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Everything posted by Tomaszk

  1. Defoe is too inconsistent for my liking, I want someone reliable
  2. Charlton can't expect 15M anymore, but I guess 10M will be the price to pay Im just a bit worried that buying a player of similar to age to Gabby and Moore could create a bit of ££££ jealously, this could affect their game, especially if it becomes common knowledge that Bent is on like 35k a week and their on 5k each. I remember MON saying he wants incentive based contracts, this is something that should be implemented through the whole squad. 10m woulndt be too bad i spose.
  3. Would NOT want Owen for 5m Always injured. His only attributes he ever had were finishing and pace. He now has no pace, and tries to play like Rooney by dropping deep so people dont notice. As he has no technique this means he does nothing in the game as he cannot beat a man or pass a ball. For someone who does contributes NOTHING but goals, he doesnt score EVERY CHANCE. He takes about 1 in 3. If you do nothing except score you need to be scoring 4/5 of every single sniff of goal ala Van Nistelrooy in his prime. erm...what was the question? oh yeah, NO to owen! Bent yes please, but for no more than 8m+a few add ons like starting at a world cup game, if it takes more, fine we'll go else where thank you very much.
  4. Just to say check out this pretty damn fine ronaldinho style flip flap by McShane at the weekend. Very beginning. Fine skill
  5. Nasri? destroyed Bolton was it? in the uefa cup? well some game against english opp i watched anyway
  6. read that somewhere else as well NOSW I think.
  7. You wont get a better 4th choice centre half in the prem (IMO it should be him and Cahill battling to play with Laursen, but I imagine another will be coming in soon)
  8. McShane is a centre half. A good young one with potential. We already have 2 of them. IMO both are better than McShane currently is. He has average technique which means he is a defnsivly solid fulback but id say a below average attacking one. My mate who is a baggies fan (and ST holder) though, said this summer hes quite happy to take 8m for Davies as long as they keep McShane - stating DAvies has very bad positional sense only stands out because he makes a lot of last ditch tackles using his pace. He has to make those tackles bexause hes caught out so much position wise.
  9. Jaaskalinen is avaliable now, what a player to pinch.
  10. dodgy online translator: After the Portsmouth now also the aston Villa seems to have aimed the eyes serious on Muntari. According to a newspaper ghanese, Martin OR neall, manager of the Villans, now should want to convince its managers to pay out more of 7 millions of pounds that made available him, that is not sufficient to gain the ghanese, for which Well wonders of it at least 12.
  11. interesting that^^^ Ill be sick as a dog if Boro get Kallstrom, and we're not in for him.
  12. no way 6m for Kamara Never heard of this Bystrov character, any good?
  13. He would be great company for Laursen and Delaney!!! I dont think one injury in your whole career classes you as a 'Delaney'. I wanted him before he went to fulham, but couldnt believe he would leav wigan after the season they had.....it would be like Sidwell leaving Reading.......oh wait
  14. Sounds like a Roy of the Rovers-player to me. Which division first of all? League 1. Fine player. Very quick, and stood out when we played Scunthorpe earier on in the season, nearly got through in the first second if I remember but Tommy got him. A real goal grabber I think, can't go wrong for a million then maybe loan him out?
  15. I read this morning that Scott Parker is being booed by thick Newcastle fans. Lets swop them McCann and see how they like him. Be a good player to take.
  16. Dont have a clue what he looks like or if hes even any good. Decent enough on FM though
  17. McShane is a good player, but hes just another young centre half with potential, weve already got 2. If we do sign a centre half we need a reliable experienced one. Swap one for mellberg or something.
  18. Sneider is awesome. Not sure if hes the sort of driving midfielder we need though. Would quite happily have him the middle if we could get hold of someone like Barton as well.
  19. A couple of nasty b*****s like that wouldnt be nice to play against.
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