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Everything posted by Tomaszk

  1. We have to move him to CM and tell him to stay there, no drifting to LW. We can't begin to get any sort of play going without him due to cowardice and incompetence.
  2. We'll have to see how "off it" other sides are. That wasn't good but Sheff U looked sluggish as well. Can't believe we'll have much of a better chance to take the game to the opposition and take three points. They were missing two key players, scored a goal that wasn't given. We will go down if our standout result of the season is a 2-1 win at Burnley. We have to win a game against the odds at some point.
  3. Did what he does. Guarantee Sheff U defenders didn't enjoy that. Offers an option with the long ball that the defence took constantly unless Grealish came and got it. Needs someone up next to him to pick up scraps after he's clattered everything and the ball is bouncing around.
  4. At his most lax this evening. Sharpen up.
  5. Need him to be be busier. It's hard but he's playing with some real rubbish, he has to go and get the ball get us going. Hopefully that's him warming up.
  6. Then fear not sir, it'll be the man mountain Hourihane.
  7. It is an absolutely wild team. Great fun.
  8. Why someone would sit there and make a fake team sheet is beyond me.
  9. Goodness me the team is strange. Nyland in. Konsa either RB or it's a back 3, can't see a RWB though. Davis starts, Samatta bench.
  10. "Excuse" of having a load of players not up to standard is a fair reason for losing matches I think. It's one I picked up from you after I read it following every poor Bruce performance despite him having the best players in the league. Yet now you blame the manager saying he doesn't instill the right stuff, or play the way you want. If you and I went to play for Liverpool, I don't think Klopp could motivate us into being PL players. We have bought players undeserving of their price tag. Dean is left the try and deal with the mess. Ron wanted to participate in games didn't he? Wanted to win matches? Then he wasn't a dinosaur putting 11 players on the pitch to sit in their own box and hope they somehow won. Comparisons can't be made with football from 38 years ago, it was a different game. Wilder hasn't failed if he doesn't win the Champions League with Sheffield Utd has he? It's not that they aren't working hard enough. Quality of player dictates a lot, and football is more spread out than ever. I avoided watching us in the Championship playing with no formation or plan and would do again, no interest in that. Yes, perhaps I'll go to the ballet. It's partly excusable if you're in the Premier League but I tell you now we wouldn't have 8,000 on the season ticket waiting list and sold out every home game. Because of the previous regime we needed 12 signings.12. Ridiculous, farcial planning. He couldn't say no to too many or we wouldn't have had a squad, literally. Suso has stitched Aston Villa up very very badly. I'll be disappointed if he's not replaced. When we appointed Di Matteo, Sheff U appointed Wilder. Wonder where we would be if we'd got him! Perhaps we'd have a great team and a terrible owner instead of the other way round. Here's to 10 grubby 1-0 wins to end the season.
  11. He was never a scapegoat. He's been absolutely terrible, very often to blame for moves breaking down and not letting us get a foothold in games. I hope he doesn't have the chance to express himself, I don't want him making another appearance for us. A lucky lucky man he was handed a ridiculous contract. No chance we'll get rid of him. No one will take him for free.
  12. It'll be all or nothing tonight. Disappear or into overdrive.
  13. Hmm. After his first two seasons at Liverpool Klopp finished 8th and snuck 4th last day in the second season. I reckon you'd have been at his throat if you were a Liverpool fan. "RODGERS GOT US SECOND! THE TEAM AREN'T TRYING" I know you're desperate to put Wilder in with the dinosaurs, but he's so so different. Lightyears away from the likes of Pulis and Bruce. The villa manager doesn't want the team to try hard? What on earth are you talking about? Has he said he's not a results man? Haven't seen that but I can understand if he said he preferred performance. I do as well to be honest. Would I want to pay to watch Pulis football? No. Would I enjoy supporting a team like Burnley smashing the ball into the air every time they get it and finishing 6th-16th every year? No. I get no enjoyment out of that. Perhaps you would, and that's OK. Doesn't appeal to me to be honest. If Smith had some decent players we'd probably have been a lot better this season. With what he's got he's done fairly well despite mistakes. And I say that someone who would probably replace him if we stay up. Don't understand your relentless battering of him. You were spoilt by promotion and it made you forget how far we've come in such a short space of time. We've been shit for about 8 years and in that time the Premier League has become 10x tougher.
  14. Why would they put themselves through it
  15. Be great if he came in and inspired us to safety. He reminds me of Shaggy. Scooby's mate not it wasn't me.
  16. I wouldn't say I thought that September 1st because I'd hardly seen or heard of half of our players. I've watched them in despair since and realised we overpaid horribly for almost every single one, so limited. Get Suso out. We had to get points early on, had to try and catch them out. Many thought Grealish would have trouble adjusting, our best defender was Bournemouth's 4th choice ffs. Our performances deserved more but we had Wes so it was like playing every game with your striker actively sabotaging attacks. Confidence dried up as we came up with nothing again and again and now we're here. To bring it back to Smith I'd keep him if we go down but would be interested in replacing him if we stay up. Replacing Suso first port of call.
  17. Absolutely, there's loads of that with old pros. They are furious that they didn't get this money when they were out getting smashed three nights a week. Souness wouldn't make it today, he'd be getting sent off every reserve team game and get released before he got any sniffs of first team action.
  18. I think it's got credence in spite of any justified digs at the former manager. I know he's not really your pal, don't worry. To not be rock bottom and cut adrift with this squad, Smith has already done a good job this season IMO.
  19. It's very likely we're going down. Sam's football is carefully planned out and played by squads built for it. Smith has been given a gang of below par, over-priced signings from agents try to earn themselves a buck. He's been so up against this season it's untrue, a near impossible task. We didn't have a striker until the end of January. I can promise you if your pal Steve had been dealt this hand he'd have cried every single week, putting the team away in public, and distanced himself from any criticism. It's been quite pleasant not having a manager bleat empty excuses every week. If we tried to play Sam's stuff now, we'd get thumped. This lot have no idea how to do it.
  20. I'm still angry at that film. What a piece of shit. Films like that go nowhere like that shouldn't be allowed to be made. What a total waste of two hours. It's like they lost the script so just ended with what they had. Not even one of those so bad it's sort of enjoyable and fun films. Crap. JP one of my favourites. 2 and 3 have that nostalgia feel for me where I enjoyed the blockbuster nature of them when I watched them. All of those early three are better than the new ones IMO.
  21. Same as a lot of these games, nothing official out there. People claiming it was all Blades reserves but nowt confirmed about. I do know Barnsley have changed formation to kind of a diamond under Struber, so not a nice open 4-3-3 that their 3-5-2 will cut to ribbons.
  22. No chance. They're favourites here as they have better players and a better manager. McGinn, Grealish and Samatta get into their team, no one else. No, not Mings.
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