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Everything posted by Tomaszk

  1. I'm certain the club are putting him up for it. Don't know what they're thinking either when he goes on to say this. "It's going to be a tough summer and a tough decision for Jack. Hopefully, first and foremost, he keeps us up - that is the most important thing for the football club. "And then, whatever Jack decides to do, that's up to him. He deserves everything he gets." What's Jack's decision again? With three years left on his contract? To decide whether to go on strike? Hourihane is a stone cold loser.
  2. Why is he talking about him at all? Why is he doing another interview?
  3. I wish them luck in court going against our billionaire owners while breaking one of the only rules that's actually written down.
  4. Hope she's ready for how tough Championship football is.
  5. I'll be stunned if he's not watching it already.
  6. If they can get Conor to fight I think he'd get whoever he asked for. Khabib could nix that though as he's a man who wants competition. He'll be gutted Gaethje beat Ferguson, and will want him next.
  7. It's not great at all. Comer carrying it, she's so good as Villanelle. This week's was the first one I enjoyed to be honest.
  8. It's not in that clip but Borja makes me laugh for that goal. He's as much to blame as Engels for me honestly. He runs backwards and ploughed into the back of Luiz for no reason, making him not flick it on and leaving Sanchez free to boot it forward. There is no explanation for what he was trying to do. Engels tried to deal with it and fails miserably, the only thing Borja would have done if he'd got his head to it was mallet it backwards 30 yards.
  9. Yep, good shout. Should they blow their load, he's better than all those attacking players they've brought in though
  10. Well I wouldn't say technical ability with a football comes as naturally as running. Gabby said it himself he was doing athletics, if he'd never played football he'd still have been shite off a shovel at 18. If Jack had never played until 18 I don't think he'd suddenly be able to dribble round players and coax them in with his mysterious ways. Gabby's attitude really bothers me. He could have been so much better at the end. When it got tough, when we needed him and he'd had the club's support for 15 years, he gave up. He was always doing the partying and drinking but worked on the training ground/pitch, when we needed him to focus he just thought nah I'll just have the fun stuff now please. Great interview, really like Kendrick. Not saying whether it's right or wrong to give Petrov a job, he certainly appears to be well equipped yes. Gabby's confusion at the club not giving him a job was my issue. You should have to sign up with a passport/driving license and video. The same way you do with these new app banks. Make people accountable and so much of this shit will be reduced.
  11. Still people who don't seem to get it. UFC were just pushing "everyone is negative". You get negatives all the time from these tests don't you? Silly that, yes.
  12. Would love a close fight involving Khabib, guy is too good. The one round he lost to Conor I think he was just challenging himself to see if he could knock him out. Then went back to normal once his little experiment was over. I don't know much about levels of wrestling but I had a look at Gaethje's record after last night because I heard the comms say something about his background. It's great he competed in it but doesn't look like he was a star like Askren or someone. Is he the best wrestler Khabib will have faced in UFC do you think? I suppose all he needs to do is stuff a couple of takedowns if he can and land. Some of those shots on Tony, my word. You've got to think Khabib wouldn't have worn them as well as Tony did.
  13. Absolutely. I'm surprised they didn't just press on with it in the first place to be honest. This government has generally done whatever they've wanted then repeatedly said whatever they want the story to be even if they're totally different. I don't understand how it can not go up if it was below 1 when they lifted restrictions? I think early on it was give a rough R of 3? Doesn't that mean that's the "natural" level? So if we didn't nothing it would generally hover around 3? I have no idea what I'm talking about.
  14. JG deserved winner. Tony looked slow as I've ever seen him. Wonder if training up to peak for the added month messed with him. He is 36 though, time waits for no man. Not earth shattering but pretty sure Khabib will smesh Gaethje. Wonder if Conor would fancy Ferguson or just sit and wait for title shot.
  15. Interesting, I thought it dipped a bit second half. Story as well as production. Enjoyed. Leads both brilliant yes.
  16. You talking Lingard here or Jacko? I have totally bought in with Grealish, it's silly how highly I rate him. The last few games he had where he was fairly crap I've written off due to injury/fatigue/being sick of having five men round him with no one to pass to. I think if he goes to Utd he'll turn them round and they'll be third best side in the country comfortably. maybe pushing higher if they can sort out their many other problems.. I think he would excel at City or Liverpool and after half a season be in the XI for the "big games". He has sadly been a penis during the lockdown, which was a shame. Too much booze is the only thing that will stop him, I think his attitude during the season has been exemplary for three or four years.
  17. I think all tests are iffy aren't they? Struggle to catch the asymptomatic. Stopped keeping that up to date with the news as it was killing me. Great card in odd circumstances. Are we really seeing these guys at 100%? The "poor" fighters without a gym at home won't have been able to prepare as they'd like. Main event will be fantastic.
  18. Normal People anyone? Can't remember a new show/adaptation with such unanimously great reviews. I'm 7 in and enjoying it although it's starting to loop back on itself a wee bit.
  19. I said that on page 1 but wasn't too fussed really, who knows who made that. Then I went out of my way to watch him back in the AFCON. I was disappointed because he was absolutely crap in the 2 games I saw. I thought I'll just wait until he's here and see how he gets on and what do you know, he's absolutely crap all the time which is incredibly annoying. All this "players take time to adjust" chat. They do if they're figuring things out yes, but he clearly isn't. He's a footballing moron. Zero understanding of what he should be doing when he gets the ball. Can't control, dribble or kick the ball properly half the time. Got a red early in the season for being thick, and has wasted umpteen chances taking shite shots when there's options all round him because he isn't good enough technically to not be looking at his feet when he's got the ball. Utter trash. As time has gone on I've come round to being confident he was signed for commercial purposes. He's too bad a player to be have been "scouted". (Then again Suso probably just asked his mates who to sign and this made them the most money at the time) It's a clear strategy we're pursuing in Africa and frankly it was **** stupid to do in the summer when we were touch and go on staying up. What a difference a single good winger would have made to us this season. Not even a brilliant one! Just one that isn't rubbish, or feigns injury when he doesn't fancy it. Someone to take the weight off Jack and nullify teams put literally 5 men round him and taking 3 points off us.
  20. I would add in De Gea, Dubravka, Rui Patricio, and Leno I wouldn't swap him for. Ability wise I think he's the best villa keeper ever. Unbelievably solid, holds everything tricky low and bouncing. Don't know if he'll ever get back to where he was at his age. Huge blow losing him.
  21. Bet El Ghazi said he wouldn't play the big jessie. Great shout on Ralf Rangnick. Think I'd want him in Suso's role if that's an option ahead of coaching though. Heavily linked with Milan as well.
  22. Yes! Only had it on Friday for the first time. Will be picking up more. Not too overpowering with fruit. £1.50 at the moment as well.
  23. It's a good listen. Not overly insightful but pretty funny in parts. Done nothing to convince me he was very lucky he had god given speed and was able to have a career in the Premier League. Saying to Di Matteo I'll be here longer than you. After how he'd behaved the last season? Classic. Also the end bit about Petrov. Not to say whether it's right or wrong but the way he can't fathom he hasn't been brought in to any job he wants. You don't get a job just because you ask, especially at a well run club. He mentions other clubs inventing roles for ex-players, you don't want that unless it's warranted, becomes a right mess. Man Utd have been trying to get rid of Nicky Butt for years because he gets in the way of actual coaches.
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