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Everything posted by Tomaszk

  1. Thought he tried to pass the ball again. Didn't really happen. I'd start him every game in CM if Smith is going to refuse to play Grealish there.
  2. He struggled every single game in the Championship if we weren't dominating, the utter madness to still be starting him in March in the PL is unbelievable. A weak coward. Got a new 5 year deal in the summer don't forget.
  3. Anyone thinking we'll get a Sam figure in is in for disappointment. I'd be stunned if they sack Smith.
  4. Well we absolutely have been battered doing exactly that. I'm in the funny position of wanting to keep him if we go down but sack him if we stay up. He's too ambitious and just naive as to the quality he's dealing with. What's he doing picking Hourihane in games like City and Leicester?! We really needed that point v Spurs, the players are on the floor. Not one of them has any confidence.
  5. I agree again apart from the bold. The players we've ended up with are not worth £140m. How much do you think we'd get if we sold them all again? £80m? £90m? We bought trash. Smith insisting on three up front and not knowing how to play any shape aside from 433 has also killed us. There's no hope beyond opponents not turning up. We can score I have no doubt, that's easier with three strikers. We cannot keep anyone out at all.
  6. And then when we got injured we saw what "bad" actually was. Grealish has to play in midfield when McGinn isn't there. You just cannot trust any of the others.
  7. Understand your point. We could have stayed up if we didn't buy a load of crap though. £40m on three forwards and started the game with Elmo up front.
  8. Reckon we'll get anything off VAR this season? Absolutely boned all season long.
  9. Smith's insistence on what is basically three really wide strikers is almost as bad as our recruitment. It's killing us. Need bodies in the middle of the pitch.
  10. It isn't like this every game from corners, not sure what's happening here. Maddison's delivery is good but christ.
  11. I would love it...love it, if we'd head the ball away from a corner.
  12. **** sake we look like we're constantly going to give it away.
  13. Can't be good for his hair to dye it this often. Needs to be careful the lad.
  14. It'll only be scapegoating if he plays well. Hopefully he does.
  15. Hourihane... I just can't believe he's starting. Maybe Smith is banking on them playing badly. That's the only scenario he has any impact here. Cowardly in every action he takes. Popping the ball off to anyone else under pressure then hiding so they can't give it him back is his worst trait. If we're all over them, he'll likely have some fun over on the left with Jack and Targett going forward. He loves that wide overlap. Prove me wrong Conor and show some bravery on the ball and hold the middle of the pitch.
  16. Elmo told me. I trust him.
  17. 433 with Reina in goal. Hourihane starts in midfield with Doug and Marv. Elmo, Samatta, Grealish up front. No Vardy for Leicester.
  18. He'd carefully planned the squad out so we had plenty of centre half cover if you remember. Insisting he was right playing Jedinak at CB and Tuanzebe at RB was good stuff. Happy days.
  19. Yep, absolutely classic. Sums the season up.
  20. Yet interestingly have said Leipzig Spurs will have fans. You'd have thought it would be a country wide ban, not picking and choosing.
  21. Any Utd wins are good because it means Solskjaer will stay longer. Not a manager good enough for their targets, will get stomped on by the players when bad form hits. Delusional some of the stuff he comes out with.
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