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Everything posted by Tomaszk

  1. He seemed downbeat after the game to me. Can't think of a time he's dismissed the performance before and said we just need the win. He probably has, just can't remember. He's not necessarily wrong, but he's a principled chap who has his way of playing, which we veered away from today. I don't think he's comfortable with it. He didn't seem sold on the 4231 that I think we have to stick with and work at. We're just too open without it. We were open with it! But it was a very slightly tighter side than usual IMO. We need some signings desperately. Both wingers and the striker can be improved on without spending trillions.
  2. It's getting silly now. He's up there with best Villa players I've ever seen and is probably my favourite of the lot. He's better than Barry, he's better than Young, he's better than Benteke, he's better than Gareth effing Southgate. He's in the Yorkie and Paul McGrath leagues. Liverpool are 15 points clear or something and he'd start for them and make them better.
  3. Sadly I'm 43% sure that's how he's suddenly been seen to be good enough as a signing. This Egyptian push is a big part of the club's plans. The XI on the field are absolutely not good enough to carry him I'm afraid.
  4. I know what you mean but we're working with scraps right now. Anyone showing some bravery to play will get a huge thumbs from me. Jack can't do it all on his own.
  5. From page 1. Maybe it did say something. Because in a YouTube compilation he looked absolutely crap and like he had minimal to zero technique. Total rubbish. I thought it was nerves early on. It's not, he's just got the tough of an excited elephant.
  6. He must have been told to drop so deep late. That was honestly really funny. One of his better games today. Controlled it a few times. Got involved in couple of deeper moves. No threat whatsoever.
  7. Pleased he changed to a 4231. Loads and loads and loads of work to do on it. Wide players utter gash.
  8. That was unbelievable. The team needed that. Everyone in the ground was resigned to that going in except him.
  9. Obviously Grealish MOTM. Luiz second best for me. Driven performance. Showed willing to get on the ball in a nervy side. Got balls this lad.
  10. Positives and negatives overall. Those huge headers at the end though... a truly wonderful sight. On my feet roaring him on.
  11. We could lose 23-0 and Dean will be here next home game.
  12. 433, Jack midfield with Luiz + Marv. Konsa in for Engels. Elmo in for Fred. Wes starts, Kodj bench.
  13. Southampton was the first time I thought, yep we're going down. Need something to change my mind.
  14. He owes Smith so much. Hope he starts paying it back today.
  15. Terrified he's going to bring Taylor in.
  16. He'll be so good once he jacks in the cruyff turns outside our own area. If you're having to go to that extreme, the pass isn't there and the ball goes long to the new striker to hopefully holdup.
  17. A starting striker is the number 1 priority. Man down the pub tell you?
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