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Everything posted by imavillan

  1. good appointment imo....experienced manager who will be able to mop up the mess that quitter o'neill left behind. As far as his assistants go, thats up to him......after all the guy aint no mug....he knows what the game is all about....K Mac should go back to doing what he does best and thats looking after the reserves where has done a sterling job. Its always a worry when the players want a coach to step up....familiarity and all that...too much of an easy life...they need someone who can be separate from them and GH can do that.....i am quite optomistic and looking forward to seeing us play football for a change..
  2. I can just hear it now...the Holte End in full voice against Bolton....... Houllier's Claret n Blue Army, Houllier's Claret n Blue Army, Houllier's Claret n Blue Army...... Sounds a bit better than Curbishleys claret n blue army or Svens claret n blue army or Browns claret n blue army.....
  3. General, I appreciate your cryptic answer to my question ref who or who has not been interviewed for the mangers post. Thank you. As we are 4 years into the tenure of Randy, the nature of the Premiership with Man City and there very wealty owners has somewhat changed. We had a five year plan and we are now in year four. Plans are always under evaluation. With this can you tell me what is the boards/clubs plan for the next five years? Champions League Football, Regular Europa League Football, to stay in the Premier League, to win a cup?? Outside investment? What are our plans to tap into the huge market that is the far east and the USA? To date i have seen little evidence of us utilising this market that is dominated by Manure, Liverpoo, and Chelski. I somewhat think we are missing a huge revenue opportunity to turn ourselves into a global brand.
  4. I'm fed up of it all now. Regardless of who it is i wish they'd just get on with it now and make the appointment. It's becoming a bit of a soap opera zzzzzzzzzzzzzz Stop dithering and make a bloody decision. Either way from all the names mentioned to be interviwed none of them inspire me. We are in few a few seasons of what can be best described as ...transition.
  5. General, You are certainley finding out about ''the good the bad and the ugly'' Sir, i have my opinions about the names being mentioned in the press about who we are supposed to be interviewing and i will keep them to myself. As i for one will not be able to do anything about who Randy decides to employ or not. I have two questions that i would like you to respectfully answer after the managerial appointment has been made. What i would like to know is the following. 1, Who was actually interviewed for the job. 2, Who was on the shortlist for the job. PS, All of the agnst, rage and ranting from many posters on this and other sites is because people have a serious passion about this club and really really care....AVFC is a way of life. Thank you
  6. Apologies in advance for the long post. General, I take no satisfaction in this but with MON resigning this is more justification for me not renewing. I would like to take you up on a couple of points. Quote ''Sell to buy is not a bad thing'' Yes you need a turnover of players, they come and go but the players we need to be selling are not the likes of Barry, Milner and Ashley. They are the very quality we should be building the team around. Do you agree with this? Quote ''take a look at the squad roster and tell me you think its not a bad idea'' Well its the same answer as above. Sell your best players and you will become weaker. This may be in the short term until the youth prosper but when they do the big boys will come calling and heads will be turned. It becomes a vicious circle and then the world knows we are a selling club. Having a strong youth programme is laudible and should be commended but not if all we are going to use it for is to make ends meet by selling the quality. The writing is and has been on the wall for all to see. I believe we are in for a mediocre season at best. You have continually told us that you and the board trust MON and that we should as well. Clearly that trust is not a two way thing as if it was then MON would not have done what he has. The fans of this splendid football club have yet another kick in the teeth. If you know part of our ''proud history'' we have always shot ourselves in the foot whenever we have put ourselves into a strong position. This is groundhog day. I appreciate that this will be difficult for you but the fans of this football club deserve the truth. Will you tell the fans what has happened?
