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Everything posted by Tomaszk

  1. FFS man, get him in the team. He's not even good but knows roughly what he's meant to do. It's honestly incredible that Wes can be in the wrong place 100% of the time.
  2. He owes Smith something, the faith is utterly remarkable. Cannot play football. He won't be scoring in the championship if we go down, especially with no Jack Grealish at the club. Was nowhere near our worst player today because he tried.
  3. Well, he finally changed formation. We had a flash of 442 today, not that you could tell. Horrendous. The midfield, as has been the case for a long time, was a total mess. There's no nous, players are running all over the place with no plan. Smith has a lot to answer for but my word the players let him down today. Targett and El Ghazi for me in particular were an absolute disgrace. Cowards, absolute **** cowards. The worst of a load of rubbish. The worry now for me is that the players see him as a soft touch. We haven't been playing like that all season, no way. What's happened? Why have some stopped trying? We've lost a lot of games this season we'd have got points if we had a striker who could play football. Today we deserved nothing. The performance levels dropped so much Wes wasn't our worst player. Didn't think that was possible. This has knocked me for six. Don't know what to think. Before today I had no confidence going to Watford, thought we needed six from Saints and Norwich. This is it. We're going to be relegated if we don't win either of the next two. If we line up 433 with Jack on the left wing next match I'll be fuming. 4-2-3-****-1 with Jack in the middle of the pitch is the only way we're getting anything. But it's been eye-stabbingly obvious we need an alternative formation for about 11 months now and we haven't changed, not sure I hold out much hope.
  4. Looked like a strange break or pop. He bounced on his ankle.
  5. He owes Smith something here. It's like having 10. Can you see when they lash it forward all you have to do is stop the centre half heading it away. Like Long and Ings are 75% of every hump forwards. We can't get the ball forwards because he's never there. I don't know how he can be in the wrong place so often. Obviously, everyone was shit that half aside from Jacko.
  6. Heaton, Fred, Engels, Hause, Targett, Doug, McGinn, Hourihane, Jacko, Wesley, El Ghazi
  7. What have I told you? Can you keep your insults to the Mings thread please. Very unpleasant to read you calling fans words removed across multiple threads.
  8. Knives Out is great fun. Gets a bit ploddy in the middle but very watchable throughout. Was ready to wince at Craig but I thought he was great. A very carefully selected role by Chris Evans trying to escape the cap.
  9. Need him at his best for these games. He's got to be so good they can't mark him out the game. No one is showing enough to win matches for us if he's not firing .
  10. Went to my school before and after he was at Man Utd. There was never any question he was going to be a professional footballer. Wonder if he would have got better if he appeared 5-10 years later. You won't find a single coach who will tell you Barry Bannan for example was better than him when they were 16.
  11. Well... when I saw the news and Doug's numerous social media celebrations I presumed the club had spoken about it when he signed. Maybe not if we're now saying no. Hopefully him and Smith have had an adult discussion about it. He is the captain as well so should still go to the Olympics.
  12. Obviously I meant Southampton and Norwich. Will anyone else be stunned if he doesn't start? And I say that as someone not really a big fan.
  13. I suspect that's only if we're in the championship. Otherwise there'd be a queue out the door.
  14. My Minamino shout ain't happening then.
  15. Kodjia did not play well. Wes would not have scored 2/3 by half time. Both of these statements are correct I believe.
  16. Ah, didn't know Che Adams hadn't scored for them. Stick your effing house on that.
  17. He was signed as he's much more useful than Gary Gardner. If we hadn't gone up he'd be playing every week and doing pretty well. I like him, but he's got his limitations certainly. All technique, absolutely no strength or athleticism.
  18. There's no way that story was accurate for what it was implying. If he was injured he wouldn't be on the bench tonight. I'd have like him and Jack at home anyway tbh.
  19. We looked so light in the middle of the pitch. And the front three were as non-helpful as usual. Southampton have played a fairly narrow 442 diamond the last two matches and I fear them getting on top of us in the middle of the pitch. Possibly just nerves from me, we've generally played well against the poorer sides.
  20. He's playing like a good 5-a-aide player at the moment. Improvement needed.
  21. No he doesn't. He doesn't want to tackle. He doesn't want the ball. He doesn't want to cross. He doesn't want to do anything except the absolute easiest thing there possibly is. So if he gets it it's very rare he does anything other than turn around and pass it 30 yards backwards. Useless isn't strong enough a word.
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