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Everything posted by Tomaszk

  1. What's that? I think the physio is still at Villa actually. If Jack leaves, let's put all our players on the strength plan. Then we'll have a squad of £75m players.
  2. Hmm. Bruce should put Joelinton on one of them. And Shelvey. And Danny Rose. They'd have three Jacks.
  3. If we had an average striker we'd have picked up 9 more points before Christmas IMO. We had Wes falling over himself, holding up effing nothing, and clogging up every play he got involved in. We had no alternative. Davis was injured. Squad was incomplete.
  4. I've tried to explain this many times, he won't have it. I'm afraid not. This is the way from now on. We've stuffed it up with a crap DOF. Purslow's issue. Or the owners if they think the appointment of Suso is unforgivable, Purslow might go as well. Work to do.
  5. Well hold on, that would depend on when Suso was appointed really. Let's see... Ah, OK. Exactly the same week as Smith. So yes, what you say is correct. Bravo sir.
  6. What a changed man you are from Bruce to Smith. Wonder which column the next manager will be in. I hope for his sake he's in Brucie's column. Who shares blame? Suso! As I've said a billion times. The players are not good enough. They are not of the quality we needed. They were too expensive. That was his job. Suso takes a big fat juicy portion of the blame along with Smith. He signed all the players TRO. Smith was busy coaching us to promotion so didn't have time to scout 10-15 players we needed. IMO the job this season was made unbelievably difficult by his incompetence. In places, I'm seeing very little balance. It's just tantrums wanting Smith out applying no context. The reason I say tantrums is because people are saying obviously incorrect stuff like we've bottled every lead we've had and Smith would purposely lose games if he thought it would keep him a job. Nincompoopery of the highest order.
  7. Ability to do what? Finish top 10? 15th? Did you see a change in style last year from Bruce to Smith? I'd put that down to coaching. I think it's a fair assumption that coaching has continued with these players. But this time we're playing Liverpool and Man Utd, not Blackburn and Nottingham Forest. Putting it all on Smith is wrong.
  8. Tough to find a "good" best XI from lot. Options on the wing for example Trez, El Ghazi, Jota...Vassilev? Slim pickings. Rotating players like that isn't the worst thing IMO. Not that you've said it but a lot of posts recently saying Smith hasn't improved players. Is there any universe any of those players can ever be "good" PL players? Vass maybe as he's so untested? The others no chance. You have to have decent base. Otherwise Liverpool and City would buy league two players for £50k a pop and let their world class managers turn them into world beaters. I'd look to replace Smith if we stay up. I think with a record of one promotion from two thirds of a season in charge he's not a bad bet if we go down. Open to options if you think there's any outstanding candidates though? Makes sense to give a new guy a season to bed in, while hopefully winning promotion. I know some people don't like him but if there was a Bielsa type (established top level coach) figure willing, I'd be up for it because it does look like Smith is short in the PL. My worry with a lot of young managers is they could get swept away by the relentlessness of the Championship. The quality isn't all that but the slog is very real and it's tough. If Suso stays it doesn't matter who's in charge because they're going to have shit players to work with. I'd sack him tonight if it was up to me.
  9. Looks like Masvidal has got his pay and is in for the main event. Coronavirus test pending. Presumably it'll be a loss and a rematch for him as well.
  10. Absolutely hilarious. Going to use this more often. Smith OUT despite having clay that's made of donkey dirt. Oh, and he has to compete in the Premier League because he got us promotion after taking over from a monstrous mess. Looking forward to the reply.
  11. Nothing! No point reasoning with it is all. It's a wild irrational huff, these people will wear themselves out hopefully. Just wait until after today, goodness me. It'll be sent to bed with no tea.
  12. Leeds or Wolves favourite in my betting. Villa down at a juicy 8/1.
  13. Interested to see who Bristol City get. Wouldn't be surprised to see them pick a good manager.
  14. Both Smith and Suso cannot stay. At least one must go. If Purslow is doing his job properly he should have a list drafted and ready to go with three or four replacements for both ready to approach.
  15. Have you accepted we've won any games yet or are you still sticking the bottom lip out?
  16. Only contribution was costing the point v Tottenham. Along with Bjorn ovbz.
  17. Disagree but he ain't good. We tried to buy him in January in the championship so he was a long term target. We missed a trick not getting Santamaria from Angers who we were linked with all summer. He's off to Everton, Tottenham or Leicester this summer if Google is to be believed. Go away Suso.
  18. Jack's a better ball carrier and has a better weight of pass If he ever joins a team where he has some options around him and can't be man marked he'll go to another level. Seen nothing from Bruno to suggest he'd have been as good for us in Jack's position surrounded by the wallies we have here. If anything, he's been wasteful at times with the amount he's had the ball in dangerous areas. Two very very good players.
  19. There's many toddler tantrums going on at the moment. People in a huff and saying any old shit to express unhappiness.
  20. They've looked 10x better which I'd want as a fan.
  21. Oh he puts loads of effort in. Would be admirable if it wasn't so irritating.
  22. Hopefully a year in the Championship he can gain some confidence in his game.
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