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Everything posted by Tomaszk

  1. lol at ur pic! Hate chelsea more surely, nothing is funnier than Terry missing that kick, i was playing drinking games at the time, and if Chelsea had won with that kick, I'd have had to down 4 pints, do for him to miss was a moment of sheer joy an exuberance...
  2. Haha!!! Terry you loser!!! I'm so happy utd won to keep our exclusive club nice and small. Jealous LOL! Yeah course we are, don't mean we can't laugh at them; Chelsea are out bitch!
  3. willie willie willie willie WIL-LIE ANDERSON
  4. Oh look another Barry cheerleader , erm as i said you can't have one thing for Barry and another for Dwight, it's been confirmed by Mon that Gareth was effected by the speculation and therefore performed poorly against Wigan, so the specualtion had a DIRECT LINK to his performance, just like the speculation had a direct link to Dwight's performance at Everton, because you can't tell me he would have played that way had he not been linked with Manure, so what's the difference?, NOTHING, but because you and your pal think Barry is worth more than life it's self you paint a different picture, and excuse me i keep having to ask you this when you roll out that tired old line regarding me "not liking Barry" can you find me a quote where i've expressed those feelings please?, because i can't remember me ever saying i hated the guy, but just because i feel we can go on without him that's obviously a reflection of "hate" lol, at the end of the day i've only said that if Yorke was a much better player for us and still got booed than Gareth deserves the same, sorry if that doesn't fit into your dream of rolling out the red carpet and scattering rose petals on the ground for him as he steps off the scousers coach on his return. Do you read posts before replying? Are you a bit too quick to get your lovely smileys down and you start typing before you engage your brain? The difference has been explained but if you choose not to see it that's fine. I think your exaggeration there typifies your attitude and a reasonalbe debate cannot be had on the subject. I bet you were so pissed of when Barry scored at the weekend, because then you could have had 2 games where you could delude yourself into thinking he'd had 2 shocking games. Look forward to your reply, but get it right, I'm marketing director.
  5. How on earth is it "different"? :? , Yorke was a much better player and was with us for longer, yes the Everton performance wasn't good but neither was Gareth's Wigan performance, there's nothing "different" about this at all, at least Yorke went to a massive club who were contending the title, while Gareth looks like he's going to the 4th best club who we have ambitions of challenging. It's different I'm afraid. Better player thing is opinion, Yorkie was so so sooo good for us, it pissed me off so much when everyone suddenly proclaimed Fergie as having found this great player when he'd just watched him banging in hundreds of goals for villa. Barry is great as well. Yorkie was with us for 9 years, and for the first 3 didnt really play, then he was a winger for a bit, then finally became a great striker for us. Gareth has been a pro with us for 10 years, and I'd say a fixture in the team for about 8 years. For about 5 of those years he's been excellent. Got into England team initially as a defender/midfielder, then was messed around a bit but always was very talented, since he's been in midfield barring DOL's first season he's been quality. He's played very nearly 400 games for us. Gareth wasn't that bad against Wigan I'm afriad. People can pretend to see what they want but he wasn't, the day before was the huge break in the Echo (I think that was the paper) about the bid, so it was used against him by fans with short memories. The team was so bad that day, but some seemed to need something to attack Barry alone with, this game was just what they needed. Yorkie would never have been that hated if he hadn't celebrated in front of the holte. So having him as a marker is a load of bollocks. He deserved the abuse he initally got after deciding to dance around in front of the fans who used to love him becuase he got a boos from some sections. Barry would not do that, if he did (or does), he'd deserve(s) everything he got and more. I can't argue with going to Liverpool though. I fully agree, there's not that much point in going to a team who are not THAT far ahead of us; if you're gonna leave, go to united or chelsea.
