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Everything posted by Tomaszk

  1. Not looking forward to him being absolute garbage and people saying the injury ruined him.
  2. 343. This is the first time all season we haven't played three across the front.
  3. Hopefully. Fears of a 442 here. Absolutely right people saying Newcastle was the game for it ffs. Wolves are incredible at shifting the ball left and right and we've given them a narrow midfield to do it against. Why we haven't tried 352 all season I'll never know.
  4. People have got more or less what they wanted personnel wise. Both strikers start. No Trez or El Ghazi. Hourihane, Luiz and Marv start. 442 maybe? Or one of the strikers on the RW. If it's Grealish out if midfield again I'll be sad.
  5. We've been the worst team in the league since beating Burnley IMO. Norwich have been so unlucky in so many games, we haven't had any bad luck since early on. Good post from @JAMAICAN-VILLAN giving reasons why he thinks it's not good enough. Tough to argue against anything he said. I've been so disappointed in the lack of ideas from Smith, but he's been totally shafted by recruitment. Many aren't making those points against the manager though. They're saying things like Jack got us up on his own, Smith was holding Brentford back, these players are good enough. All untrue IMO. Wonder if we'll ever find out how close he was to the sack before the covid break. Because we were absolutely going to lose to Chelsea which was meant to be breaking point. I'm as sure of a loss today as when we played city at home, it'll be horrible. Not sure how we're meant to go about appointing a new "long-term" manager in the current climate. If he goes it'll be Terry til the end of the season. Could be worth a go just to try and change something after the next three batterings we're going to be on the end of.
  6. Traore skips past anyone so Targett will need plenty of help with him.
  7. West Ham in all sorts of trouble if they go down. They probably have six players or so on over 100k a week.
  8. I used my abacus, I'm sure. 1 promotion in 0.75 of a season. 133% chance of promotion next year.
  9. He's turned out to be short of what I thought he was, which has been a shame. Two main of reasons I wouldn't oppose keeping him though: I think he now knows the players, knows who can do what, knows who can be trusted. The players also know him and the system. He tries, largely, to play attacking football all the time. It's been a silly move up in the PL, but you're much better off attacking in Championship. I can only think of Cardiff in previous years who have grubbed their way up. I don't want to watch us "trying" to grub out 1-0s in that league anyway. As well as the 10 game run last year, he turned us round so quickly right away after Bruce. We had some great wins plus the mad 5-5 we should have won before Grealish got injured in the WBA away game (another game we should have won). I think we saw the best and the worst of us under Smith and watching us this year absolutely control and put down lower league/youthful opponents in the cups makes me think he could find consistency. If you offered me a viable option I'd listen certainly. Smith's lack of tactical flexibility has pissed me off this season. Not many free names entice me though. No interest in Hughton, Hughes etc. EDIT. To add in, if we stay up I'd like us to go after a new manager. We're going down, but I can dream of us going after a Marco Rose character. Possible wildcard would be Arne Slot. Mostly because he'll probably bring at least two the fantastic AZ squad with him. He'd be a gamble though.
  10. Aston Villa seasons in the Championship under Smith: 0.75 Aston Villa promotions under Smith: 1 That's a success rate of 133%! I'd keep him if we go down, replace him if we stay up.
  11. To get anything we need to change formation. We won't. To miraculously nick a point the midfield three must be Nakamba, Luiz further forward and Jack. Don't think that's likely either. This will be bad I feel. 0-3 with Wolves in first gear.
  12. Their best player is still playing for them on the left wing. Watkins who Smith coached was already there as a quality player who filled in up front for Maupay, though they were still trying to buy strikers with the Maupay money anyway. The money they threw down this summer was like nothing they've ever done, that is a fact. I can't fathom this thinking. Promotion not enough? Promotion after taking over an absolute car crash? It HAD to be promotion, then survival or was that not enough? Because you know we still might stay up? From midtable in the Championship, you wanted promotion...then a comfortable mid-table PL finish having needed an entirely new squad? How high was acceptable? 12th? Is it OK Smith got to cup final or did he have to win a cup as well?
  13. Same as McGinn I reckon. Was poor before his injury six months ago. Has looked poor since football has come back.
  14. Brentford not in the Premier League Brentford? Had his best player(s) sold every season he was there and didn't have ready made replacements. Key part of building the foundations allowing them to go for it this summer and bring some players in as well as hold onto most of their main men.
  15. Kane scored on Tuesday, he did not have a good game. He was absolutely terrible.
  16. Two sitters as you rightly say. Minds have been made up after less than two years because...we used to win stuff? A miracle promotion wasn't enough. Smith had to become a wizard and turn bargain bucket agent castoffs into a Premier League winning side. Modern football isn't for many of our fans.
  17. Amine Gouiri off to Nice for not much. Would have been a good signing. Celtic were sniffing.
  18. Couple have popped up recently I think, it's weird. Many football forums have a lot of users though, makes sense to try and infiltrate.
  19. Surprised to see this, impressed me. He seems to be winning loads of 50/50 headers as well. Keep it up Matt. Oh dear. Oh dear dear dear. Oh no. Oh goodness me, no. NO. NO!
  20. Christ, Dyche! Smith hasn't had two years yet and is being hounded out with a promotion, a cup final, a club record run of wins. All this when he's been given a terrible squad to compete. Dyche wouldn't last 6 months trying to get his lump and battle football going. Thought of Wesley trying to do to quite amusing though. You see Burnley now? That's the absolute best you'll ever get under Dyche. We won't even get that far because Burnley have all the best big fat lads who are willing to play that football. Others will simply refuse to do it.
  21. I trust Purslow. More fool me perhaps. He's cocked up getting Suso on board, we'll continue to waste millions if this bloke stays. The ideal scenario to chuck Suso in the sea and shake Smith by the hand and send him on his way with best wishes.
  22. He's brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. Would have been useful at the start of the season.
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