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Everything posted by Tomaszk

  1. Presumably he's got three years left on his deal. We don't need money and will be receiving a chunky sum for Jacko this summer. I've got him pegged very much in the Veretout spot as a guy who will be excellent if we go down. A midfield containing him and McGinn can do plenty of the game control to allow Hourihane 20 goals next season. Depends what City's transfer plans are, don't put it past them bringing him back. He could go and sit in that team no problem. As good as, if not better than Gundogan right now.
  2. Jimenez, Boly and Jonny deals all came from Mendes links one way or another. Thought Jimenez was one of his biggest south American clients? He's obviously the main man who got Nuno in as well. Nuno the key and the main one who wouldn't have come without Mendes' player input. Know of any other super agents we can use for this setup? Forget gambling on a crap director of football buying players.
  3. No please, don't encourage it. He got so quiet during promotion and even the start of the season. Now he's back every day.
  4. Incorrect. He was unobtainable. He wasn't coming to a Championship team in the Midlands without his mate promising him he'd give him loads of players far too good for the division. They don't have "recruitment", they have a super agent giving them all their players. He also secured them their manager. There was nothing well-planned or coy about what they've done. They got an agent in who put a brilliant manager and brilliant players there. Would have been nice if it was us, but it wasn't. They'll likely expand and build from a position of strength now. They'll buy more from outside his circle, he doesn't have an endless pit of top players. The only thing stopping Wolves is if Mendes wants to move a player on to a Barcelona or something.
  5. If Chelsea played like that against us we'd have won yes. Think West Ham would have won if they brought Trezeguet on instead of Yarmalenko? Our players aren't good enough.
  6. Newcastle and Sheff U were both there for the taking.
  7. It's fiction. People have just started saying it. They sat back for most of the game against a Chelsea playing terribly. Against us Chelsea were excellent. That can happen, Chelsea aren't inconsistent. People are now inventing things to have a go at Smith. The end is nigh because we are going to get pumped at the weekend. I think we could get something v Utd actually. A draw not enough sadly at this stage.
  8. Come on grobs, what's your beef with Grealish? Did he pick on you in school? This season you've said he's not cut out for the Premier League, useless and now you're saying he hasn't done it in our side?! You're either an awful awful judge of footballing ability or you're on the wind up.
  9. Same as we held on just long enough last time to miss out on the PL money going up to £120m a season, we could have timed it quite beautifully to be totally shut out. You've nailed it with the bold bit.
  10. Didn't have the bottle to attack us.
  11. Losing that Tottenham game was big I think. The worst gut punch in a season of not getting what we probably could have in plenty of games.
  12. Probably not no because he isn't a huge Representative for Wellingborough. Brucie of course never had the real life criticism at the ground he would have anyone who listens believe. Huge support from everyone 99.99% of the time despite the turgid football and whining at fans. McLeish and Lambert as two examples had a much rougher time of fan support despite both having to compete in the Premier League.
  13. We won't be getting a manager as good as Nuno or players as good as his gang of clients until we have a super agent doing all our dealings. Wolves have won the lottery. They are unique. It's Roman turning up at Chelsea before FFP. They're going to get transformed. Shame it wasn't us. Recruitment is easy. Only buy good players. Don't buy bad players. Get rid of Suso, bring in some data guys to compliment scouts.
  14. Definitely a two year loan! Foden for two years and £50m would be a great deal. Never gonna happen.
  15. I'd push it and ask for McTominay and £60m. Don't think Axel is that far ahead of Konsa tbh.
  16. It's a joke how high I rate him. People asking where he'd be at Utd? Anywhere. Within four months he'd be first choice and playing in all their 'big' games. Because Fernandes is there he'd likely get pushed wide or deeper, but I think he's better than him as well to be honest. We must hold on for at least £75m.
  17. I'm surprised you don't think it's unfair to constantly snipe at Smith then. There are far more caveats as to why he's not getting results compared to any Villa manager since Lambert. He took us up when we probably weren't ready. The squad was literally non-existent. He's had an entirely new team built for him by a charlatan who can't judge a player and has done nothing for us but line agent pockets. Yes, we're struggling. Yes, he's been poor. Yes, I'd look to replace him if we stay up! But some of the criticism is laughable. How do you think we'd do with Klopp in charge of this team? With Bruce? We'd be in a relegation battle because they aren't good enough. We didn't even have a striker for most the season! If we stay up (we won't, we're going down), I'm certain you wouldn't be happy in the summer if we just brought in a new manager and went again with this lot.
  18. Be a good option to fill in for Norwood. Interesting they're going for him over Ejaria.
  19. They've gone for it because they spent more than they've ever spent. They set a new transfer record seven times. They spent 85% of everything they brought in when they usually don't. Fees paid Fees received Net spend % of income spent 2016/17 4.63 12.96 -8.33 35.73 2017/18 5.4 13.65 -8.25 39.56 2018/19 5.9 31.46 -25.56 18.75 2019/20 31.5 36.63 -5.13 86.00 It's OK to just say you want Smith sacked. You don't have to go backwards and find issues with things he's done before. Frank looks a good coach to me but he's clearly got a better set of players to work with. I love that he knows how to play more than one formation, I wish Smith did. Unlike Aston Villa, Brentford don't buy bad players for their manager to try and form a team out of, they buy good ones who improve the side straight away.
  20. So? How did he do for Aston Villa? Ah yes, terribly, but you defended him month after month. Do you want him back? Now you go at Smith constantly despite him getting promoted.
  21. There's no chance sir. Absolutely none.
  22. Not only that, but the previous manager had one of the best squads in the league. The current manager has one of the worst. The mental gymnastics is admirable.
  23. Another? They deserved that. Bournemouth put in a disgraceful performance.
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