  7. General it is with much sadness that i post this message to you. I have not renewed my season ticket this season and i think as the season progresses i will be justified in not doing so. I have just listened to MON being interviewed ahead of the Valencia friendly and it is clear that everything that is being said in the press is correct. By this i mean we have to sell before we can buy and that James Milner is on his way to Man City. Now i have read what has been said about balancing the books and that it is a business and we cannot live beyond our means etc. I agree with this and this is sound business economics.... .....however i feel that we as a football club are not progressing, indeed i think we are moving backwards... ....i feel we have become a feeder club as season on season our best players are moving on......we should be keeping our best players and building the team around them.... i have not renewed my season ticket this year as i do not want to see my team compete to be the best of the rest....i want us to be up there challanging for the honours that are on offer..... question....how can we do this is year on year we sell our best players?? how can we build upon this? and please do not tell me that our reserves and youth squad have won this and that and we have players emerging....to quote a phrase ''been there done that'' great if they stay with the Villa.....but.... I for one cannot see Aston Villa competing for the Premiership Title for a long long time. How and when do you and Randy envisage Aston Villa seriously challanging for the title? Barry last year....Milner this year..... next year....Allbrighton, Young, Gabby, As i have said, i have not renewed my season ticket this year...the first time in many and listening to MON i am not filled with optimism for the forthcoming season....in fact i am worried that the chasm is widening...we have been found wanting...
  8. General, Well said sir. i too am very proud....my chest is sticking out with the Villa badge shining brightly... we won....against them thats six on the bounce....i for one will never ever ever moan about the way we beat them lot from over the way....when i pick the paper up tomorrow and look at the results it will not say Lucky Villa 1 unlucky Blues 0....i dont care...it will say 3 points to Villa the team are pulling out all the stops....i do not know where they get there resolve from.... Sir, in my opinion you are a man of substance....you know what to say and how to say it.. Please make sure you are here for the last game of the season against Blackburn....i will buy you a ticket and you can sit next to me in the upper Trinity... yours a very, very happy Villan
  9. All this dont wear colours etc etc is utter bollocks... this match is in the THE REBPULICA OF ASTONIA.....wear you colours with pride... Treat it like any other game at VP..... why should you be intimidated by 2,300 shits fans?
  10. General, This season i have so far experienced a trip to Wembley for the League Cup final and for the FA Cup semi final....unfortunately both times we have had the bitter taste of defeat. However all this has done is to strengthen my resolve.....and i want to return there very very quickly and taste the sweet taste of success.... I only hope that this has had the same effect on Randy, MON and everybody else at Aston Villa.....and that we can use this to go from strength to strength.....not that i have given up on the season or finishing 4th yet. A victory on Wednesday night is vital.....please tell MON and the players to KEEP THE FAITH and go for it....
  11. if anyone is watching them...its like watching paint dry.....and the ref is our ''mate'' tubby......i think i'm going out to mow the lawn.....
  12. hey....its just coming up to 4pm on Sunday....if anyone is at a loose end theres a good comedy about to start on Sky Sports One
  13. General, I appreciate your response and most certainly would not expect you to tell me or for that matter the eyes of the watching media etc etc what we are about to do next season. I just wanted you to know the feelings of myself and many others. Thank you for your time. When will you next be paying a visit to The Holte Suite as i would like to buy you a beer sir?
  14. General, In advance i apologise for the length of the post. A lot has been said over the last week about the MON speculation rumour etc etc. I for one happen to think that MON has improved the football club in each season he has been here. Now for me reading all of the press features and interviews the MON meeting with Randy at the end of the season is PIVITOL to the future direction that this football club wish to take. Do the club become a selling club and in doing so make the competition stronger and ourselves weaker? Or do the club wish to build around our best players and become stronger? The last two years of the Premiership are starting to see a gradual shift of power from the so called big four and in my opinion the next two years will see even more of a shift. It is my belief that the top four is about to become the top six or even seven. If we are serious about being part of it then we need to build quality on top of quality. Manchester United and Chelsea are ageing teams with many players coming to the end of there playing days and they will need replacements to maintain there current standings. Liverpool are a team in decline and if they do not finish fourth, which i question that thats what they have budgeted for, will continue to struggle. Manchester City will definately join the top elite by the sheer amount of cash they have. Tottenham are building and Arsenal will be there as well. As i have said before you do not make the competition stronger and in doing so yourself weaker. I do not want my team and club to become a feeder club for the so called big four. Everyone can see that Aston Villa Football Club are almost there. We have yet another chance to make progress and build even further. This is something that Aston Villa Football Club have continually failed to do so in our ''proud history'' whenever we have previously been in this position. I feel it is imperitive that MON stays and that we keep our best players, or all of the good hard work that has been acheived over the last four years will be undone. Stability breeds success. I do not expect an answer from this post i just want you to know how i and many other fans i have spoken to feel about it. I request that in your position and with your relationship with Randy that he is made aware of the fans feelings. Our ''bright future'' is in touching distance. Please go out and grab it with both hands. Sir, i thank you for your time in reading this post.
