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Everything posted by Tomaszk

  1. This is so obvious it makes me sad.
  2. Today I've realised there's something else he can't do. It's quite funny if you can get over the general sadness of watching him play for us. Challenging for long balls...he doesn't know what he's doing. He knows he should be doing something, but he's not sure what. So he jumps and throws his arms, but he's got no plan. He doesn't know if he's bringing it down, flicking it on, touching it back to someone. Just jumps or moves to the general area and half puts his body at it. Never ever ever in the right place. Doesn't know how to play football. The only thing he can do is take touches backwards into easy areas that takes pressure off the opposition and makes passes out wide that anyone with legs could do. What an absolute disaster of a signing.
  3. He wasn't. Was pretending due to embarrassment as he'd tried to shoot but duffed it wide.
  4. The most he's done that half aside from setup their goal is hoof Schmeichel into the net. That was funny.
  5. Konsa and Elmo keep their place. Guilbert should be back in for me. Doug in for Hourihane. Anwar in for Trez.
  6. Tomaszk


    I remember Hawksbee & Jacobs doing this with us a few years ago and we were 0! We've probably been crap since so it's probably about -120.
  7. Get your skates on son, game kicks off in just over 3 hours!
  8. This the best side we've had in 10 years. If you're watching established sides and wanting us to be that good you're going to have to wait. We went to Man Utd two matches ago and outplayed them. Had a goal disallowed and missed chances that would have put us out of sight. We'll probably lose today because Leicester have much better players.
  9. These are a really good side. Better than Chelsea. Thought we'd beat Chelsea and lost. Think we'll lose today so here's hoping.
  10. For the first time in a long time I could see John on the bench tomorrow. It's 3 of 4 centre mids, someone is missing out. The real John was stirring against Chelsea but he still wasn't at his best. Nakamba has to start for me, Luiz has earned his place and Hourihane at home makes more sense than at the blades. If it's tight, no one will give the crowd a bigger lift than McGinn coming on after 60 mins.
  11. He gets plenty of support at games. As long as he keeps working hard, that will remain the same thankfully.
  12. If he scores this weekend, I demand he talk about him before every game. I don't care about him scoring overall tbh, I just want him stop playing so badly.
  13. I believe the last team Smith spoke out about Wes, he bagged two at Norwich. Let's see it Wesley!
  14. Good words from the manager backing a player.
  15. He's a brilliant player. Plus his name is Milot which is fun to say. Milot. We're in a similar spot to Werder in the league, could probably tempt him over if there's no bigger sides in. I'm sure there will be some interested parties if he's available.
  16. Imagine how upset everyone else would be if we did though
  17. Tomaszk

    Ezri Konsa

    You'd get no complaints from me to play Bjorn v Leicester and Sheff U and bring Ezri back for Norwich and Southampton.
  18. Plenty have broken down and explained reasons why they think he's not good enough. Perhaps some have just said "he's crap" and not explained it, that's poor form. This is Andre Green last season all over again though. He looked terrible in nearly every appearance. People got upset when others said it "not backing players" blah blah. I wanted him to do well! Support is always there at our matches. But he was clearly not good enough. Yes even after the Sheffield Utd header he wasn't good enough. I don't care if Wes doesn't score another goal this season if he lifts his performance and starts contributing to our play regularly. We'll batter teams and he'll be a welcome name of the team sheet.
  19. Although brilliant for players' confidence, I think he almost has too much belief in them. Maybe it is possible to be going to Chelsea/City and outplaying them, but I can't see it with this current squad. Also clearly great belief in his own coaching ability. I love Dean Smith.
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