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Everything posted by Tomaszk

  1. We had one chance to build a squad this summer. Think we've cocked it. It certainly wasn't an easy task getting that many players in, not at all. The Wes signing is the one that's killed us. Biggest transfer in our history and to say it's a miss is too kind. It's one that doesn't even register.
  2. Who the hell is buying any of them apart from Fred G?
  3. Some of it, including this, is coming from trolls though. Can't honestly think of anything sadder than wasting your time on a forum of a team you don't support.
  4. Magnificent for Chelsea today. Didn't get near a goal really. Worked his balls off and held everything that came his way. Anything he couldn't win, he stopped defenders winning comfortably. The step down we've made in that position has crippled us.
  5. In case you missed it, Watford have also signed a forward for January 1st. Brazilian. Hope he's one of those Wes Brazilians and not like all the others.
  6. Has to be Kodjia. Wes would be coming back to get away from any pressure and standing on Jack's toes. We won't anyway, it'll be 433.
  7. We don't even need Tammy. If we had Jay Rodriguez, Troy Deeney or Jonathan Kodjia in the team we'd have more points. Dean's done this to himself by initially signing Wes, then playing a guy who can't play football every game. Didn't see that Southampton performance coming. We've beaten all the other poor sides without issue.
  8. Haha, never rains but it pours. We're suddenly going to be bottom before 2020.
  9. We made a right cockup not signing Valentin Rongier. Linked all summer. Went with Luiz ahead of him with more eyes on youth I think. We needed some players for now.
  10. They were absolutely car crash in there yesterday. Total mess. Marvelous has gone backwards very quickly. 4231 will help.
  11. I think the whole summer recruitment was sort of based on the fact that we could go down and they'd all stay and then bring us back up as they'd improved. Can't see it without Jack Grealish holding their hands. Trez and Wes, over £30m. Zero to minimal football ability. Targett, Luiz, Nakamba, over £35m. Talented but soft. Don't seem to know how to play their positions at times. Normal stuff like where to stand.
  12. If I gave you Ings in this squad from the start of the season. Where do you think we'd be? Certainly wouldn't sort the midfield out! I think we'd probably have about 8 more goals and 5 or 6 more points at least.
  13. Scotland Euro play-offs 26th March. You can bet he'll have that circled in his calendar. Wonder if we'll still have a sniff of staying up by then.
  14. That carnage of a midfield yesterday is obviously what would have happened weeks ago if McGinn had been rested. It's like the rest of them don't have a basic understanding of where to be or what space to take up. The state of it. This could finish us off if Jack isn't moved back to the middle immediately.
  15. Out for three months says John Percy who is rarely wrong.
  16. Also his face is on the side of the stadium.
  17. He ain't getting sacked after that contract. If he does, I think Purslow could be in trouble as well. Owners will be asking why we just gave him a new contract while results were poor.
  18. I'd be going Engels and Konsa myself. Hause got boshed around. First goal wasn't pretty though.
  19. Alongside Anwar as the most pathetic today for me. Coward. How can you possibly be jogging back for that first goal? Have you given up because someone (Shane Long!) is about to have shot? Yes, is the answer, he'd given up. Oh, but Heaton has sav... oh look it's in anyway. Pitiful. They went at him loads today and got plenty of joy.
  20. You can absolutely do one with that attitude Anwar. Don't know who you think you are, but you certainly aren't good enough for those effort levels. Cost us us the second because he didn't fancy it. Trez, who is rubbish would have challenged for that header. Might have lost it, don't know, he'd have bloody tried. Interesting comment above saying he doesn't get on with Wes. It's been obvious for about 6 weeks most of the team have had it with him. I'm not having anyone strop around like that though, disgusting behaviour.
  21. Late on I think at 3-1... Grealish by some miracle managed to squeeze the ball through about 5 players and give it to him out towards the left hand side of the box. I don't know what happened but he either missed it, or was taken by surprise, or it bounced off his shin but suddenly he's scuffing it into a tackle with someone. How can you not be ready to receive the ball in the box, 13 yards from goal?! ARRGGGH! FFS! He reacts a week after the ball is on it's way. He's got no basic understanding or anticipation skills. If you've even seen young American kids play football, it's a bit like that. They've got no basis of understanding of how the game works because they're young, but also because they've hardly watched it. He's so effing bad I can't believe it. Honestly can't. You could drop ten different League 2 strikers in there that would have contributed more than him this season. They would do something, not just nothing almost every single match. Challenge for a ball, not be on the wrong side of the pitch constantly. It's mostly been anger, but today I did feel a bit sorry for him because he was trying. To reiterate, far from out worst player today.
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