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Everything posted by PaulC

  1. Yes I 100% agree with you, however you may be asked to produce the facts to support this.
  2. PaulC

    Joe Bennett

    Our game is based on fullbacks getting forward though which is why Lowton and Bennett crucial to our plans. Baker is doing a good job as a central defender so don't fix what isn't broke.
  3. Our player of the year I think yes
  4. PaulC


    I don't see Villa losing both games. we'll get 1 point at least. Its all about tonights game. If Wigan don't win we can all be pretty confident that the final game wont matter. Wigan will be knackered by the time they play us anyway. I think we'll win there quite easily/.
  5. Were you a candidate for Smethwick in the 1964 general election? The only doughnuts stupid enough to vote for labour are immigrants and lefties without an active brain cell. The consequences of labour getting back in (to fist the country up the arse some more) will be devastating. Well we're not doing too well now are we! Labour are far from a left wing party anyway. In fact New Labour were more right than left.
  6. The quote from Portes reproduced in that article says, "During that period, the number of Eastern European workers actually fell." Why have you changed that to the amount of eastern Europeans entering the country fell? Also, you just repeat an assertion (that 'it still adds to the problem of youth unemployment') to contradict the conclusion of something evidence based. You may well be right and Portes (and the NIESR research and conclusion) may well be wrong but you have to shoot that down with evidence not just supposition. Just tired I guess
  7. PaulC


    Yes I fear they will beat Swansea tomorrow, but cant see them getting anything at Arsenal, a few days after the FA Cup final
  8. You're quoting a point made in his own article as evidence against his argument? Seriously? He's included that precisely because he's not trying to make a slanted argument that every single effect from immigration is unambiguously positive. He is pointing readers towards evidence which goes the other way. But you see it as "a flaw" in his argument? You seem to be imagining his argument to be something other than what he's actually saying. Something one-sided and blind to counter-evidence. That's not what he's putting forward at all. It may however be what you were expecting to find? Yes you are right his points are very well presented, however with regard to youth unemployment its accepted that the most significant rise came during the recession 2008/9 at a time when the amount of eastern Europeans entering the country fell however it still adds to the problem of youth unemployment in this country. Taking away the jobs in the health service, how many of these minimum wage jobs are eastern European taking that could be filled by young people under 25 in our country. Don't get me wrong I have nothing whatsoever against Polish people but we have to look after our own youth.
  9. By the way, he's been an intern with the Conservative Party and has voted Labour, LibDem, and Tory, so you shouldn't try to present him as a party hack... must be bipolar then
  10. Delph and Sylla. I haven't seen anything of Sylla on the ball to suggest he is anywhere near as good as Delph myself. He's a better tackler yes!
  11. The article references evidence - it's not "this is my opinion, unsupported by anything else". Do you find the evidence flawed? Are you more convinced by other arguments which draw on different evidence, and if so, which? Hopefully you haven't simply dismissed the argument because you don't like the person putting it forward. The article references evidence - it's not "this is my opinion, unsupported by anything else". Do you find the evidence flawed? Are you more convinced by other arguments which draw on different evidence, and if so, which? Hopefully you haven't simply dismissed the argument because you don't like the person putting it forward. "The greatest wage effects are found for low-waged workers. Each 1% increase in the share of migrants in the UK-born working age population leads to a 0.6% decline in the wages of the 5% lowest paid workers and to an increase in the wages of higher paid workers." So there's flaw in his argument for starters
  12. PaulC


    Yes which means they wont turn up at Southampton
  13. He's a million miles better than the idiots on BBC
  14. PaulC


    Mclean was crap but Adam Johnson had a very good game.
  15. Did he give any reason or did he just pick a random number out of the sky on a whim? He just said you cant get carried away by recent results and that we have struggled all season. But to have Newcastle finishing 10th is a little biased. Could be in the bottom 3 tomorrow.
  16. Hmmm, a very unbiased article by a labour party activist and stood as a labour candidate in a local election as well as writing freelance for many left wing blogs etc.
  17. PaulC


    Yes Southampton I think we will there last game now Stoke are virtuall safe
  18. PaulC


    Its not worth worrying about until we know the result tomorrow night. If Swansea don't win I'll feel a lot more confident because I don't think they will get anything at Arsenal.
  19. Yes I know and it would be interesting to see what the turnout would be! If its less than 70% it shows how apathetic people are. Monsieur Rumpypumpy
  20. So lets have the referendum and let the public decide whether we want to remain in the EU
  21. PaulC

    Joe Bennett

    I think you are being too harsh on him. He had a good game against Adam Johnson. I've hardly seen Johnson have less effect in a game. There's no doubt we need competition at left back but Baker, Clarke and Lichaj are not the answer there. Bennett is far from the worst left back we have seen at Villa and at 22 he has plenty of time to improve.
  22. I still not entirely convinced by the net benefit. I agree with nurses and other skilled jobs, but having unskilled workers come in and do jobs for minimum wage or below does not help us long-term, especially when we have a massive unemployment problem.
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