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Everything posted by Tomaszk

  1. The issue is very much Wesley's inadequacies, just as much as depth. We had to buy 10/11 players with £140m, it was tricky to build a squad in the summer. If we'd signed a footballer to play up front, we'd be fine. As it is, we signed a Wes and have put ourselves in trouble.
  2. Are you saying we'd have won with Tammy? Because swap the strikers from those XIs and yes, I agree with you, we'd have won that. A great effort from the whole team tonight.
  3. Works very hard. Very little understanding of space and timing and positioning and much of anything to be honest. Wasted the chance to get back in it by not putting Elmo in.
  4. 100%. It happened with Taylor and it's happening with Wes. You can keep a left back out of attacking play, but it's hard to avoid your central striker.
  5. Yes, numbers. Yeah but have you watched Wes play? He can't control the football.
  6. Tomaszk

    Ezri Konsa

    Might have played himself out unfortunately there. Looks more comfortable with the ball than without it, got a bit lost with the first. TV tried to blame Mings, but I thought once the other guy comes into play Konsa should have picked up Tammy, he was nowhere near him. I'd be tempted to keep him in for Vardy actually, bit pacier than big Bjorn.
  7. Honestly surprised this thread is quite so vicious, maybe it's the loss. That was probably his second or third best game for us. He managed to control it a few times. Made a few passes that weren't absolutely straight forward. Worked hard I thought as well. Disastrous signing. Worst striker in the league. Don't think I've seen a worse player for anyone. If Keinan Davis was putting in these performances, declarations would be being made he needs to go out on loan or just isn't a PL player. The team are getting more and more annoyed with him. It'll be miraculous if we stay up if we have him up front all season.
  8. He should absolutely be England #1.
  9. Saw a good line before the Newcastle game. It was a fantasy football guy's write up and he reckoned we'd have the most difficult fixtures if any side so far. Think Everton have had the second easiest!
  10. Delighted we can all agree it was a mistake. Can't wait until he eliminates these simple errors. It'll be a slight adjustment for him and a huge step up for us as a team. Can't wait.
  11. Good fun this. At least we can all agree he made a mistake now, that was being contested for a while for some reason. When he gets rid of these easy to eliminate ones like losing the ball when you're within 30 yards of our goal, he and Aston Villa will be better off. Can't wait.
  12. Thinking about getting new one but will let bugs settle down and stuff I think. Once played a network game for over 50 hours solid at uni. When the sun was coming up for a second time someone pulled the plug and demanded we had to stop.
  13. Got through BARRY. It's pretty good, but I think there's probably only one decent series worth of stuff across the two seasons. I will say the ronny/lilly episode with the little karate girl and the taekwondo dad is absolutely incredible. One of the best episodes of anything I think I've ever seen.
  14. It wasn't on. He'd already had a chance to get rid, he carried it into this position. He lost the ball, we conceded a corner, then a goal. He lost it in much more comfortable scenarios v Wolves and Newcastle. He got tackled dawdling, like he is here. If Konsa and Engels do get criticised I want you there defending them. Calling anyone pointing out their errors that lead to goals nit-picking words removed.
  15. Howard Hodgson and Jonny Gould also said on their podcast we can't really spend much. We absolutely just must get a striker. Every other position can wait until next summer. Outside shout for Ivan Toney from Peterborough, I reckon we could get him for less than £5m.
  16. No problem as long as there's an agreed fee in there if the player flys like Mings.
  17. I'm sure he's been told to play out and get our plays going yes. He's been great at it all season. When it's not on, it's not on.
  18. We'll miss his forward press if he does drop out. Even when he's struggling to make an impact, like he is right now he chugs around the whole match getting shit done.
  19. No problem with corners when there's a plan behind it. We did it loads against Burnley, because they've got a big team of pies who love heading the ball away, it shows there's some planning for me.
  20. What a thoroughly pleasant chap he is. Makes opposition fans seethe with his football, and they throw in "arrogant" and "up himself" type insults all the time. He's the absolute opposite. What a captain.
  21. Did some good adjustment when Grealish came inside at Man Utd. Average position is a funny one to look at...
  22. For all his shortcomings, and there are a lot...refs give him nothing, and I can feel his frustration. If he can wise up and stop making it so easy for them it'll add to his all-round contribution. He's fighting sometimes when he should go down, he's stopping, waving arms and appealing when he should be holding players off. I was hoping Terry could help him with this, he knows all about how these skirmishes playout. Especially as a brilliant centre half in the air who was not the biggest.
  23. Do you mean Rotherham? What a night that was. --- On topic, Targett is all technique and not much athleticism. He'll never be a flying full back, but if he can stay solid defensively, his quality on the ball means he can get involved and cross without getting round his man.
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