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Everything posted by Woody1000

  1. I feel that the wages must be considered before criticizing Lambert for 'wasting' £40m over 2 seasons or 4 windows. The players that he has bought have all come in on minimal wages by today's inflated standards, which at least has meant that they could be moved on quickly when surplus to requirements (eg Bowery), unlike our last crop. It is very difficult to move the club forward whilst trying to reduce costs. I'm sure our net spend would've been less if we didn't have so many players on contracts so stupid that the only option for the player is to run it down, in the knowledge that they'll never get another like it elsewhere. Without wanting to go too far off topic, it just frustrates me more about where we could've been if we hadn't of wasted so much money over the years 2006-2011? With a shrewd worldwide scouting system, we could easily be where Everton are now, if not higher!
  2. Perhaps the development of Grealish whilst on loan at Notts County was the final nail in the coffin for Albrighton? I would like to see Jack given opportunities off the bench next season, just to see how he copes with the pace and physicality of the PL.
  3. I think one of the good things with Lambert's gambles is that they can be moved on because they're cheap, and not on big wages. Definitely different to a lot of our recruits over the last 8 years or so.
  4. The problem is that nobody else will pay him the sort of wage he's earning with us.....and he's on that for 2 more years!
  5. I think even those fans that are against Lambert can accept that he is basically doing his job with one hand tied behind his back?
  6. Is he better than Bowery? I would say yes. Is he as much of an improvement as I would've liked? No.
  7. For all the fair points about Keane's track record as a manager, is it not reasonable to think that he may have learnt from past mistakes?
  8. Heard it all before unfortunately. Indeed we have. Nary a month went by without reassurances of how close Albrighton was to signing a new deal last season. Quotes to friendly local media don't even make good toilet paper. albrighton was a slightly different kettle of fish, in that he was out of contract. his agent found him a club willing to offer him 40k a week, and no matter how nice a guy he is and he's a local lad, villa fan and academy product, he simply isn't worth that amount. I'm sure the club would've considered offering him an extension but not at the same amount as Leicester. Albrighton was not offered a new contract as Lambert didn't want him. Without wanting to sound like an ITK, Albrighton said this to my cousin in Ibiza a few weeks ago. On topic, I hope that Ron is offered a good deal that leaves him wanting to commit to the club. He deserves parity with the other top earners at the club as he is one of our most important players, and of course club captain.
  9. All I hope is that the lad stays fit. We shall see if the two awful injuries have prevented him from making it as a top flight player?
  10. This explains why there was a delay in announcing this appointment IMO. Keane has clearly been reading VT, and knows we all have a hard-on for a beard! Up the beard....I mean Villa!!
  11. I don't blame Lerner for not having the money to buy us success, what I do blame him for is not selling us 2/3 years ago when he knew he couldn't do it! This is the first season that I can honestly say that if 17th place was offered right now, I'd take it in a heartbeat!
  12. If Howard Hodgson has anything to do with the purchase of our club, I might just have to give up on the game altogether!
  13. The trouble is, you have to invest each year in new players, and £10m isn't enough, and wasn't when Lerner took over. We were told by the club that last year was the last one whereby the financial results were horrendous, and that sensible investment would happen. Shortly before we were told that Lerner definitely wasn't going to be selling, and was as committed as ever. We have a bunch of incompetent liars running the club. I agree that £10m isn't enough. £20m is barely enough to keep you in the league as proven by our last 2 seasons!
  14. Sorry mate, misunderstood the tone of your posts. Sincere apologies! It was in the Birmingham Mail, I would post a link, but I can barely understand normal posts as it is!
  15. Just the one from the last week or so. Is there a problem?
  16. Lambert to spend apparently, should've been more specific lol
  17. Is it a sign of how the money in the game has gone mad, when RL is giving 'only' £10m (that's £10,000,000.00!!) and we are outraged? This is not a defence of Lerner, more a statement of how what would be a life changing amount of money to us, is nowhere near enough to confirm survival in this league!
  18. Was really chuffed when we signed him, but over time he showed what a limited player he is. I'm glad at least we're getting some money for him, and his wages off the books.
  19. Stopped reading there, seriously find it shocking that people can judge people solely on their location in this day and age. The Middle-Eastern Man City owners haven't got bored but Randy Lerner, an American 'business man', seemingly has decided he can't be arsed anymore. Our new owners race/location/background/beliefs/ethnicity/what they like for breakfast has no influence on our club in any shape or form. It wasn't meant to offend, I was simply stating my preference for things to be done properly. I did not mean to come across as racist, I suppose I just feel that there is more chance of it coming from someone like the Americans discussed, due to their background with running sports teams in top leagues of their respective sport.
  20. I'm interested as to what type of owner other fans here would like at AVFC? Personally, I would be more than happy with an owner that just runs us well enough that we can keep a consistent approach to transfers - wages working to our budget for example, so that we do not have to suffer financially as we have the last 3-4 years. People point out the £40m in the last 2 years that Lambert has had, but it has always been handicapped by the need to bring the wage bill down. This is not to go off topic with a defence of Lambert, it would've been the same for whoever was in charge, and it is not a situation that allows the team to be taken forward. I would love a real Billionaire to buy us of course, who wouldn't, to lavish his riches on us and buy our way to league titles etc, but I would be more than content with an owner/s that run things properly, even if it means we were simply consolidating as a top 8 club which is the minimum of where a club like ours belongs! My personal choice would be someone like the Americans mentioned in the newspaper article today, as I feel that they have a good track record back on the other side of the pond with their sports franchises (hate that phrase!). I know that someone like the Saudi linked would possibly bring more readily available cash for transfers, but without any prejudice meant I always worry about boredom slipping in as they seem to have this Playboy attitude whereas people like Blitzer and Harris are Business men who will hopefully not get bored of the club as some plaything. The biggest mistake that Lerner has made in my opinion was allowing the wage bill to extend beyond it's means under MON, Houllier and McLeish - it has nearly relegated us, and we need to make sure that it NEVER happens again, otherwise we are going to carry on just having a relegation battle every year. All that said, it doesn't look like it's going to happen anytime soon.......
  21. I think anyone British who has any sense will keep their cash a million miles from a football club!
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