  15. have you got any more details on this? what time it leaves Tammy and is it going straight to Wembley? Pub stop or what?
  16. hear hear...this thread is utter bollocks....in fact its so much bollocks its double bollocks... .....he will walk away....then after two months all the moaners will be saying ''what a top manager Martin was'' ....love him or lose him.......
  17. for ever optomistic.....you never know your luck in a windy city..... Chelski might think the game is already won and be a bit too cocky....yoe never know keep the faith...... V F E
  18. Hi General hope you are well and that you can make it over to VP or Wembley. I heard on the radio the other day that there is a rumour doing the rounds that MON and Randys relationship is thawing due to the lack of funds being made available for new players..... now this is not a question about transfers as i know this is out of bounds, however my questions are sir, 1. is the relationship between MON and Randy as strong as it has ever been or is it showing signs of strain?? 2. have they fallen out with one another or are they still ''the best of friends'' ? 3. for Aston Villa Football Club do they still have the same agenda? 4. are they both in agreement and committed as to how to move Aston Villa Football Club forward to the next level? as ever, i trust and await an honest answer to each question.
  19. General, In support of the post from Stephen_Evans I know that this is not in AVFC's control but i too would also like to complain / voice my opinion ref the catorgarisation of the seats at Wembley. I paid for 2 top price seats (£86 each) expecting a top view and ended up behind the corner flag 20 rows from the front. As a result ended up standing up all game where as friends who paid for the lowest cat seats(£38) had ''a great view'' The equivilant seats at VP would be Lower Doug right next to the Holte or Lower Holte in the corner!!......most definately not the top seats and not a top view. I have learnt my lesson the hard way, as for the semi i will be buying cat 4 seats and take my chance.....the view could not be much worse and i'd save cash. Wembley, The FA, The Football League or whoever need to review this as in reality it is just ripping off the fans. Is there any help that Aston Villa Football Club can do to help avoiding this in the future? Perhaps a formal letter indicating a certain level of discontent from its supporters? If through your connections you could find out who i should write to it would be much appreciated. My advice to fellow Villans for the semi is dont bother paying top price as you will be in the bottom tier and with the view as it is, its not worth the extra. PS, before anyone comes on telling me i'm moaning and i should be grateful to sit anywhere in the final....dont bother.....Yes i was happy and grateful to be at the final and would of sat anywhere...... All the best General and i hope you can make it over for the semi.......we need you!!!
  20. Now its been annouced its on Sat i've checked train tickets with Virgin New Street to Euston. The prices have been hiked up now they know we are playing on the Saturday. Ive checked for 2 return tickets for the Saturday. The cheapest i can find is out at 09.10 arrive 10.34 £36 return 21.43 arrive 23.25 £41.90 Total £77.90 When i checked yesterday is was £48 return. When i booked this for the Final it cost us £54 return. Rip of Britain strikes again..... Anyone found any cheaper???
  21. They're creepy and they're kooky, Mysterious and spooky, They're all together no kay, The Addams Family. Their ground is a museum. When people come to see 'em They really are a screa-um. The Addams Family. Neat Sweet Petite So get a witch's shawl on. A broomstick you can crawl on. We're gonna pay a call on The Addams Family. Na na na nah (snap fingers twice) Na na na nah (snap fingers twice) Na na na nah (sing three times then snap fingers twice) We thank you God for giving The food we need for living For food and fun and friendship We thank you God Amen
  22. you have to admit it......they really are funny...... just had a text of my mate that read Portsmouth have just annouced they are having new shirt sponsers.....Cillet Bang......its good at getting scum out of the cup.....SOTC
  23. General, this has been posted in the main thread and on various other sites, so i take no credit for it but i feel it may be of interest to you. if you havnt already seen it, its well worth watching. [/url Please take a look and tell us what you think. Maybe we could get it played at VP before a game or at half time.
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