  6. One CVByrne, there's only onnnnnnne CVByyyyrne! I happen to agree, I can't see how anybody who leaves us when we're on the up deserves anything more than our utter contempt, especially when their leaving would set us back massively as well as strengthening the only club we could probably realistically dislodge from the 4th Champions League spot. And before anybody mentions the comparison to Mellberg, I see that as an entirely different case, as Ollie probably felt that he didn't have much of a future at Villa Park after losing his place in the centre of defence and having to play as emergency rightback all season. Mellberg - legend. Barry, if he stays for at least one more season - utter legend. Barry, if he takes the filthy lucre at Liverpool - fat arsed, overrated Judas! I don't understand. He's a legend if he stays for one more year then goes to Liverpool anyway? Surely if he ever leaves for anyone else, ever, he's a traitor!? Or is it the exact length of time of 11 years that secures his status as legend, and anything he does after 11 years is irrelevant? ---------------- The amount of anger directed towards the man by some people is quite funny considering he hasn't said anything yet. Yes, he might leave, but he might stay, surely theres going to have to be a lot of backtracking if he does? It will be also very amusing indeed to go to VP, hopfully when we're comfortably top of the league, and Liverpool (featuring G.Barry) arrive still battling for 4th with Arsenal. Barry would get a decent/good reception by more than 50% of the crowd, and the ones who would hold him as the anti-christ would be so angry I think some of them may explode with rage. "NO! What are you all doing? He's evil, he left us! Arrrghh!" I hope he stays so much, we'll do bloody well to replace him with a better player if he does go.
  7. Thats exactly what i dont want, but i just dont suit clean shaven at all and i was thinking they should see me as i am not pretending to be something im not. Doesnt matter if you don't suit it, they shouldn't care if you look a bit odd (if ). Shave clean, it is just more professional, I'm sure they wouldn't mind you having a 5 o clock shadow affair once you've got the job, but you will be marked down if it's a formal job (bank or something).
  8. Big fat clap for a brilliant player. That season with GT, we was unbelivable, him and Mellberg kept us up that year.
  9. It's gonna be very very hard to top this season, but it must be done!!
  10. General, Thank you so so much for a brilliant season. Our best for 5 years. No matter what happens with Barry and players coming in, we're going forward. See you in Europe next season, we're well on the way to our bright future.
  11. General, good luck calming MON down for a chat about the summer; after the 'Barry situation' interview I've just seen, he was seething!
  12. General can I pass on this comment from another poster re:Barry, it puts forwards my, and I think a lot of other fans, opnions very well Don't get robbed Gen. Please.
  13. Thank you for answering General. Following Paul's comment, hank you so much for this brilliant season as well! Everyday when I see this thread I am reminded we are in good hands. Just be sure to get a solid price. You are the pros of course, but do not forget how much silly money will be spent this summer, don't get fleeced just as we are one of the only clubs remaining with honour and dignity.
  14. Hull so I can watch villa away at uni.
  15. General, We understand that at the end of the day this decision comes to Gareth. BUT, please get a very good price for him, as I worry that this summer with the new TV deal, there will be stupid stupid money thrown around. Just because (if he does go) Gareth will be one of the early summer deals don't accept a deal of pittance like £10m, there WILL be bigger money spent on far worse players this summer. We've been taken to the cleaners so many times over deals, let's try and get good money if we have to sell.
  16. youve missed them out. its man city surely ? tevez is ugly lol
  17. If only they had the class of our board. 'Sticking the middle finger up', is exactly what they are doing to you Gen. It's not on.
  18. Thanks very much for that report. Lovely. Bloody foreigners learn to dive and cheat before they learn to pass these days.
  19. Back home already? You don't wait around I'm so glad you enjoyed it. You and Randy were part of that. Glad you had a 'few' drinks to celebrate
  20. General, On a scale of 1 to 'Hell yeah!', just how much did you enjoy your first ferby?
  21. "and another!" "Shit! did you see that?....he must have a foot like a traction engine!" "clearing in the woods!" "Thriker!" ".........that............was a goal!"
  22. Blues win easy. They are of no concern to me unless we are playing them.
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