU driven.
  6. So android is the lazy mans phone? Yes, that's it, anything android can do that iphone can't is something iphone users wouldn't want to do. We've heard all this nonsense before.
  7. The main ones are widgets, custom home screens and live wallpapers rock hard. Also tasker does most things for me without me needing to do them myself. Anything can be automated, even as far as say sending your wife a message when you are one mile from home on a weekday evening. To put the kettle on. Literally anything you can do yourself, tasker can do for you automatically.
  8. That's the thing, there isn't. If there was functionality iOS had Google would add it to Android. Apple has a superior selection on the app store, particularly for games.
  9. Customising in what way? What cant you do on the iPhone? Such an iphone user thing to ask It would take all week to tell you. Basically there is absolutely endless things you can do with Android that you can't do with an iphone.
  10. Well mykeyb dual core processors will help power consumption as one core will be shut down when not needed. Also it will help with multitasking, you're used to iphones where they limit what you do to mean it never lags. But with android you can do what you the user wants to do. So if I want to run lots of things at the same time I'll get better performance with a dual core. Basically the phones performance will remain high even with newer versions of android. Also I'm done with defending the galaxy s being made with plastic. You'd swear we were being a coffee table or something. Galaxy S has the 4 inch super amoled screen that alone makes it vastly superior to the Desire. It has the wow factor. Also the Desire HD is a different size to the Desire it is not its replacement. It has faster cpu etc but no next gen stuff. It's still slower than the Galaxy S. But obviously you are the only one who knows which phone is best for you, if you want to hold it turned off and admire the weight, the Desire wins, if you want to use it, as in with the touch screen then Galaxy S wins, simple.
  11. Nobody spells it Connor or Conner unless they are American continuing the bastardisation of Irish names. It's Conor. Also I think a 3.5inch screen is too small, I want a big screen so where's the big screen iphone? You'd think they'd give a bit of choice even if it's just two models. Four iphones four screens the same size. What are people with big hands to do?
  12. At least spell my name right So this iphone sounds interesting. What's the best 4 inch screen iphone on the market?
  13. Chindie, you should see me discussing horses, you think I defend my phone you want to see the essays I've written in defence of his greatness Kauto Star. Anyway it feels cheap to you but it certainly isn't is what I'm saying. As for the Desire HD it's not a leap forward, so certainly not worth upgrading a Desire or Galaxy S to. Amoled would be the only screen tech used is there wasn't a shortage, while there is dual core processors around the corner. New year will bring loads of new phones One thing that's great about the Galaxy S2 is that it's plastic, meaning it will be light for a 4.3 inch screen. The Desire HD is a beast of a phone, but way too heavy. I'm sure Samsung will have a super light phone again. The worst thing they could do is try to copy HTC. The only thing samsung need to do is put a camera flash in. I think this well be my least phone until mid 2012 as I'm going traveling for a year in June next year.
  14. Toy Story 3 is excellent. Strange Days was recommended earlier in this thread. It has aged terribly badly and is plain boring. Avoid. Will have a look further back, but can anyone tip me up some easy viewing for tonight?
  15. Well money spent on wife and kids is money well spent. Your childrens happiness is worth every penny. For me, I just have never seen the need to spend money on useless things that you don't need. My old pc worked for what I needed, the internet, a new one would have been pointless. Similarly does having an expensive super sharp tv really matter that much? Yeah I might get a good one when the old one dies but people would get loans to buy things like a tv. Madness. I save money because some day it will be needed, most likely for buying a home when starting a family. But it's not like I'm a scrooge, I spend money going out, going on holidays, buying good quality food etc. I'm just careful when spending large sums. Anyway, this has me in a very fortunate position in current times. I can up and leave within a month if a chose to.
  16. Snowy, so why say you were quite amazed. Man you're cryptic. Meath EU member states have to raise the funds themselves and and a small margin, so the rate we are getting is how much it cost them to raise the funds for 7.5 years. People forget Greece only got money for the years. You pay higher rates the longer you get money for.
  17. I didn't mean down, in a bad way. I just meant based on my posts on here I'm not surprised that that post surprised you. I'll pm you tomorrow as it's a bit late now As for bonuses it's my belief that people have them stigmatised now and don't look at hem objectivly. Firstly we never got London level bonuses, I'm talking like 10-20% of annual salary. They are in my opinion, commission, like a car sales man. When money earned is bankable as in not based off a model valuation, but bankable profit that is there and real then rewarding staff for good work is not wrong. I fail to see how bonuses of 10-20% could be a bad thing. Though I totally and utterly understand how the huge bonuses can be severely damaging to a bank and think they are fundamentally wrong, the right level of incentivisation is required. And Kauto Star, I dearly love that horse. He means the world to me.
