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Everything posted by Tomaszk

  1. Hope people are still OK waiting outside the supermarket.
  2. That fight island Dana insists is still happening is very funny. I've seen around that it's essentially the plot of the 1990s Mortal Kombat film.
  3. Vardy is similar stylistically yes, but miles better. Gabby could never dribble or finish like Vardy.
  4. I was going to bring up Traore! Exactly like Nuno has harnessed him really well, MON did with Gabby. I'm unsure anyone could get much more out of Gab. They'd have wanted him to do more. If Wenger tried to get him to get involved and not play on the shoulder things would have unraveled IMO. Just being a keen chaser suited him.
  5. Probably a debate that's been had many times... Do you think Gabby would have had a career as a Premier League player if he didn't happen to come through at Villa with O'Neil as manager? I'm very unsure he'd have had any sort of top-flight career. MON's counter attack football suited Gabby who could just sprint after hoofs and get on the end of everything. It took him about 5 or 6 years to develop much of a hold up game, which he did eventually. For technically limited players, once the slide starts, it doesn't stop. MON's motivational skills were essential early on to get him running channels and contributing without really being about to control a pass 90% of the time. Had he come through under a different manager, at any club, he'd have been fortunate to find anyone that suited him as much as O'Neil did. If an 18 year old Gabby appeared now I don't think he'd get much of a look in. I think the league is much, much stronger, and far more tactical.
  6. Yep. They'll be terrified Newcastle are about to come crashing in ahead of Chelsea and Man Utd.
  7. Players from Championship and Belgium are fine if they're good enough.
  8. Because he comes across as a normal person and is a poster boy for prison reform.
  9. **** ridiculous. I don't mind thickos shooting themselves in the foot but they're hurting everyone here. Wonder who could be behind this sort of thing?
  10. Loving Saul. Mike is such a watchable character.
  11. I think he needed that year in the Championship as well really. Love his attitude, needs to try and get that consistency and improve his positioning.
  12. Though I don't like Delaney at all, he's copped it from propaganda City bots plenty of times. Sad state of affairs, which we see in politics constantly now where people don't care about right/wrong. It's just wild partisan support for the side they've decided to support. Doesn't matter about facts, I'm right, you're wrong.
  13. Crazy that story. Wonder how many journalists will call them out when they take over. The ideal scenario is that this is big Mike Ashley-ness.
  14. I agree I think, but couldn't be certain. I'm more aware of sportswashing than ever before. Maybe some have always been savvy. If Abramovich had bought us for example, I'd have had no problem watching Mourinho and the titles roll in. City equally, I don't remember that much news being around, could be wrong, it just passed me by.
  15. Perfectly feasible we never will again. The guy is destined for the absolute top. Champions League, World Cups, the lot. Gareth Barry was a wonderful player as soon as he appeared but never in his whole career put in the level of performances Grealish has this season, and he won the title and got 50 England caps! If he doesn't "make it", it's either he's stayed here to drag us along (preferable), or he's stopped working hard off the pitch.
  16. You're looking heavily at recent matches. Before the Leicester home game in December we were OK. Not great, but OK. We've lost so much and not got points we've deserved confidence is absolutely shot through the whole club. Only Jack can rise above it because he's Jack. Stick Samatta in that team from Aug-Dec and we would have got points in 4/5/6 other games IMO. Wes did nothing the majority of the time. I think he tried, but just isn't good enough.
  17. Teams are going to go undoubtedly if nothing changes. I think they might relax FFP for a year or two. Lucky for us if our owners are happy to put money in again.
  18. If a 30 year old Jonny Evans was available for £3.5m yes I think we would. But we'd have had to compete with the top 6 for him. Gary Cahill at 33 who hadn't played for a whole season coming in and wanting £80-150k a week isn't half as attractive
  19. It would be quite funny if we lost to Chelsea after all this time and they sacked him. I think this virus has meant he's getting to the end of the season.
  20. New Jack episode is amazing. Couldn't believe what I was watching. "Mass Transit" and a bus driver gimmick existing really made me laugh.
  21. That would be most preferable yes. He can't do it with this level of player though. There's a lot to do. We need to perform a miracle in staying up, and replace probably five first team players and the manager.
  22. Why is Lorraine Kelly asking the questions anyway?
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