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Everything posted by Tomaszk

  1. We'll miss Guilbert's support so much. Trez and Elmo will have their work cutout.
  2. No, come on, it's more than one. Thankfully this is the first that led to a goal. Even then it was post-corner, so it wasn't like they ran in and scored. It's been coming though. And it's always the same thing. He's strolling round seemingly over casual and gets tackled, or someone blocks his clearance because he's waited and got closed down. Errors happen, yes. These particular errors are not hard to eradicate, or at least reduce. He's been getting caught at least once a match for the last 4, that's too many. He's looking for the pass, great! That's what I and the manager want. Sometimes it's not on, and you see 99% of the time in advance of getting closed down. That's OK! Send it longer to Wes or wide. Don't always hold the ball, when all that's happening is your options are lessening and you're going to have to lash it away away from goal.
  3. I'll be really giddy if we beat Chelsea because it'll be 4 meaty wins in a row for Smith v Lampard. That will amuse me.
  4. So annoying, was just getting into a good run of form.
  5. Tomaszk

    Ezri Konsa

    Best on the ball of all our CBs. Always looks in control, nice to see some left foot knocks around as well.
  6. Wouldn't it be nice if he didn't make that simple error and still scored though? I would find it such a treat.
  7. Yep. He's more or less there as my favourite ever player I think. Last season is my favourite year ever and Jack was leading from the front every time he stepped on the pitch. He's so good it's just frankly silly. He would start for every other team in the league, which makes him one of the best players in the world. CM for Liverpool, up front for City, just in case you're wondering.
  8. Eff that. Haven't been on it for years. Bet it's horrible. Just saw something nice I missed first time. Wes just turns and claps Grealish's banger when it goes it. Amused me. Not a cheer or too much, just polite applause.
  9. I mean, if you come to his thread, it'll be performance comments...and they're mostly going to be bad because he's playing like he is. He's not lazy, that's just incorrect. He is sometimes a bit stroppy because he doesn't get fouls. He doesn't get many fouls because he's got no nous or cleverness to his attempted holdup play. Makes it easy for refs to give fouls against him even when they are harsh fouls, and there are plenty of harsh calls there!
  10. I don't care how many goals he scores or how many assists he ends up with. Points for Villa is where it's at. I just want general all-round improvement from Wes. He'd struggle to make any impact in the championship playing like this. It's not good enough.
  11. I agree with you on not being first choice. However, after January when he's hopefully out of the XI and we've brought in a better player...I can't see him being a good one to throw on if we're chasing. He's not going to dart round, look dangerous and pinch a goal is he? He'll do his dropping deep thing that he does, have his huge touches backwards and pass it to advancing full backs. Anyone already in centre mid can do that.
  12. My hope for Wes this season is that he becomes better than an out of form John McGinn would be up top. He's not particularly close right now.
  13. Pretty sick of these sorts of errors from him. They're so easy to eliminate. Stop it.
  14. That was one of his better games and he still was "OK" and nowt more. A striker with a bit of nous and we'll be fine. The team is getting more and more annoyed with him. We'd be in an identical position if we'd started Davis every game this season. We'd be higher if we had McGinn up front all season, because he'd hold the ball up and can kick a football properly.
  15. If we'd have gone up under Bruce, you think he would have paid tribute to Di Matteo unprompted? Thanked him for Kodjia, Adomah, Chester and Jedinak? Fat chance. Smith is courteous I agree. Bruce is an unpleasant, conniving toad.
  16. Congratulations boss. Huge statement from the board. He's in for the long haul. Him and Purslow are such a great pair. Absolute respect and appreciation of what the other does. Dean has no interest in boardrooms and schmoozing agents. Give him some footballs, cones and players willing to learn. At some point though...please giz a look at a back three and some alternates up front Deano.
  17. Twisting yourself into a right mess here guv. He didn't have a poor start and remains our best player when he plays centre mid. Opposition fans said he was bad did they? The ones who still wet their pants every time his name is mentioned that he dives and isn't as good as Maddison or various Leeds players. Wouldn't use them as a reference point.
  18. I think we should attack them to be honest. We can score, not sure we can keep a clean sheet. I can see Marvelous coming in for either Luiz or McGinn. It'll be noticeable how good McGinn is once he's out the side I reckon. A fired up John McGinn coming on at 65 mins when it's 1-1 would be a delight to behold.
  19. Anyone (@Chewie) got an idea where one could find the post match interviews on sky in full? There's a few clips around but not the full ones.
  20. Tomaszk


    Blues or Wolves the obvious favourites for his actual team. I still haven't ruled out that it's Alex Bruce though.
  21. 100%. In a team with Grealish and McGinn he had us heading for a bottom half season easily, could have been even worse. The bull he spouted worked on many, I can see why he's done it his whole career.
  22. Yep, very noticeable. Happened with Taylor as well, the players all started trying to avoid him because it meant they'd be trying to win the ball back 5 seconds later. Wes playing very poorly is causing this.
  23. Bowen has 18 months on his deal with an extension due. Hull need to play this smart. Do they think they can get up? If so, don't sell. If they're not sure, Bowen's price will never be higher than in January you wouldn't think. I'd be stunned if he kept up this rate of scoring all season long from the wing, for not a fantastic side. Didn't see tonight but he's always looked like an effective player rather than one that's easy on the eye. It's such an obvious transfer, with him covering the exact two positions we need, if we don't go in for him I can only think the manager doesn't like the look of him.
  24. I agree. He started the season getting tired by 80 mins. I was sure this was down to him sprinting round on his own. The time it takes for him to tire has become shorter and shorter which is a bit concerning. He was looking leggy at times in the first half on Monday. Surely the coaches are aware and can look into this. It's safe to say his work rate in training is going to be on point, he doesn't know any other way on a football pitch. Is it "too much" football? He's a 90 minuter for club an country so maybe he needs less hard training to stay fresh. Could be away from the training ground, diet...booze...sleep? Could just not be in great form and nerves are making him look off. He's set such a silly high standard for himself we judge him harshly.
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