  18. Well raising taxes will increase tax take, tax revenue will only really grow when the economy recovers, which is dependent on outside sources and we are an open economy. To be fair our exports have grown month on month for almost a year now so I assume Germany must be buying. I don't have any knowledge in that area other than the reported over all figures. But we are totally dependent on other economies recovering. That is the model, which was/is still a sound enough model. Of course only time will tell.
  19. Well firstly my bank. My friend works in the ROI division, so it's his area where the property loans etc were lent. He was moved to work on the transfer of property development loans to Nama. He's still been saying since he got there that the loans are far worse than the bank has been reporting. Basically the attempt to keep the bank from being nationalised was doomed to failure yet people in high placed tried their best to save it for their own reasons. Anyway it failed and now he said the new board is doing a purge as in almost anyone in a high position is is being got rid of. My division was being run as a separate entity it is relatively new, only 10 or so years old and grew from college recruits not from recruits from the rest of the bank, hence the differing culture I mentioned. Anyway it has been untouched as it has remained profitable, we've had loads of extra auditors and regulators around but they haven't had any cause for complaint or concern. But we have been told the bank must be downsized, the sole concern now is to sell assets and get the bank is as good a shape as possible as soon as possible. The government will strip everything bad out and into nama. then the bank will have the base to return to profitibility, then as an almost brand new cleaned up bank it is sold back into the market. There will be a demand for it as it is clean and is a clearing bank so almost cannot fail to make money off regular old school banking. Next, by rolling back to 2005 levels tax bands increase, as the government has spent the past 15 years cutting taxes and incresing spending year on year. So by rolling back we simulatniously reduce expenditure and increase tax. But by picking a level in the past people will readily accept it more, we went too far, we need to go back. It will be easier to sell to the people. But the recovery will be reliant on Europe. We are an exporting country. We need a world recovery to revive our economey.
  20. Snowy if you're referring to my above post I assume you had me down as someone who loved to earn and spend money? I've had the same PC I built back in 2001 until it died last year. We have a a big crt tv that we bought back in 2005 when me an a college mate first rented a house after getting jobs. I don't own a car as I've had no need for one so far. I plain don't spend money accumulating things. Suppose it has worked out for the best. Where people are troubled with debt I have a rather large savings, I'd say 30% of all my take home pay since I left college in 2005 has gone into a savings account.
  21. I suppose I feel lucky I was one of the few who never bought into the property bubble, I called it as a bubble from day one and at least convinced one close friend from buying a house. I've just been reticent for being tied down, I have always hated owing people anything or being reliant on anyone. I own very few possessions, just a Netbook, mobile phone and some clothes. I've never had a loan from a bank and I have had savings since I started work. I could never ever not pay off all of a credit card bill the day it came in. I'd never ever spend money I didn't have. Basically I'm in the tiny minority in the country who did that.
  22. You're sort of right there peterms, ok first things first I'm pretty damn sure my friend is correct when he said that the figures they put on the loans (he works in nama transfers) were changed in the last interm report for AIB. Basically there has been constant lying being done by the bank right up until mid this year. Hopefully now the bank is state owned and has a new board they can get to the real bottom of what has gone on and what is needed ( I think they have now they've been in for over 2 months now ). The belief is that the banks can have all the bad loans stripped out properly now they are state owned and sent to Nama, the fresh capital is injected and the banks are down sized by selling loan books and foreign assets. Also subordinated bond holders will have to take a loss, the government guarantee will not cover them, this will save billions. Then the cleaned up banks are sold back into the market. This will get billions back which can go to repaying some of the loans. Next is the rolling back of everything to 2005 levels. That means tax, public sector pay levels, pensions levels, social welfare, minimum wage. This will reduce expenditure and increase tax income. We will need a european recovery though as we are an open exporting economy and we can only grow if other countries are buying exports. It's not a forlorn hope. The fact the government has negotiated 7.5 years for repayment means we have the time to deal with setbacks. Greece got 3 year loan, that puts too much pressure on them. The longer we have the loan for lets us repay early if we recover early and stop a second crisis if it takes longer than we thought to recover. A benefit we have is as a people we will take it on the chin more than pretty much any other country in Europe. As I have said we have an acceptance of our fate. We will have a new Government voted in with the hard decisions taken out of their hands, as they are privately happy with. I do feel sad for people who are stuck here, who have mortgages in negative equity. Who must stay and suffer through what is to come. But it is still going to be better than where we came from in the 80's and early 90's.
  23. Still wont be even close to as bad as the 80's and early 90's were. We've lived through far far worse.
  24. Also the 17.5bln we contribute ourselves comes from the National Pension Reserve Fund. A Fund which should have been liqudated ages ago. Now it is going to lend money to the state?? A state owned fund for future state pensions is to lend the state money??
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