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Everything posted by Tomaszk

  1. Liverpool will cane us. We can defintely beat Utd, they aren't all that at all. So lax in defence and midfield. Palace is so big. If we're still within touching distance (which we might not be), a win will give us a huge boost going into other winnable games like Arsenal and West Ham. Don't see it happening myself but it's not impossible.
  2. Think he's injured isn't he? News quiet though yes. Like the rest of the side confidence got lower and lower through the season. The best on the ball of all our CBs I think. Makes Tottenham even more upsetting.
  3. Total and complete bunkum this Don't even know where to start it's so wrong. Are you going to credit the next manager for not focusing on Grealish when Grealish isn't even at the club? I'm looking forward to you hamming it up. Liverpool will tank us yes.
  4. Where have you plucked this from? If that was the case, do you think Smith would consider naming a weaker team to relegate us and keep himself in a job? If not, why post it? It's a really strange thought. I know former managers were totally focused on themselves and never once thought of the best interests of the club, but Smith isn't a man who thinks like that.
  5. Tomaszk


    Looking through their side, tough to see where they can improve the first XI. The obvious one is Coady. If he defended as well as Wolves fans defend him he'd be OK.
  6. Tomaszk


    Nuno such a great coach. In certain games, they hardly press at all. 20 mins in v Arsenal and they're just waiting in their own half. This is how they've gone 60 games or whatever it is and they could still win Europa. It's not about mindless running. Run when it matters.
  7. They'll be a danger once he's gone. Well run club just got a little wet fart as a manager. In fact exactly the sort of place Smith will end up if we sack him.
  8. It's a great question this, it really is.
  9. Brighton out of it. Been excellent many times I've seen them this season. Credit to Potter. They play exactly how Smith wants you can tell. It's all short goal kicks, worked triangles, quick movement around the opposition box. Sadly, a big advantage Potter has over Smith (as well as having many better players across the board obviously) is willingness to change formation. Has tried plenty of different shapes this season. Great setup behind the scenes with Dan Ashworth. They've bought so many good young players and have plenty out on loan, it's the beginnings of a Chelsea style setup. They have two of the best young CBs in the Championship coming back to them this summer. So much quality throughout the club.
  10. Because he has a director of football that signs all the players.
  11. Can't believe Covington would take that fight. UFC should jump at that.
  12. I noted tactical inflexibility as an issue in the Championship on here. Been disappointing Smith doesn't have more about his game in that regard. Doesn't have to be different formations, just find one that works when what you're doing isn't. Large part of Sheffield Utd is their system. Fits all their players so well and has been drilled brilliantly by the manager. It's so good. Ben Osborn a squad player from Forest with zero starts comes in against Spurs the other day. Support all around him, options in every direction. Slotted into centre mid no problems. I've said many times I'd replace Smith if we stay up. I think he's in a battle to keep his job either way to be honest. We're going to get tanked the next few games. The owners will send him on his way if we end the season with a series of thrashings.
  13. It's a laughable lineup. Smith was foolish to insist on three up front every game simply because it meant largely having three of these on every game. Early in the season we were "OK". But having this troupe of wallies eventually took it's toll. The team lost confidence from never winning and here we are.
  14. Tomaszk

    Louie Barry

    I would honestly leave Grealish at home for this one. Don't think I'd start Barry though. Surely someone like Archer or another (older) guy is more appropriate?
  15. Tomaszk

    Louie Barry

    Mail saying he could start v Liverpool
  16. It'll hurt him scoring against us to put the nail in the coffin.
  17. @Villan4Life Would Crewe accept £5m for both NG and Pickering? I think that would be a sensible move if we go down.
  18. Utd fans floating round here? He's better than Bruno lads, just you wait.
  19. I actually think Chelsea should be OK as long as they haven't been too battered in training. They were so tired against Ham.
  20. Even if he is thinking of elsewhere he's told his agent (who will have a right stiffy at the thought of a move) to play everything down. He can't stop papers writing about him, especially when social media is half Villa fans saying he deserves to go and half saying he's given up and isn't trying. I have zero issues with Jack's effort on the pitch. He's giving his all but the team remains not good enough.
  21. He'd have been fine if we had an actual football manager instead of Tim Sherwood.
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