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Everything posted by Tomaszk

  1. Tomaszk


    Suso is a guy we needed in 2006. You don't succeed now by asking agents who to sign. You get mugged. £20m on Wes. Jesus.
  2. Absolutely can't see anything other than relegation. Not sure when it happened but I've been sure we're going down for a fair old time. Possibly the pumping by Leicester at home. Watching us have really good spells in games and not being close to scoring because we didn't have a striker was so demoralising. God knows what it was like to play in, we should be sat on at least 9 more points. Far too much rubbish in the squad. Miracle if we stay up. We need press on with sweeping club changes if we pull it off. Suso can **** right off. Smith should receive a handshake and a fairwell.
  3. Imagine if we'd signed players like Gueye, Veretout and Amavi this summer. Christ. Suso out.
  4. One of the early effects of no crowd.
  5. I don't think it was honestly. You can argue not good if you want, but we were not poor. (It wasn't Luiz who didn't close Willian down btw, couldn't remember. Obviously it was flounder boy Hourihane alongside Targett who let him do what he wanted.) At that time we were playing with the Wes crutch so everything was 10x harder as he just got in the way and cocked up most of what he was involved in. We put in a huge shift and made decent openings just couldn't take any. Luiz was magnificent off the bench that night. Look, we'll probably lose, but we ran them close last time and we have the jump on them fitness wise. If Smith will wake up and move Grealish off the wing we've got a chance. Reece James is taylor made to play well against Jack as well, if anything I'd stick Jack on the right if he's determined to play him up out wide.
  6. Tomaszk


    They could defintely lose to Brighton.
  7. We worked so hard in the Chelsea away game and deserved something IMO. Worked our balls off and had chances. It was two well finished goals from them and the winner was absolutely crap, Targett and Luiz(?) stood watching Willian cross it in. We could catch them out as everyone has been slow starters so far.
  8. I'll rule it out in a big fat marker pen. Twice.
  9. The only reason he saw him laughing is because the camera was on him again after he'd either been fouled or done something good. He's also probably one of the only players on both sides Keane knows.
  10. Until Grealish I can't think of any meek acceptance whatsoever. Very strange attitude about him leaving I agree. Football more spread out more than ever before and it's only going to get worse. Premier League winners now only lose 1/2/3 games a season. Two draws and two wins in four games is viewed as a disaster for "top teams".
  11. Won't happen but I'd go 352 trying to get it right for the Newcastle game. Steer Konsa Mings Hause Elmo McGinn Nakamba Grealish Targett Davis Samatta This is the shape we need to get Grealish more involved. That's crucial. And it's the only thing that's going to keep us up.
  12. Absolutely. I'm sure the manager wasn't happy with the overall performance last night, it wasn't "good" from anyone really. Davis made it easy to be lazy by causing trouble from hopeful punts. Huge missed chance last night.
  13. He had no impact because the team had become accustomed to walloping the ball to Davis who made plenty of nothing long balls. The team lazily continued that when Samatta came on, he's not a player who can hold off two CBs and make something out of a long ball. Samatta off Davis would be great. Samatta with the ball passed into his feet is great as well. I don't blame Samatta for nearly the whole team being too scared to pass the ball forward on the floor.
  14. He talks such a good game. Sounds like Roy Keane half the time, and not just the accent. Talks about commitment and training hard and his journey...then spends huge spells of games running away from the ball, losing soft challenges and shirking responsibility. Popping off hospital passes to whatever unlucky soul is near him before he running away again is a particular pet hate. Last night I noticed him being really reluctant to move whenever he got the ball, it's like he was playing stuck in the mud. Don't know if that's a new habit he's picked up, or I just noticed it more last night. As I said above he's comfortably a worse player now than when he arrived. Darren Bent but plays CM. Can score goals to keep us up but it's very clear when games aren't suited to him. Last night was a pleasant surprise as it was so slow he didn't get swept aside out the game. I would definitely save him for Newcastle, I don't think Chelsea is a good matchup for him.
  15. You don't get a manager like that and hang around in the Championship for long if the team buy into his madness. Blew up last year but don't forget Bielsa took over a fairly ordinary side that came 13th the year before. No players had any experience of winning anything (same as Bielsa for 20 odd years) and their nerve went. They've absolutely dominated nearly every game since he's been there, somehow managed to somehow lose a fair few of them as well. They've been mugged in games they deserved to win more than anyone in the country in the last two years. There's zero chance of them not going up and I'll be very interested in how they get on in the Prem. I'll be stunned if they come back down. Alongside Wolves and Reading years ago as the best team to win promotion from the Championship. Great to see their fans bleating little bitches about the goal last night. I hope sincerely Bielsa has one of his explosive exits soon because it's all him there at the moment. They'll crumble without him.
  16. Two weeks is probably at least five games missed in new money.
  17. If Suso stays I shudder to think what further damage he could do. We have lots of players with 3/4 years left on their deal we couldn't sell if we tried.
  18. Been like this for a long time. It can spread confidence elsewhere but not when he's losing it and miskicking the ball half the time.
  19. We went so long without a good CB his value to us was increased. He has to take charge more and be a leader in the team. Get the midfield coming short for the ball.
  20. Always liked Grujic. Anguissa plays for Fulham and struggled in the PL last time. Not sure I'd spend too big on him with that form, haven't seen him this season though.
  21. 352 the way to go. Targett and Guilbert aren't great defensively anyway, better going forward. Immaterial though, Smith plays 433 and nothing else. I just hope he puts Grealish back into midfield before we're too far gone.
  22. More than happy to have neither starting. Either 4312 or 352. The 343 we tried I don't think Smith ever liked and that had all the shortcomings of the 433 as well. Grealish stuck out wide and far too light in midfield, leading to opposition storming in on our defence constantly.
  23. We're going down with a whimper if Grealish doesn't move from that wing. The rest of the team are too scared to get on the ball.
  24. One of the many many shitty, nothing fouls given in the game that weren't worse than the challenge on El Ghazi. That was a pen every day of the week.
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