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Everything posted by Tomaszk

  1. Don't sell him for less than £65m. That should be minimum. Or he's coming down with us.
  2. I wanted Davis started kicking the shit out of Lindelof tbh.
  3. I know a few at Wolves actually and Nuno is incredibly pally with all his players. There's no "shouting" or whatever, no fines, a very pleasant atmosphere. Sounds enjoyable actually. The sort of atmosphere where players want to play for the manager. Looking forward to see what new thing is thrown round next as extra criticism for Smith. I reckon rumours he's actually a Blues fan would cause some good pant wetting.
  4. EDIT - rephrase. Big weakness of the season I agree. I don't think anyone above us has a worse squad than us though.
  5. I agree and I have no interest in that at all. It's simply a fact that Dean Smith is an attacking manager. Has it worked in the PL? God no. Has it worked all the time in the Champ? No. Have we seen that it can work? Yes. If we're getting in Marco Rose, see ya Deano. If it's a similar level manager, just with a different style, it doesn't make sense to me. I reckon it's 70/30 in his favour right now. That's before Man U pump us tonight mind. Disagree. If we show nothing the final few games, he should go. I don't think that'll happen though. The plan for next season is promotion. If we can give a new guy a season with the players while getting promotion we should but it has to be a manager of some pedigree or extreme promise.
  6. Plenty of Liverpool fans wanted Klopp/Henderson/whoever didn't immediately hit the the ground running out after no time at all. We have those fans as well, the ones with no patience. Most teams do. Fortunately for them they have a good analytics department that could give tangible assurances to the board improvements were being made. They also bought Klopp a load of good players so he had a chance to improve the team.
  7. The game with Wolves tonight was so good. Would have been one of the best 0-0s I've seen for a long time before the the winner. Once again, their formation is just brilliant. It's so well drilled they can just drop anyone in and they're hardly affected. They seem to have loads of players forward and back at the same time.
  8. Worst thing about him is he's a real footballing moron. There could be something there if he was really confident. But he has no concept of space and other players' positioning. He's wasted so so many chances for us to score in big games this season. I remember an absolute shocker against Tottenham when he had a simple pass to play Grealish I think it was in, he just doesn't see it, he has tunnel vision. We needed that win.
  9. Trying to think of the last time I was sad at a player retiring. Even with Villa players, they tend to slow down and probably move away before retiring so I'm not that fussed. When Messi calls it a day it'll be a glum time . The guy is just unreal.
  10. Tomaszk


    Very interesting to see the venom with which Wolves fans are going after Nuno tonight.
  11. No faith at all they'll beat Cherries.
  12. This should be a banner across the top of every page.
  13. I'm sure he can veto someone if he really doesn't want them yes. But you need to fill the holes in the squad. We needed a mighty amount of players of course. Lampard would have had the same choices Smith was given. It's no coincidence we ended up with Konsa and Engels who Smith knew already. I think Smith stepped in to offer alternatives where he knew of targets that would roughly fit the budget and were better than what was offered. Perhaps Lampard would have come up with better players, I don't know. It would be nice if the director of football could sign some good ones on his own though. It's very easy to not sign bad players. I'll be most rattled if Suso stays through the summer.
  14. Who has a worse squad? This is incorrect. Fair comment. A shade harsh perhaps, but we've been poor. Lampard wouldn't have signed any players. He'd had been given the shite Suso bought. And he'd have massively struggled. Grobby I don't know who you support, but you can stay as long as you keep up the entertainment value. Take notes from Screwdriver's finest stuff, there's some gold if you look hard enough. Just please don't end up like the serious windup merchants that lose sight of the fun.
  15. Any director of football with a brain won't be looking at the last five games as a reason they can get Grealish for £40m. I don't. Our owners are billionaires and they'll want out of the Championship straight away. No decent bid? Sorry Jack, you helped relegate us, now get us back up. Fair comment. I hope it doesn't become unsavoury.
  16. So? We won't be selling for £40m. Inter have just signed a right wing back for £40m. That's nothing for teams at the top. The second Jack signs for Utd/City he becomes a £100m player so we shouldn't even be selling for £50m. Teams won't bid £25m for McGinn, they won't bid £25m for Mings. We can improve on Mings I think tbh. Grealish and Luiz will attract interest but I'm not sure Luiz will get £25m bids. Maybe if City have something built in yes.
  17. Really strange people keep saying this. Who do you think is buying them? Our absolute minimum asking fees between those four will be over £125m. Three of them signed contracts at the start of the season. To be honest if bids coming on for Grealish are only around £40m he'll be starting back at villa park first game back.
  18. Pukki back in for Norwich. No Cantwell in the squad. Watford win would be so big for them. They've had this game circled since lockdown was lifted. Wouldn't be surprised to see them pinch the ball off a Norwich CB and score.
  19. If he's acting as you've said which is to throw games so he keeps his job, I'm surprised you're not angrier to be honest. I'd be seething if someone was throwing games. I'd be calling the FA, calling the club. You should ring the papers with your story.
  20. He's the strength and conditioning coach. And he worked with a player on...strength and conditioning.
  21. Instead of saying "I don't rate Smith, I want him out" they are saying "He's never improved any of our players and we've lost every game this season". Nincompoopery.
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