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Everything posted by Tomaszk

  1. If Suso stays I shudder to think what further damage he could do. We have lots of players with 3/4 years left on their deal we couldn't sell if we tried.
  2. Been like this for a long time. It can spread confidence elsewhere but not when he's losing it and miskicking the ball half the time.
  3. We went so long without a good CB his value to us was increased. He has to take charge more and be a leader in the team. Get the midfield coming short for the ball.
  4. Always liked Grujic. Anguissa plays for Fulham and struggled in the PL last time. Not sure I'd spend too big on him with that form, haven't seen him this season though.
  5. 352 the way to go. Targett and Guilbert aren't great defensively anyway, better going forward. Immaterial though, Smith plays 433 and nothing else. I just hope he puts Grealish back into midfield before we're too far gone.
  6. More than happy to have neither starting. Either 4312 or 352. The 343 we tried I don't think Smith ever liked and that had all the shortcomings of the 433 as well. Grealish stuck out wide and far too light in midfield, leading to opposition storming in on our defence constantly.
  7. We're going down with a whimper if Grealish doesn't move from that wing. The rest of the team are too scared to get on the ball.
  8. One of the many many shitty, nothing fouls given in the game that weren't worse than the challenge on El Ghazi. That was a pen every day of the week.
  9. I think he's similarly clueless. He'll be a voice piece for players if they ask him so sadly I presume that's what he's doing here.
  10. It was terrible terrible football. Quite funny to watch unfold though.
  11. On the periphery throughout. Held his high position throughout which should give more space to the other two midfielders to get on the ball. Get charged up for Newcastle John, that's the game.
  12. Luiz looked the same to me. Incredibly talented, just needs to speed up and get more involved than he's comfortable with. Wes has consistently looked like he can't control or kick the ball most of the time, he never looked like an accomplished footballer. A bit like Davis! But it's clear Davis can upset defences using other tools. I can tell you 100% players would rather play against Wes than Keinan.
  13. There was a great moment around 80 mins when the ball was in the middle of Marvelous, Hause, Mings, Elmo was nearby, possibly Grealish as well. Marv had it and was in a mad panic for some reason, think he'd been given it a slightly tight spot. And it was just carcrash. Horrible to watch. It was Average Joe's gym stuff.
  14. He was put in a shocking position, but value for money wise Wes is amongst our worst signings ever IMO. Just terrible. He needs to hope Smith is still around when he's fit, a new manager will watch him once and ask for a new striker. I hope he comes back an entirely different player.
  15. Hope not, we can only carry so many feeble players. I can only think he was making a run to receive the ball in a different position. I'd take Hourihane out for the next game and keep him on the shelf until Newcastle, he'll get steamrollered by Chelsea.
  16. We ain't getting him unless Jack stays. We need to prioritise wingers and full backs over a striker initially IMO.
  17. No he ain't. But as he's got 5 as well I'll throw out Davis is miles better than Wes. Far far more effective.
  18. You think McGinn moved so he couldn't receive it? Didn't see it myself, he doesn't tend to partake in wimpish play. He was up in his advanced position where he usually is, not a good game for John this evening. What's your point?
  19. I've had Newcastle in my diary since January. Don't win there, we're down.
  20. Not a good performance. Nice to pick up a point in a game we hopefully shook some rust off in. Improvement needed.
  21. Tomaszk

    Ezri Konsa

    Did well tonight I thought. Justified the manager's call to go with him over Elmo, who was all over the place in his 15 mins.
  22. Quite good fun to watch. Like a fan has been chucked a shirt. £10m.
  23. Standard nothingness. Needs offer himself for the ball and stop hiding. When he gets it, does he know he can move? I know it's constantly said he's a set-piece wizard but he seems to not want to move if he does ever get the ball in space, just wants to be stationary and send the ball elsewhere. The move when Mings ended up going down on the overlap and Hourihane not moving for the return was classic. He's a worse player now than the one who joined three years ago. I'd rather have him standing out on the left wing where he can be as stationary as he wants and cross it, moving Grealish into CM.
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