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Everything posted by Tomaszk

  1. Gil drew amusing hate for some reason. It was like fans were annoyed at other fans being positive about a player. He wasn't amazing but had ability and calls for him to be given a go were routinely shot down when we had the likes of N'Zogbia in the team.
  2. Don't think Conor will be interested in fighting with no crowd in a fight he'll probably lose. Plus he could catch a deadly disease on his way to the cage. I'd be stunned if he got involved.
  3. This is it. He's going to have to suck up being a punchbag for a long time and he deserves it. As it is quiet, there's some people really whipping themselves up trying to be upset in different ways. The stuff about young people being a problem is pure old man yells at cloud.
  4. Many many loved players just wouldn't make it today because of their behaviour.
  5. Yes there'll be plenty of that but I've got no sympathy. There's absolutely nothing going on in the news that isn't virus related. He's going to have to suck up being a punch bag for weeks or months. I have no doubt there's thousands of others doing it across the country right now, hopefully a few of them will wake up and see it isn't acceptable. I'm gutted because he's been such a dick. From what I can tell he's been exemplary for five years, now this.
  6. That is such a pile of bull from Delaney.
  7. That's true actually. I'm just surprised he hasn't put something on twitter or whatever himself. He doesn't have to but he would have been alerted this was out there, why leave it? Police didn't question him at the scene I've taken from those images? The keen bean who has took those pictures would have been sure to get the police cars in along with Jacko and his bad attire.
  8. No denial from Grealish himself on twitter makes me think it's legit tbh. He got across the Utd thing real quickly himself. Massively shot himself in the foot here in terms of a big summer move. This will be clubs suddenly unsure of spending huge on him now, we won't be dropping our price. No problem with him doing whatever through the summer, he's proven to be a model pro during the season for 6 years solid now. This is a terrible move from him though.
  9. Delighted to see Brazilian Ronaldo in so many teams. Wonder if he could have got over his injuries if technology was bit better in 2000. Don't assume players like this will come along again, football is becoming evermore tactical and system orientated, mavericks like Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Messi will likely have magic coached out of them at 12 so they can slot into a position . Khan Dani Alves Terry Maldini Lahm Zidane Pirlo Iniesta Messi Ronaldo Cronaldo
  10. If you can guarantee one thing, it's that whatever happens will probably be worst for us.
  11. Could the NFL have times this shit any better? Could be one of the only industries relatively unaffected.
  12. That's why I think FIFA might have to put some sort of blanket rules in place. Not a clue what they could be though. Agents will do their usual and players will follow. I don't think any players should be allowed to move clubs and compete in the 19-20 season for a different team.
  13. That's what I mean yes, Sky et al have not paid the PL yet, and won't if the games aren't played. So they will be played IMO. Players contracts is going to be another right mess. There's a chance FIFA might have have to step in to try and stop clubs and agents eating football and just **** each other over.
  14. Don't forget when he goes to Man Utd people say he's come on loads as a player and stopped partying like he did at Villa.
  15. According to The Athletic, if the PL doesn't give the fixtures it has promised to broadcasters they're going have £762m less than they expected coming in. Eyewatering. This year's clubs have already been paid for the full season so that money will have to come out of next year's pot if they try to recoup it. It's just too much, so they'll probably end up messing up football for 2/3 years to avoid it.
  16. We are absolutely finishing this season unless some sort of UN law is made to stop people all suing each other. If the next match played is September it will be from the 2019-20 season.
  17. Very good. Extra enjoyable if you have Irish family you don't see that often. Loved the throwaway conversational lines that are hardly jokes.
  18. Yes it should have, and would today as well if there was anything as horrendous. Maybe take a 1/2/3 week break but you have to carry on. This is a once in five lifetimes world event that is stopping the world from turning, not just football. I'd also be interested in what the feeling was like at the time though.
  19. Touch them?! Don't think he would, he'd probably have taken sensible advice to social distance and not tell everyone herd immunity was the best way to go.
  20. Heaton Delaney Laursen Southgate Milner Young Barry McGinn Grealish Yorke Benteke
  21. Seriously, can you imagine if Labour had won and Corbyn was in charge now? It wouldn't even be virus stuff in the news it would relentless hammering of Corbyn every single day.
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